Big Mama’s Funeral

In “Big Mama’s Funeral” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Big Mama has a large influence on her family because she is a really powerful and strong woman. Big Mamas funeral is the first time that everybody in her family comes together after years of being apart from each other. You have to realize that Big Mama was a really powerful woman, Big mama was not like any other women because Big Mama had power. Big Mamas funeral is the first time that everybody in her family comes together after years of being apart from each other.

Big Mama didn’t realize how much she affected her family until she passed away and realized what influence she had on them. The story ” Big Mamas Funeral” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez really takes place over Big Mama’s body as it is prepared for burial and then watched over until her death, which leads to Big Mamas funeral. The story starts off with Big Mama having cancer; through out the story Big Mama reflects back to when she first found out about her illness saying “she felt, looking back, that all her life had been a preparation for the illness.

Big Mama was ready to face her death and she knew it would be soon so Big Mama wanted to spend time with each one of her children before she passed away; Big Mamas funeral is when everybody in Big Mamas family comes together after having been apart from each other for years. Big Mama made sure that Big mama’s body was prepared like any other women would want their bodies to be prepped for their funerals, even though Big Mama didn’t have much money she did what she could to make sure Big mama looked good and beautiful in the casket at Big Mamas funeral.

Even though Big Mama passes away and leaves, her influence is still felt in Big Mamas funeral when Big Mama’s children come together for Big mama, Big Mamas funeral is also when everybody finally realizes how Big Mama affected each one of them. ” Big Mama’s Funeral” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez shows us what Big Mama goes through preparing her body and preparing Big Mamas funeral after she passes away. The story shows you the influence that Big Mama has on her family even after she dies because they all realize how important she was to them and how powerful of a person Big Mama really was.

In “Big Mamas Funeral” we see during Big Mazias funeral that all of her children are actually there for her unlike their father who only flowers delivering them from Paris and Big mamas funeral is when everybody finally realizes how Big Mama affected each one of them. Big Mamas influence on her children and her family was so strong that even after Big Mama dies, she still influences Big Mamas funeral and Big Mazias actions in the story because Big Mazias children realize their connection to Big Mama and they all come together for Big mama’s funeral.

One of García Márquez’s finest short stories, Big Mama’s Funeral was first published in the Spanish newspaper El Espectador on February 2, 1954. Big Mama’s Funeral” describes an old woman ‘s funeral procession through the town where she had lived her entire life. As the mourners walk through the streets, they encounter Big mama’s numerous friends and acquaintances, who stop to recount their memories of her. Personal anecdotes are juxtaposed with supernatural phenomena that reinforce Big Mama’ s reputation as a witch . Big Mama’ s story is told by several of these people; some were victims of Big Mama’ s curses, some were beneficiaries of Big Mama’s acts of kindness. The story is notable for its use of magical realism , twisting the normal into something extraordinary.

“One morning during Holy Week in 1950, I was walking through a Colombian town to watch a funeral procession when I first met Big Mama. Big Mama was an enormous black woman who had not lost any of her enthusiasm at having funerals pass by her house for fifty years, even though she had outlived all the people she had ever loved. That day there were more than two hundred mourners following the coffin and thirty musicians playing drums and fifes that made your guts rattle.” (García Márquez, Big Mama’s Funeral)

Gabriel Garcia Marquez tells a story in Big Mama’s Funeral about Big mama and her death. He writes about Big mama living with the Nazarene family who treats Big mama like a slave. Big mama lives in a room next to the pig pen by herself. Big mama has been sick for over three weeks when she reveals she is going to die soon. The daughter of Big Mama, named Ofelia is 35 years old and doesn’t care that much about Big Mamas illness or where she will be buried at after she dies.

But when Big Mamas brother shows up from Florida , they convince him not to have Big Mamas funeral. Big mama couldn’t believe that she was going to die and refused to accept it. Big Mamas brother came to convince Big Mama that she needed to be buried in Florida . Big Mamas daughter Ofelia tried her best not to cry or take Big Mama seriously but Big Mama could tell how bad She felt, because Big Mama knew what death meant for her after she died.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez begins Big Mama’s Funeral by introducing the reader into a family of three different characters mentioned in the story named the Nazarene family. The first sentence of Big Mama’s Funeral is “At this time there lived on ‘the Rock’ a certain Nazarene couple who for many years had had no children. ” Big Mama’s Funeral is written in third-person point of view because Gabriel Garcia Marquez tells his story without making Big Mama or any other character tell their own stories and what they think.

Big Mama’s family lives on “the Rock” and Big Mama herself has been sick with a fever for three weeks when she decides to reveal her illness to the reader. Big mama tells the reader that she knows she is going to die soon, but her daughter Ofelia treats Big Mamas illness like it is no big deal. Big mama then reveals that after she dies, she will be buried back home where her brother lives. Big Mamas brother immediately comes from Florida as soon as he hears about Big Mamas death and Big Mamas illness.

Big mama is shocked and doesn’t understand why her brother has to come all the way from Florida to convince Big Mama that she should be buried in Florida . Big Brother who is already in Florida plans not to tell Big Mama about his arrangements, Big mama finds out and doesn’t like it. Big mama tells her daughter Ofelia to take care of her other 10 children because Big Mama knows that soon after she dies, she will be nothing but a memory and not a real person anymore (Garcia Marquez 216).

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