Antony’s Speech In Julius Caesar Research Paper

n Act III, Scene ii. of Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar Brutus and Antony are presenting speeches to the Roman plebeians to convince them of their position regarding Caesar’s assassination.They both believe differently Antony manages stealthily bring it to the opinion that Caesar has been killed wrongfully.He begins by insisting that Brutus and the other murderers are honorable but then slowly undermines this idea by pointing out that Caesars ambition could not be true. How Caesar loved his people.Brutus thinks that Caesar threatened to take away the freedom of the Plebeians and if allowed to live he would have turned them all into slaves.The theme in the play is the power of language.Antonys speech is superior and has more rhetorically…

A funeral held by the people who just killed Caesar. If he spoke against them, he would probably be killed himself. So, he has to start out seeming like a friend to Brutus by saying he is an honorable man He says that Brutus claimed the reason he killed Caesar was because he was ambitious. (He wanted to be king and overthrow the Roman republic.) For his proof he says that Caesar put the ransom money into the public treasury and refused the crown that Mark Antony offered him three times, etc. Another Example is when Antony unveils the body of Caesar in front of the citizens. This automatically causes an emotional reaction from the crowd.Antony knows that if he is able to show them what Cassius and Brutus did to Caesar he might be able to persuade the sides wanting to seek revenge.Antony appeals to Brutus makes the audience pity him for killing his best friend for what he thinks is the best for Rome.Antony generates sympathy for his cause by pausing to cry for Caesar. This shows the sympathy for Caesar it describes how Caesar wasnt just betrayed but deceived by someone he trusted only Brutus but he pretended.Antony brings up the battle of the Nervii he gets the plebeians to recall a day in the past when Caesar was alive to fight for Rome.This is…