Cultural Narrative Examples Essay

Cultural Narrative

Cultural narrative is telling a story about life that has been carried for many years by your great grandparents and has been passed by generation. And it’s about religious and what you believe also about your family background. Cultural narrative is from elder people, its something that they had believed in a very long day. It’s a knowledge that’s carried to everyone’s life.

My cultural narrative is very important to me because I need to know who I’m and where I belong, and what I believe in. For me knowing my cultural narrative is like knowing my life, my background, and where I come from. It tells me what I need do, if I’m doing something wrong or not.

Cultural narrative is important because it tells you what your culture and your people went through to get you to where you’re now. My culture for example went through a lot. I have heard many stories from my elderlies. One of the stories which I heard was the story of how we migrated from bhutan to nepal. That was important to me because if i didn’t know how or why my culture migrated from bhutan to nepal. There would be no way of…

Though it might be bad or good it’s still a part of you. Some memories might be good, like hanging out with your friends, but others could scar you forever like the holocaust. The best way to juxtapose between good and bad is trying to put yourself in their shoes. For example if you were in the holocaust, and you were getting beaten up. There would be no way for you to forget that. On the other hand if you were taking a nap because you were tired while hanging out with your friends. After a couple of days, you would forget that. My point of view for memories in cultural narrative is, whether it may be comforting to know or whether it is heart breaking or nerve wrecking. It’s still good to know what other people went through for your culture and for your community to get you where you…