Are you against child abuse or not? According to authorities on child abuse, it’s very rare for people to report about child abuse when they see it like they use to in 1970-1990. Now a day’s people just leave it how it is as long as it’s not there child they really don’t worry about it. Abusing kids for unnecessary reasons and hitting them with objects that may bruise them badly isn’t the way of a parent teaching their kids manners at all. Especially taking your anger out on the child isn’t the way of the parent either, it’s just aggressive abuse.
Let’s get serious about spanking. I know a parent must spank there child to make them behave but in my heart I feel it’s not right to spank a kid out in public. One of the reasons is when a parent spanks there kid in public were everyone can see, it will give a bad message to the pother parents about how that parent treats there child at home. Everyone assumes the worst when they see a child getting hit by the parent were some will understand the situation were others won’t.
Although some people wait to get the child in a place where no one can see and out of site. Leahy) Furthermore spanking can cause the child to have a meltdown and not have respect or trust the parent. This will lead the child running away or maybe giving up on life and cutting it short. In addition a debate was held for former NFL star Adrian Peterson for hitting his son with a switch, which had a dramatic effect on the boy that made him afraid and not wanting to be with his father. In the debate there was no sign of change in the incident that happened even with all the support due to some people felt it was the right thing to do to calm the child down.
Support for spanking a child has been locked in place for decades and appears to stay that way since everyone agrees it’s the right thing to do to set a child in its place no matter the pain and suffering. Even the news had some reports of child abuse but with less supporters finds no difference in society. (Clement) As a matter a fact another way of abusing a child is known as shaking baby syndrome. Shaking baby syndrome is where the parent has lost there control and couldn’t handle the crying of the child anymore and decided to shake them till they were silent or even died.
Shaking baby syndrome has been recognized for several decades, though many professional doctors now consider it to be called abusing head trauma. It’s very easy to know if a child was shaken because there are symptoms of this matter known as brain swelling, bleeding on the surface of the brain and bleeding behind the eyes. These three symptoms would be accepted as evidence that a crime has been committed to a poor infant. For example a Louisiana nanny was taking care of a eight month old bot when she couldn’t take the boys crying anymore that she just snapped and swing the boys head back and forth that it ended his life.
A youngling like that shouldn’t go through that pain and suffering especially the parents, be careful who you let take care of your child. (Haberman) As a now even teens who have babies at a young age can’t handle their problems so what makes you think they can raise a child. Back in 2007 a seventeen year old girl couldn’t handle her baby and her life that she threw the baby to the wall that made the child go the hospital for recovery. Her actions made her lose the baby and plus her own family couldn’t get anywhere near the child.
Some teens don’t realize what they gotten themselves into and how important it is to take care of a child and that their lives matter to not just the young parents. If teens want a baby but can’t handle them then they should wait till they can because if they lose it and have a meltdown because of the child’s crying then the parents might do something they’re going to regret. It’s not the child’s fault it’s the teens for not taking the responsibility of having a child. The information I provided in this paper will help understand the ituation about child abuse and give the reader some thoughts about how we can help a child who is getting abused to have a better life.
No child should go through this to the point where they have a meltdown or are running away from home or even the parent shaking them where the child pays the price for no reason. Children have hearts and they don’t need to be spanked to death where they cry a river. I hope one day the laws will bring justice over spanking a child and stop children from running away and making bad decisions. Thank you for reading and hope this will encourage you to not abuse you beloved child.