Arguments Against Prostitution Essay

Prostitution has always been an issue of mankind, even starting from the very beginning of civilization whether society likes it or not. It is an issue that is inescapable by any country; therefor it should be made legal in the United States because sex trade is never going to go away no matter how hard the law enforcement works to make the problem disappear. Having prostitution illegal only does harm to the sex worker because they are not protected by any legal system and are working in an underground market for very dangerous criminals in an unsafe environment.

The facts are that with prostitution being illegal in the United States, the criminal acts behind the closed doors of the transactions lead to nothing good and does more harm than ever before in history. Law enforcement goes forward arresting more the thirty five thousand prostitutes and anyone that are linked to the illegal transactions, just last year. In Atlanta, Georgia alone, figures state that the illegal sex trade industry brings in two hundred and ninety million dollars yearly. The men or women, who control the prostitutes by giving them jobs, are called pimps, on the streets.

Some of these, so called, pimps bring in thirty three thousand dollars in one week. Out of all the prostitutes in America today, two hundred and four were killed out of one hundred thousand in 2014. As being said, most of the prostitutes today have just graduated from high school and are minors. Eighty two percent of prostitutes have been assaulted and sixty eight percent have been raped before while making the illegal transaction. Another fact of illegal sex trade is that these prostitutes are eighteen times more likely to be murdered with prostitution being illegal in the United States.

One of the man problems with sex trade is that these girls feel as if when an incident such as rape or assault happens to them, they cannot call the police to protect them because they are fearful of being sent to jail themselves, so the criminals hurting these girls think that they will be able to get away with harming them because they know that they are not going to call the police. The prostitutes doing these transactions in a black market have to have intercourse with the paying costumer in a secretive place and usually ends up being very unsanitary plus no protection because they don’t have access to get any.

They are also not going to get checked because they don’t have access to that either, which leads to the spread of STD’s and AID’s. My views of making prostitution legal would and is looked down upon so many people because the idea of prostitution in itself is morally wrong and I am not going to deny that. People would also argue that sex trade is rape in itself, through men using women. Women who are in desperate need of money and don’t know what else to do turn towards being a prostitute right out of high school because they don’t know any other way to turn.

The act of prostitution, people say that it uses woman and girls as merchandise more than actual human beings. Others that are opposed to making it legal would also probably state that by having prostitution illegal it makes the figures of rape and assaults on woman down. All of these arguments are valid points, but the fact is that the act of men paying woman for sex is never going to go away because men are desperate for sex and woman are willing to give it to them because they know if they can do it for free why not just get paid for it.

By the government regulating prostitution in the United States and making it legal it could have some benefits for woman prostitutes. The government should set up legal brothels throughout the United States major cities to where the sex trade is controlled and protected by the United States law enforcement. This way we could get the woman off of the streets and into a protected environment where they are safe and free to do what they want behind closed doors. Another law of the brothels would be that every woman would have to be tested each week for AIDs and STDs to control the spread of any sexually transmitted diseases.

By having these sex houses all of the woman that are involved would also be paid fairly through the government and not be controlled by a criminal pimp and have the ability to get out of the business whenever they please without the fear of being killed or assaulted for quitting. With prostitution being legal, the arrest and precious use of our legal system, our tax money, would not be used for arresting and imprisoning all of those woman and pimps, instead the law enforcement can give their full attention to finding the real criminals, for example the pimps that promote and sell minors for illegal prostitution.

I am not okay with the idea of prostitution and I would never tell any of my friends or family that it was okay to sell their bodies for sex, but truthfully there is no way that prostitution will ever end because the world we live in is immoral and there is nothing we can do about it. The most we could do for these girls is set up an environment where they are protected from harm and give law enforcement more time to go after the minors and save them before it is too late.