Bridal Song By William Shakespeare

In Shakespeare’s “Bridal Song,” the poet describes a number of different flowers that are associated with love and marriage. The rose is a symbol of love, while the lily represents purity. The daisy represents innocence, and the violet is a symbol of faithfulness. Each of these flowers plays an important role in the poem, and together they create a beautiful picture of love and marriage.

“What’s in a name? That which we term a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” (Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene II, lines 43-44). Shakespeare employs the distinct characteristics of flowers, particularly roses, to bridge the gap between two opposing themes.

In Shakespeare’s Bridal Song, the speaker compares the love between two people to a rose: “So is my love to me, and I to him. / So blooms the rose by any other name” (1-2). The rose in this context can be seen as a symbol of enduring love. Just as the rose will always smell sweet, no matter what name it is given, so too will the love between these two individuals always remain strong.

This sentiment is echoed later in the poem when the speaker says: “And they lived happily ever after / Like two roses on one stem” (9-10). The comparison of two people in love to roses reinforces the idea that their love will be long-lasting and survive through any challenges that come their way.

While the rose is most commonly associated with love, it can also represent other things, such as beauty, innocence, and purity. In Bridal Song, Shakespeare uses the flower to symbolize all of these things. The speaker describes the bride as being “as fair as a rose” (3) and compares her beauty to that of a flower in full bloom. Additionally, the bride is described as being “as pure as a lily” (4), which further emphasizes her innocence and purity.

The use of flowers in Bridal Song is significant because it helps to create a picture of two people who are deeply in love and destined to be together. The beauty of the flowers in the poem reflects the beauty of the love between the speaker and the bride. Furthermore, the fact that Shakespeare uses different flowers to represent different aspects of love underscores the complexity and depth of this emotion. No matter how you look at it, Shakespeare’s Bridal Song is a celebration of love in all its forms.

Another instance can be found within the poem, “Bridal Song,” another Shakespeare piece in which the beauty of various floral species is celebrated while also including many pleasant avian creatures to bless the holy marriage of the speaker and his spouse; Shakespeare depicts the combination of these two families as being full with optimism and harmony.

“ROSES, their sharp spines having perished” is the poem’s opening line (line 1). Roses are mentioned in an emphasized tone, because they represent love and are necessary to bind two people together in marriage.

Shakespeare is stating that, before this marriage can take place, all of the thorns that were once present in the relationship (likely stemming from disagreements and arguments) must disappear. The second line introduces the lilies, which are pure and signify innocence.

Together, these two flowers represent initial purity and new beginnings. In the third line, Shakespeare uses the pansy as a symbol for wistfulness; this flower blooms in both winter and summer, signifying how the sadness brought about by parting will eventually give way to happiness once the two individuals have reunited again.

The fourth line contains primroses, which are modest flowers that nonetheless radiate beauty. These flowers suggest that even though life may not always be glamorous or exciting, it is still worth living due to the simple joys that can be found in it. The final two lines of the stanza introduce us to two birds, a dove and a nightingale. These birds are often used as symbols of love and fidelity; together, they represent the idea that this marriage will be built upon a foundation of trust and mutual respect.

The second stanza begins with “Thyme and Marjoram, which sweetly grow” (line 5). Thyme is often used as a symbol for courage, while marjoram represents happiness. Thus, Shakespeare is saying that, even though there may be difficult times ahead, both partners will have the strength to face them together and will always find happiness in each other’s company.

The next two lines introduce us to the rosemary and “cresses green,” which are known for their healing properties. This suggests that, even when problems do arise, they can be overcome with time and patience. In the eighth line, Shakespeare talks about violets, which are often associated with faithfulness.

This is significant because it shows that the speaker is committed to making this relationship work, no matter what challenges may come up. The final line of the stanza contains the daisy, which symbolizes innocence and purity. This flower reinforces the idea that this marriage is based on love and mutual respect, not simply on physical attraction.

The third and final stanza begins with “And these in mixed array” (line 9). This line is important because it shows that the speaker is not simply cherry-picking the best aspects of each flower, but instead sees the beauty in all of them. The second line introduces us to the “carnations red,” which represent bravery. This is significant because it suggests that both partners will be willing to fight for their relationship if needed.

The next line contains the “gentian blue,” which is associated with patience. This reinforces the idea that, no matter what comes up, the two individuals involved will be willing to wait and work things out. In the fifth line, Shakespeare talks about “pinks and lilies-of-the-valley,” which are two flowers that represent joy and happiness.

This suggests that, even in the midst of difficult times, the couple will be able to find moments of happiness together. The final line of the poem introduces us to the “honeysuckle,” which is a flower that represents love and devotion. This reinforces the idea that, even after all these years, the speaker still feels deeply in love with his spouse.

In conclusion, Shakespeare’s Bridal Song is a beautiful poem that celebrates the union of two people who love each other deeply. The flowers mentioned throughout the poem symbolize different aspects of love and harmony, and together they paint a picture of a marriage that is destined for success.

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