Death Of A Salesman American Dream Essay

The American Dream is a central theme in Death of a Salesman. The dream is what motivates Willy Loman to keep working, despite the fact that he is not particularly successful. It is also what drives his son, Biff, to try to make something of himself.

The American Dream is the belief that anyone can succeed in America if they just work hard enough. This dream has been a part of American culture since the country was founded. It is what makes people believe that they can come from humble beginnings and achieve great things.

For Willy Loman, the American Dream is about being successful in business and being able to provide for his family. He believes that if he can just make enough sales, he will be able to provide for his wife and two sons. Unfortunately, Willy is not a very successful salesman. He is getting old and is having trouble keeping up with the younger salesmen.

Biff, Willy’s son, was once a star athlete with a bright future ahead of him. However, he has since lost his way. He has been working odd jobs and has been in and out of jail. Biff still believes in the American Dream, but he is not sure how to achieve it.

The American Dream is one of the major ideas in Death of a Salesman. In the early twentieth century, many people immigrated to America in search of economic opportunities and a better life, and the concept of the United States as an ideal society was born. Willy believes that to achieve the American Dream, one needs to be likable and have a good personality. Hard work and diligence are actually important factors for achieving success in the United States. However, Willy overlooks this fact, which causes him to fail in his business pursuits.

The American Dream is still relevant today as it was back then. People still come to America in search of a better life and more opportunities. The American Dream is what drives people to achieve their goals and reach their full potential. It is the hope that anyone can succeed in America if they work hard enough. While Willy Loman did not achieve his American Dream, his story is still an inspiration to many people who are chasing their own dreams.

Willy’s life begins to fall apart as his ambition fades away. With all of his failures, Willy decides that his family would be better off if he were dead. I believe that Willy was experiencing some depression at the time and just wanted the best for his family. Willy Loman’s “American Dream” was to be a successful salesman in New England, have a house of his own, and raise a family. As Willy got older, his “American Dream” began to fade away. Willy’s sales fell; he lost his job. He felt worthless and believed he was failing his family.

Willy’s American Dream became an obsession and it took over his life. In the end, Willy’s American Dream led to his downfall and death. The American dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they belong to, can succeed in America if they work hard enough.

The American dream is often spoken about but seldom achieved. Willy Loman is a character from the book Death of a Salesman, written by Arthur Miller. In the book, Willy Loman is a man who is chasing after an unattainable goal. The American dream that Willy Loman is chasing is wealth, success, and happiness.

However,Willie is unable to achieve this dream. American dream can be defined as the ability to achieve success and happiness through hard work. In Death of a Salesman, it is evident that Willy Loman did not achieve the American dream. American dream is an ideal that is often unattainable. Willy Loman learned this the hard way.

In Death of a Salesman, the idea of the American Dream is shown through several aspects and characters. Failed versions of the American Dream are contrasted with successful ones to demonstrate the abstract nature and consequences of such illusions. Willy is unable to acknowledge the difference between his idealized version of the dream and reality.

The American Dream is something that every American strives to achieve. However, in Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller shows that this ideal can be false and unachievable. The American Dream is unachievable because it is based on an unrealistic view of success, which the main character, Willy Loman, cannot accept.

Willy lives in a world of his own where he has created his own version of the American Dream. He believes that if he just works hard enough, he will be rewarded with wealth and happiness. Unfortunately, this dream does not match up with reality and Willy is unable to see the truth. This causes him to experience great disappointment and disillusionment when things do not go according to his plan.

Willy’s failure indicates that the perplexed circle of American society has destroyed his personal relationships, as well as that the society is unstable. This reveals a tragic aspect of the American Dream, in which it delivers not hope but sorrow. In contrast to this, Willy’s brother Ben, whose wealth is a reflection of tangible achievement, demonstrates the successful side of the American Dream in The Windsong of America.

Thus, American Dream is a double-edged sword in the play, where it can be seen as both, something that destroys and something that uplifts. Willy Loman, the protagonist of Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman is a man past his years, who is desperately clinging onto the American Dream. The American Dream is the belief that anyone in America can succeed through hard work and determination. Although Willy’s physical appearance has diminished with age, he still maintainsthe belief that he will become successful.

This is evident when he talks to his boss Howard about being given a non-traveling job. Willy says “I don’t want to sit in an office… I am not a desk man. I am a man of action” (Miller, 1949, p.37). Willy is in denial about his age and he does not want to accept the fact that he is no longer an effective salesman.

American Dream is often associated with materialism and superficial values, which is whatWillys desperately clings onto, in order to maintain his self-identity. For example, instead of investing in his sons’ future, Willy takes out a second mortgage on their home to buy a new car for himself. This is despite the fact that he can barely afford the repayments on the first mortgage.

Even though Linda tries to warn him about their financial situation, Willy remains adamant about buying the car. He says “After all the sacrifices I’ve made for them… the least they can do is buy me a goddamn car!” (Miller, 1949, p.57). Willy is more concerned about appearances and what other people think of him, rather than being practical.

The American Dream is often seen as something that destroys relationships, rather than builds them. This is evident in Willy’s relationship with his wife Linda. Linda loves her husband unconditionally and she is always there for him, despite his infidelity and his unrealistic dreams.

However, Willy is never grateful for what he has and he constantly belittles Linda. For example, when Linda tries to tell him about how their sons feel about him, Willy interrupts her and says “I don’t want any more of your complaints! I’ve heard enough out of you!” (Miller, 1949, p.60). Willy is too wrapped up in his own world to see how much Linda suffers because of his self-centeredness.

American Dream can also be seen as something that destroys families, rather than builds them. This is evident in the way that Willy treats his sons. Willy is always putting pressure on his sons to be successful and he is never satisfied with their achievements. For instance, when his son Biff fails math in high school, Willy is more concerned about what other people will think, rather than Biff’s future.

Willy says “He’s gotta have math, it’s the only subject that counts… What am I gonna do? How can he amount to anything if he can’t even pass math?” (Miller, 1949, p.61). Willy is so obsessed with the American Dream that he cannot see his son’s potential.

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