Beauty by Jane Martin

Beauty by Jane Martin is a play that tells the story of a woman who is struggling to find her place in the world. She is torn between her desire to be beautiful and her need to be loved. The play explores the idea of what it means to be beautiful and how our society values physical appearance over inner beauty. It is a thought-provoking and moving piece that will leave you questioning your own ideas about beauty.

Jane Martin’s novel “Beauty” is about the jealousy and dissatisfaction of the two main characters, Carla and Bethany. Carla is a beautiful but unsuccessful model with no brains or personality. Bethany, on the other hand, is an accountant with a high income and success in writing short stories, but she isn’t happy with her looks.

The story starts with Bethany and Carla meeting by chance in a bar. They become friends and share their life stories with each other. Carla confides in Bethany that she is not happy with her looks and wants to have plastic surgery. Bethany, on the other hand, tells Carla that she is unhappy with her life despite her success. The two women make a pact to change each other’s lives.

Carla will help Bethany become more beautiful while Bethany will help Carla become more successful. However, their plan does not go as smoothly as they thought it would be. Jealousy and envy start to eat them alive and they begin to sabotage each other’s efforts. Their friendship slowly crumbles until they finally realize that they can never change each other. Beauty and success can only come from within.

“Beauty” is a thought-provoking story that will leave you questioning the superficiality of our society. Jane Martin is a talented playwright who has a gift for creating complex and relatable characters. If you’re looking for a thought-provoking read, I highly recommend “Beauty” by Jane Martin.

The main goal of Carla and Bethany is the same: Carla wants to be clever, while Bethany wishes to be beautiful. To illustrate Bethany’s yearning for beauty and dissatisfaction with her existence, the author uses “the genie.” She feels that looking attractive will offer her a lot more than she has right now.

However, the reality is that beauty does not always equate to happiness. Beauty can be a source of pain and suffering, as many women (and men) go to great lengths to maintain their appearance. It can also be used as a tool for manipulation, as Bethany discovers when she tries to use her looks to get what she wants from Carla. In the end, the play shows that true happiness comes from within and cannot be found in material things or physical appearance.

Carla, on the other hand, is the one who understands the consequences and problems of being attractive, and she attempts to persuade Bethany to give up her ambition. She does eventually get what she wanted. This story’s underlying message is that people concentrate only on the negative aspects of their existence while ignoring others’ positive attributes. It also implies that looks are more important than personalities.

Beauty by Jane Martin exemplifies the way in which society’s perception of beauty can be detrimental to an individual. The play addresses the problem with society’s view of beauty through the use of satire. It also uses irony to demonstrate how people can be obsessed with their looks. The play is an accurate representation of the shallowness of our society. It is a must-see for anyone who wants to understand the problems with our perception of beauty.

There are several women in your life that you may identify with. Bethany, for example, has a successful job, a personality and intellect, but she is unhappy with her appearance and aspires to be beautiful. And she was blind to the many blessings already in her possession. And so she makes a quick decision by desiring to be like Carla. Carla herself isn’t satisfied with her existence either.

So, two people who are unhappy with their lives and looks turn to each other to make themselves feel better, but in the end, it doesn’t work out. Beauty is only skin deep, and it’s not everything. It’s what’s inside that counts.

They are envious of one another’s lives, as we may see. As in the real world, Bethany and Carla teach us that jealousy may only bring us sorrow. This narrative also suggests that being dissatisfied with our current circumstances might make us unhappy, resulting in envy of others. Simply be content with yourself and look on the bright side of life; or else you will end up like Carla and Bethany, facing a similar position.

Jane Martin has written a play that is not only entertaining, but also thought provoking. Beauty is a story of two sisters, Bethany and Carla, who are jealous of each other’s lives. Bethany is jealous of Carla because she is married to a wealthy man and has a beautiful home. Carla is jealous of Bethany because she is young and beautiful. As we can see, jealousy can only bring troubles to our life. We should be content with what we have and look at the good side of our life. Otherwise, we will face similar situations like Bethany and Carla.

The use of imagination is apparent as Bethany tells Carla that she discovered a “Lamp” on the beach and exclaims, “there’s a genie inside this thingamajig” (1036). She goes on to say that the genie granted her three wishes. Her first two requests were for $25,000 and for her uncle who was hit by two trucks to be healed. The third wish is where Martin introduces the issue of envy.

Bethany tells the genie that she wants to be “the most beautiful woman who ever lived” (1037). The genie replies that this is a rather difficult wish and that it may take some time. Bethany grows impatient, as all children do, and begins to doubt the genie’s ability to grant her third wish. After waiting what felt like forever, she wakes up the next day to find that she is now the “prettiest child in town” (1038).

At first glance, it would appear that Martin is teaching young girls that beauty is skin deep and it is what is on the inside that counts. However, upon further analysis it becomes evident that there is a much deeper message being conveyed. Martin is cleverly using reverse psychology to get her point across.

By having Bethany’s wish granted, she is able to show the negative effects that beauty can have on a person. Beauty brings with it a sense of entitlement and superficiality, as seen when Bethany becomes rude and ungrateful towards those around her. The children at school no longer want to play with her and she is even kicked out of her ballet class. In the end, Bethany learns that “it isn’t always easy being beautiful” (1041) and that true beauty comes from within.

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