Essay On Athena As A Greek Goddess

Besides being the Greek Goddess of Wisdom, Athena is an incredibly valuable goddess, and she possesses many qualities that set her apart from the other deities of Olympus. First of all, Athena had great leadership skills, and was very convincing in her words and actions. This is displayed when Athena and Poseidon are competing over the title of Patron of the City of Athens. The Athenians wanted a gift from the Gods, and whoever had the better gift would be crowned Patron. While Poseidon offered the mortals a salt-water spring, it was not very practical and only had display purposes. However, Athena offered the Athenians an olive tree, which convinced them as it served much more use than the spring (as it provided wood, fruit, oil, and etc.)….

Moreover, Athena was very intellectual and was a tactical genius. This is shown when she gave Greek heroes crucial advice that would sway the tide of battle, or she would give them certain items to use against a certain foe. An example of this was when Perseus was tasked with slaying Medusa, and Athena gave him a mirrored shield and assisted him in battle. Since Athena was very intelligent, she helped the demigods vanquish evil from the mortal world, ensuring that order and balance would be in place (and that destruction and chaos wouldn’t plague it). Finally, Athena cared about the mortals (by protecting and doing things for them). She taught thing such as cooking, mathematics, and sewing to the mortals; all of which are very valuable things that are essential for everyday life to this day. Furthermore, she invented the flute, rake, pot, plow, and trumpet, along many other things; and then bestowed them to humans for them to use. All of these tools are incredibly useful, and life would be drastically different without them. As Athena has shown that she has many traits that set her apart from the other Gods, she is therefore one of the most important Gods of…