Essay on The Pros And Cons Of Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering (GE) is also known, as genetic modification is the process of organisms that are genetically modified. In this process the goal is to transfer new DNA to an organism so it can improve its habits and make new cells.

Genes are inserted from E.g. Corn, this term is known as cross breeding where different plants are modified to grow bigger plants and to produce more food. When a gene transfer occurs, the gene is then called a GMO (Genetically modified organism), Genetic engineering is not only used on animals but its also used on many other organisms so it can improve them, such as crops or medicinal plants, bacteria and even viruses.

Breeding is a good way of improving traits, but when they are compared with genetic engineering there can be many consequences. Breeding also has to rely on the ability to mate two organisms to mix genes. Genetic engineering can remove genes from one organism and place them into the other. Some uses of genetic engineering include improving the nutritional quality of food, bacterial production of hormones, creating pest-resistant crops and creating livestock. Rice was also developed by genetics;…

When scientists begin to alter and change a person’s gene, the genes the person is born with and scientists take too much risk to change a person’s gene. Once something wrong happens anything can happen to a human maybe there will be a disease or illness and this can cause really bad effect on people, there will not be many cures or treatments for the human, they will die or get a heart attack if genes are overlaid. I believe that genetic engineering is only general; everyone knows that it comes from organisms. But it can still harm anyone because it has not been studied for a long amounts of time, its just what scientists predict, who knows maybe they can be wrong. I believe that scientists are wrong and they shouldn’t do anything, before they have fully…