Ethical Self Assessment Essay

1 List each self-assessment, provide your final result and/or scores, identify what you have learned from each (minimum of one paragraph for each self-assessment) 7-1a How Ethical Am I? My score for this section was a 10, stating that I have high ethical standards. This is very true and I believe the reasoning is due to my job. I have been working in healthcare for a long time now, and I have realized what can be ethical versus unethical in the workplace. I have seen many things by families and coworkers that I choose not to repeat, but I believe that your ethical standards are based off of your workplace and the people you work with.

You learn values and principles over time. You will get your basic ethical code usually when you start a new job, but that doesn’t mean everyone will always follow that ethical code. This is why we need to keep our co-workers responsible and report if there is unethical behavior in the workplace so that way we can keep a strong and healthy work environment. I learned that being ethical is not just because that’s what you chose, but because that is the lifestyle you wanted and have adapted to. I have chose to be fair and courteous.

I want positive outcomes in the workplace and being unethical is not a healthy work environment and I wouldn’t wish anyone to work under those circumstances. 7-1b Self-Assessment Tool: Individual Ethics Profile For this section my highest score was . 75 for moral rights, . 5 for utilitarian, and . 25 for justice. I was not surprised that my moral rights was the highest score because I tend to be consistent with my beliefs in human rights. Freedom is what our country is made up of; therefore each individual should have the human right of their choice that includes, their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

I know that business have become more globalized, but I think that is what makes our human rights so interesting. I have learned things are so much different now and we have adapted and taught ourselves ways to work through those challenges. We continue to learn and teach one another about human rights and what is ethical. I also learned that my utilitarian was higher than justice. I didn’t think that would be the situation, but maybe my belief is the rightness or wrongness of an action really is determined by its consequences.

Decisionmaking can be difficult especially when it comes to making ethical decisions using the utilitarian approach. We have to determine the alternative actions available, estimate positive and negative consequences, and choose the alternative that produces the greatest utility with the least amount of disutility. Parliamentary Procedures Survey I took this survey before reading any of the material to see if I knew anything. Turns out I am either a good guesser or I do have some knowledge. I got 5 out of 10 correct. What I learned from this survey is that we have meetings at work like this all the time.

They are not as in depth, but they do follow a similar outline with the call to order, opening exercise which, we usually use a safety moment, approval of last minutes, and we talk about unfinished business from the last meeting. Once again, working in healthcare we don’t have a huge handle on the business side for our meetings, because these meetings are more based on the needs of the department and not the entire organization. It is hard to explain, but we usually don’t have much financial issues to address in the meetings either.

Overall, I learned what the parliament procedures is and what it consists of. These meetings seem very well organized and thorough, I would be surprised if individuals came out of a meeting like this and had no outcome or change to put in place. Having more meetings that can follow this agenda and timeline could benefit many companies as I assure they already do. 2 Identify your areas of strength based on the Week Three (Chapters 7 and Parliamentary Procedures) content I would have to say that my main area of strength for chapter 7 would be my ethical standards.

I strongly base the workplace and life off of equal standards and making sure that I stay ethical without being bias. I believe it is the best decision for individuals to be ethical. Our world is so much different than it used to be. The more ethical you are especially in the workplace, the better off you are to get along with other co-workers. If you base your ethical standards on something specific and you have already set your mind to that decision, what happens if something doesn’t work out and you end up not getting along with anyone?

As a manager, we need to stay on the positive side of things and think about individuals as a whole and not entirely on ourselves. Having an ethical dilemma can happen a lot and managers must know how to solve those dilemmas. Having an understanding of why individuals pose one way or another can help solve problems when ethical issues arise. Also, having the understanding and knowledge of the business ethics frameworks in exhibit 7-4 can pose ideas of the way others may try to solve their ethical dilemmas. Identify your areas of weakness based on the Week Three (Chapters 7 and Parliamentary Procedures) content My area of weakness is definitely the parliamentary procedures. It fascinates me how organized and thoroughly productive it looks. It was a lot to read, but there is so much information that could benefit meetings that an individual takes part in.

The precedence of motions is still a little confusing to me, but I am trying to familiarize myself with the information provided. It sort of makes me feel like I would be in court if | ere to attend a business meeting like such. There are many terms to become familiar with as well. I would have to continue to practice and read over this information before I would be able to attend a session like so. I do feel like procedures would be fair because there would be a full in depth discussion on the issue. Overall, I learned, I need to practice this way of thinking even if I am not a part of the parliamentary procedures. I need to become aware of the terms that are used and familiarize myself with the way the meeting is run.

I have never been a fan of debates and I have never taken a debate class, so I do think it would be a great educational purpose for myself to witness a meeting. Last, establish a goal for improving each of the two categories: (1) ethical skills and (2) parliamentary procedures improvement and indicate how you will accomplish each of these goals 1. Ethical Skills Goal: To provide my co-workers with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to making ethically informed decisions I will achieve this goal by becoming a part of the ethics team at work.

I will learn information needed through the ethics committee. I will be able to provide the information necessary to my co-workers once complete so they can make equally informed decisions if any ethical concerns come up both on the job and off if needed. This will be a yearly goal for me that I would like to continue. Being a part the ethics team, there is always new information that will arise and I would like to make sure I am up to date on the latest. 2. Parliamentary Procedures Goal: Attend a parliamentary procedure

I will achieve this goal by working with my current manager to find out if out if our company has this kind of a meeting and see if I would be able to sit in on the meeting. I feel like you can only get so much information on the internet and a PowerPoint, but you get the full understanding when you get to physically witness something. I would like to make this a goal towards my last semester of school. By then I will also have a better understanding of the business side of my company and things will make more sense to me as I listen in on the meeting.