The Answer Is No By Naguib Mahfouz

As a woman, saying “no” to sexual intercourse can be a difficult thing to do. There are societal pressures that tell women that they should be submissive and compliant when it comes to sex. This can make it hard for women to assert their own needs and desires. However, it is important for women to … Read more

Modern Woman Essay

The role of women in the modern world is a highly contested topic. There are a number of different perspectives that can be taken on this issue, and there is no one “right” answer. In general, however, it can be said that women have made great strides in recent years in terms of achieving equality … Read more

Modern Day Research Paper

Even in the midst of this secular world, there are people in it, or who have been recently in it, who greatly imitate Mary. A modern day Mary is a person of today, or has at least lived close to this era of time, who shows a significant amount of virtue, humility, modesty, and most … Read more

Sonnet 101 Research Paper

Growing up in the digital world I always opted for sources like spark notes to help me bluff my way through school assignments. I was convinced all plays and poems were irrelevant and were an unnecessary part of high school education. It wasn’t until I read William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet that I was converted. … Read more

Pedro Paramo Women

The Analysis of the Roles of Women as Symbols of Subjugation in Juan Rulfo’s Pedro Paramo All throughout history, women have been universally known to be subjugated by men who are considered to be the leaders of society. Juan Rulfo develops a connection to this history of women as subjugated subjects of society in his … Read more

Body Image Bad

A young woman looks at herself in the mirror and despises what she sees. Deluded by the commercials and magazines, she is convinced that she is fat and ugly. She is sure that she is overweight and will be for the rest of her life. She is sure that no man will ever find her … Read more

Female Alteration Analysis

Richard Shweder’s article about female genital mutilation, or alteration, explores the cultural perceptions and meanings behind this custom, which is practiced among many societies globally (Shweder). The modern number of women undergoing this coming-of-age ritual varies wildly between eighty and two hundred million (Shweder). Shweder’s research investigated the vastly large gap in the extreme perceptions … Read more

Pygmalion Gender Roles

Gender opinions play a role in how the differences, positions of power, and experiences between men and women are portrayed. Examining Henry Higgins from Pygmalion gives insight into how men take women for granted. Multiple times throughout the play, Higgins’ exhibits ignorance when it comes to women such as Eliza. When Higgins says something mean … Read more

Like A Girl Analysis

In the commercial ad shown during the 2015 super bowl representing the feminine product “Always”, the phrase “like a girl” was being acted out by young children and teens to show the significance of what it meant or what it means to be or act “like a girl”. In the video there is a group … Read more

Similarities Between Tipalet And Virginia Slims

Feminism and sexism have played a crucial role in the evolvement of advertising, and have heavily influenced the different approaches companies use to market their products to men or to women. Tipalet and Virginia Slims, two cigarette companies, introduced multilayered cigarette advertisements in the 1970s. At first glance, these advertisements are clearly different. In fact, … Read more

Story Of An Hour, By Kate Chopin

Kate Chopin portrays realism in her three short stories: “Regret,” “The Story of an Hour,” and “The Storm. ” The author makes her fictional work to represent stark of realities in life. The author uses symbols of forthcoming change, heart trouble, and emotional response in the short stories. She tries to find her identity in … Read more

Women’s Rights In Afghanistan Essay

The Western world has a widespread flawed perception about what women’s rights in Afghanistan have always been like. Before the conflict in the 1970s began, the future looked bright for Afghan women. They were given the right to vote in 1919, gender separation was abolished in the 1950s, and a new constitution promised more equality … Read more

From The Frying Pan Into The Fire Summary Essay

Women’s social status is steadily increasing within last fifty year; however, in the past, women had a much lower social position. There might be a chance in the future that women would share the same social status as men do due to the existence of capitalism, and the solutions that bring by “girl effect. ” … Read more

The Glass Menagerie Research Paper

Perception of Women During The Nineteenth-Century: “A Doll’s House” and “The Glass Menagerie” What is “Woman”? What could – indeed should she become? Such questions preoccupied an array of social actors during the nineteen-century and the turn of the twentieth-century throughout the modernizing world. Although “A Doll’s House” and “The Glass Menagerie” were written in … Read more

Gender Construction Essay

Society plays a big role in constructing the gender of a female and male. Do we become who we are as individuals because we are born a female and male or do we accumulate traits as we grow up? As we grow up we are expected to do certain things as part of our gender … Read more

Gender Stereotypes In The Film Mulan Essay

Whether or not society acknowledges and speaks on the global issues surrounding civilization, there are an abundant amount of sources that address certain problems without directly doing so. These hidden messages are found in children’s books, novels, music and, more specifically, films. For instance, Mulan, a children’s movie based on a mythical, women warrior, depicts … Read more

