Essay On Crime In America

Do you know how many crimes are committed each year in America? There are approximately twelve million crimes committed every year. The United States prisons are bursting at the seams with thousands of criminals being admitted daily. Criminal gangs are mostly responsible for up to eighty percent of crimes in the U. S. One out of every five people end up being victims of violent crimes. Many people struggling, will having hard times turn to crime as a resort for quick help. especially during difficult economic times. Americans have had many discussions as to whether crime here is increasing or decreasing.

There are many different ways to measure criminal existence, but the most commonly used crime statistic is the so called crime rate which measures reported crimes per one hundred thousand people. For a country as big as the United States, the crime rate varies dramatically. The crime statistics have varied year from year, rising and falling, a lot having to do with the shape the economy is in at the time. The crimes are compiled and punishable by the FBI (Federal Bureau Investigation) who, “provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners.

There are committed offenses every day in the United States with crime never ceasing. As of 2014 there have been a total of 11,205,833 arrests nationwide for all offences. Today, many of the exact crimes or similar, are committed daily. In today’s world, some criminal behavior is everywhere once committed. They turn them into These crimes are made into TV shows, movies, and they are also all become popular in over the media. In depth, the law quickly becomes complicated. The law can become very complicated when in depth. One might think he is very skilled in the area only to find out there is more.

There are various layers to law and crime and there are many different types of crimes but generally they can be divided into four major categories: Personal, property, inchoate, and statutory crimes. Personal crimes. These crimes are crimes committed to or against the person. They usually result in physical or mental harm an include assault, batters, false imprisonment, kidnapping, homicide, rape and other sexual assaults. It is not always possible to keep crime from happening, but the best way to avoid these types of crime is to know and understand them and by protection of one’s self. Property crimes.

These crimes do not always involve harmful moves, but rather is focused on the property. Although it is always a possibility through the act of these crimes that someone will get hurt. Property crimes include; Larceny, robbery, burglary, arson, embezzlement, forgery, false pretenses, receipt of stolen goods. Next, we have Inchoate crimes. Inchoate crimes are crimes that have not yet been completed. These crimes are attempted but not so much finished. They include: Attempt to any crime, solicitation and conspiracy. “An attempt to committing a crime involves trying to commit the crime but failing to complete the intended actions. Lastly is Statutory crimes.

These crimes are violations and can be property or personal offences. These include: Crime dealing with underaged issues, alchohol such as DUI (driving under the influence). One crime many people do not consider is cyber crime. Over the last decade this crime has surfaced greatly and has had much influence on the world. You may ask what exactly is cyber crime? Cyber crime is any type of criminal activity committed over the internet. There are many different ways to commit cyber crime, some you may not even be aware of. Nearly three-fourths of Americans have committed some kind of cyber crime.

The Internet Crime Complaint Center said “reported cyber crimes are costing Americans more than $485 million,” Some examples of Cyber crime include: Identity theft, transaction fraud, advance fee fraud, hacking, and piracy. There are also many other cyber crimes which exist off the devices, but happen actually online. Some of the most common would fall under drug trade and pornography. To go even deeper, there are different levels of seriousness for different crimes. First, the most serious is called a Felony. A felony is crimes that involve murder, kidnapping, and robbery.

When convicted of a felony you are more than likely going to be in prison for a very long time. Lastly is a misdemeanor. Misdemeanors are the less serious crimes that consist of things such as shoplifting and DUI’s. These usually have a fine and possible jail time. The FBI classifies major felonies into two categories: Violent crimes and property crimes. Violent crimes include murder, rape, criminal homicide, armed robbery, and aggravated assault. Property crimes includes burglary, arson, larceny/theft, and motor vehicle theft. During the last two decades crime had fallen, but in 2012 it reportedly increased.

The reported crimes were majority aggravated assaults. When dealing with these crimes States have guidelines to abide by. Each sentence, jail time, and arrests vary by states. The states may also have its own classification of crime. Unfortunately, crime is everywhere and it is real, no matter where you may live. Many know about dangerous places in the United States where the most crime happens. Some cities have been dangerous since the beginning, others may have recently become more dangerous, but from my research, as of 2015 Detroit, Michigan was rated the most dangerous city with crime statistics skyrocketing.

Detroit has a crime rate of 2,072 per 100,000 with Homicide that rose 43%. Ranking number two on the list is Oakland, California. Oakland’s police had to expand their districts due to the violent crime there. Number three on the list is Memphis, Tennessee. They moved from four to three with 124 murders, 437 rapes, and 7,200 aggravated assault (and counting). St. Louis, Missouri went from three to four on the list due to policy change that reduced crime in the city. Lastly, would be Cleveland, Ohio who moved from eight to five for increase in violent crimes with a poverty line at 34%.

What do the people have to say? Many people believe that crime is increasing, and know that crime will possible get even worse due to the economy. They are losing hope and confidence in the government’s ability to control crime and disorder. There are many so distraught places that you would rather lock yourself in the house and lock the crime out simply because it is no longer safe to be out, especially at night. Some are expecting crime-prone youth to bring the rates even higher. In the United States there were many to exclaim their feelings for unsafety in their city, neighborhood and even their own backyard.

Despite low care for crime, many focus on foreign attacks more than local ones as well. There have been many charts and poles to evaluate these situations and opinions. The remaining question is: What is our government doing to decrease crime? The government tells us that the crime statistics have been improving steadily over the years. They even supply us with layouts on how to prevent crime and healthy tips for safety. Prevention of crime does not fall under one person’s hand, it is simply everyone’s business. Many Criminologists say the government must go farther than law enforcement to tackle crime.

There are many steps for helping prevent crime such as: Manageable enforcing units, assign quality managers and grant them genuine authority, reform crime and reporting, effective oversight system, build career path for officers, use-of-force policies, reformed criminal justice system. Those are just some out of the many ways. Not only can you help prevent crime and take action in safety tips, but you can also help crime victims. A Lot of people once involved in a crime incident are never the same, so to reach out your hand in help to them could result in a huge difference.

These crime fighters say it will take leadership, determination and perseverance to continue the journey. When you see someone or something in need of help, if able, give it. We never know what is going on on their side and in their life, sometimes just showing someone you care can change a person’s whole day. Someone might be on the verge of a shooting due to how people have treated them, and you giving one nice gesture could impact the whole situation. Crime, and its many departments is such a depressing issue, but with the leadership, determination, and perseverance of the people and its government, as stated above, can change the world.