Essay on Squeaky Character Analysis

Exposition: Main characters/characters; Squeaky a teenage girl in the family that acts mostly like a boy and Raymond which has mental problems that tries to make his life exciting by imagining things at the age of around 6-8. Other family members are the mom and dad plus an older brother George. Other characters are Gretchen, Mary Louise, and Rosie which have a problem with Squeaky.

Rising Action: Squeaky and Raymond were trotting down Broadway when they met Gretchen and her friends. When they started teasing Squeaky and Raymond about their lives, such as Gretchen was going to win the race, Squeaky had enough and got straight to the point with them.

Climax: Both Gretchen and Squeaky wanted to win the race, but Squeaky in the end was still faster and was able to beat Gretchen in the race by a very close time. Gretchen vs. Squeaky…

Resolution: Squeaky and Gretchen actually found a way to make peace after Squeaky beat Gretchen in the race by giving each other smiles of respect. Also Squeaky was happy for her brother Raymond for being able to run fast and wanted to coach him so he could do what she did best which was to…