A Literary Analysis Of Thank You, Ma Am, By Langston Hughes Essay

The following student sample papers are literary analysis papers focused on characterization. These papers were focused on a character, Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones, in Langston Hughes’ short story entitled “Thank You, Ma’m. ” Paper #1 “Thank You, Ma’m” Langston Hughes, the author of this inspirational short story “Thank You Ma’m,” creates a strong, admirable … Read more

Demi Lovato Essay

Disney has produced some successful and unsuccessful musical artist. From Britney Spears to Selena Gomez some Mouseketeers have proven that with a popular platform such as Disney one could and should go very far. But what happens in the transition period between the protection of Disney and the real world music industry? How does an … Read more

The Ruined Maid Essay

The Ruined Maid The “Ruined Maid” was written by Thomas Hardy in 1866. This poem has six stanzas, which consists of four quatrains each. In the beginning of each stanza the farm girl speaks, and ‘Melia, the “ruined girl” speaks just for the last line; however for the last stanza ‘Melia begins to respond to … Read more

Elizabeth Ann Seton Research Paper

Elizabeth Ann Seton was the first born American to be canonized in the Roman Catholic Church. Although this is not why I chose her to be my confirmation saint, she is the patroness of in-law problems, widows, and the death of parents. Elizabeth Ann Seton had to go through many losses in her lifetime including … Read more

Abigail Adams Research Paper

The Mother of America In the Revolutionary Era, people always remember the founding fathers who worked together to create the beautiful country we live in today. What some people don’t always see is the hard work put in by the mothers who stayed at home with the family while the men were away. Abigail Adams … Read more

Dramatic Techniques In Lysistrata Essay

Chioma Mogbo Lysistrata — Formal Essay Assignment “I don’t intentionally go: ‘Ooh, what is provocative,’ and try to do that. I just do stuff, and people go: ‘Ooh, that’s provocative. ‘ Maybe because sometimes I’m super-ignorant – and sometimes they’re super-ignorant. ” This quote by Mathangi “Maya” Arulpragasam conveys the same reaction that the reader … Read more

Victoria’s Secret Advertisement Analysis Essay

Out of all of the strange, funny, or even controversial advertisements and pictures plastered all over the internet, Victoria’s Secret has had their fair share of controversy surrounding their advertisements. In this Ad, Victoria’s Secret is trying to promote the different types of bras they offer and how they supposedly have one for every body … Read more

The Clerk’s Tale Analysis Essay

tale. ” Again, the worthiness of the Clerk’s source is invoked. At the end of the tale, the Clerk admonishes the audience, telling all women they should be “constant in adversitee / as was Grisilde. ” Here Chaucer appears to following the Petrarchan mould. To further emphasize this kinship, Chaucer once again cites Petrarch, immediately … Read more

The Lady’s Dressing Room Analysis Essay

It can be said that society has always been quite judgmental, and at times misguided when it comes to women. The negative perceptions that society has towards females are often times directly related toward her actions. What a female does seems to degrade her identity and capabilities in the eyes of some men. In the … Read more

The Imperfect Enjoyment Poem Analysis Essay

The bedroom poems of the 18th century was a new piece of literature introduced to me. I like how these poems were so detailed and made you cringe from the sights that were being portrayed. Both Behn and Rochester were two extremely strong poets who use sexual encounters to display gender and power roles among … Read more

Eleanor Tilney Character Analysis Essay

Most would think that the heroine of a novel is strong and courageous. However, in the novel Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen, this is not the case. The heroine in this novel is more like a damsel in distress, someone who is confused and entangled in many life problems. Eleanor Tilney’s characteristics of vulnerability and … Read more

Essay on Persepolis Book Report

Persepolis is a historical book yet an entertaining story of a girl during a frightening time in an important era in her country. Author, Marjane Satrapi writes about her experience in Iran as a child. She includes humor as well as sentimentality in this book to express her view on how times were. As a … Read more

Feminism In A Thousand Splendid Suns Essay

Life is not easy whatsoever, but eventually it will end. Live life to the fullest, persevere through every trial and never give up. All people endure their earthly existence differently, some have an easier time enduring life, while other people have an exceedingly tough time. Women in the middle east go through life experiencing problematic … Read more

Mommy Track Case Study Essay

The mommy track has become a very real concern when it comes to women who want to have a rewarding career and still have children. Since women make up half the workforce in today’s society, the previous views or perspective that a woman cannot due both successfully has become a hot topic. Previously, it was … Read more

Essay about The Beauty Myth Analysis

What promotes the subjection of women? Master before enslaving a body must first enslave the mind of the weak to poison their self-esteem to request total obedience. Propaganda is always trying to persuade the audience to a persuaders point of view either political, religious, ethical. One of the approaches is to make the individual believe … Read more

Amreeka Movie Analysis Essay

Everyone has an origins that has impacted them in either a positive or negative way or sometimes even both. The 2009 film Amreeka is directed by Cherien Dabis, and tells us about a remarkable journey between a mother and son in order to find a better life. The film begins with the mother Muna (Nisreen … Read more