Forensic Science Vs Anthropology Essay

Anthropology is the study of human bones and and the development of cultures and societies. Forensic science is the discipline in which professionals use scientific means to analyze physical crime evidence. Forensic science and anthropology are both used in many different ways and maybe even alike in some ways. Anthropology and forensic science can be used together to identify multiple things. Both help each other out in many ways through DNA or fractures on a bone and see cause of death through the bones. They can be used together and be called forensic anthropology.

This is used in a criminal investigation. When a person gets murdered or killed they surround the crime scene and the forensic scientist gather evidence off the body to secure it. After removing the body from the crime scene they take it to the lab and the anthropologist looks at the one and clean them out without damaging the bone or any evidence that can be used for the investigation. The anthropologist examines the bones so that he/she could see if there is any head trauma or any other injury towards the body. They can also identify the murder weapon through the injury that has discovered on the body.

To read the skeleton or the body found at a crime scene is like they can read the evidence like you read a book. There are many different ways to answer questions in criminal cases can be used skeletons of any age, modern or ancient. The stages of growth and development are used to identify if the person is a child or an adult. The pelvic bones can be used to identify the second a person. Abnormal changes in the shape, size and density of bones can indicate disease or traumas. Bones marked by perimortem injuries, such as unhealed fractures, bullet holes, or cuts, can reflect cause of death.

The trained anthropologist is able to examine the skeletal remains and look for evidence towards the ancestry. For example, skull shape and dental traits identify the race. Even certain activities are shown on the bones and the teeth. Anthropologists at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History have been told and done to analyze the remains of humans for almost a century now. The remains may represent victims of many different things. In these cases Smithsonian anthropologists work with the FBI, State department so that they can identify who committed the crime.

They also research on historic and prehistoric human remains so that they may learn information about the remains. A forensic anthropologist from the Smithsonian named Kari Bruwelheide says “The bones are like a time capsule. ” Dr. Douglas Owsley is a forensic anthropologist at the smithsonian who examined a skeleton from Jamestown, they discovered evidence of chops to the skull from an axe or other sharp bladed, implement. On the bone there was knife cuts.

Along with other information such as biological indicators and discovery location of the remains, Dr. Owsley concluded that a 14-year-old girl had been cannibalized after she died. His discovery supported other historic data that the colonists of Jamestown suffered severe starvation during the harsh winter of 1609-1610. A forensic anthropologist can find the sex, age, height, and clues to ancestry in human remains. A scientist who uses the “keys” in human bones and teeth is a forensic anthropologist. The word forensic refers to applying science to a criminal investigation and when using the bones in an investigation you are a forensic anthropologist.

In 1977 a non-profit organization named The America Board of Forensic Anthropology. They did it to gain the interest of the people and the program was to provide certification. To be apart of the board you must submit the an application. To be a part of the board you must be living in the United States or Canada. You must have an doctoral degree, have at least three years of professional experience, and all documents must be in English when it is sent in. The application process is not hard. The person you must send in the application to is the present chair members the board.

The chair member will review the application and the application should also be notarized. There is also an application fee that is non-refundable and must be paid through the website electronically. There are four officers on the board. The president of the board is Eric J. Bartelink. The Vice President of the board is Dawnie W. Steadman. The secretary of the board Joan E. Baker. The treasurer of the board is Debra Prince Zinni. There are also eight directories on the board of Forensic Anthropology. Today, forensic anthropology is a well established and continues today.

Anthropologists are told to investigate remains that are found. Forensic anthropologists work day and night. If the victim is not found for a lengthy period there are bugs and worms and insects that are eating up evidence on the body. It is a lot harder to get the evidence. They must clean the body to gather all of the evidence but sometimes the bugs and the insects have the evidence in them. For example anthropologists were helping with finding the identification of the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

There were so many people that couldn’t be identified but those who were told the families. Anthropologists have also helped identify victims of genocide in countries around the world. They have helped so many people that people love what they do and thank them for all that they have done . There are many different organizations such as the Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe, the British Association for Forensic Anthropology, and the American Society of Forensic Anthropologists. These organizations help out many people and have been around for so long.

One of the main tools forensic anthropologists use in the identification of remains is their knowledge of osteology and the various differences that occur within the human skeleton. During the course of an investigation, anthropologists are often tasked with helping to determine an individual’s sex, stature, age, and ancestry. To do this, anthropologists must be aware of how the human skeleton can differ between individuals. to identify the sex is depending on which bones are present, sex can be determined by looking for distinctive sexual dimorphisms.

When available, the pelvis is extremely useful in the determination of sex and when properly examined can achieve sex determination with a great level of accuracy. The Examination of the pubic arch and the location of the sacrum can help determine sex. In conclusion, anthropology and forensic science have worked and helped each other for many years. Together they are called forensic anthropologist and have been around for many years. As they continue to make a difference in the world and manage to help others they will always stand by our side. They believe in making a difference.

No matter how hard a case or a file the will adjust to and try different methods to accomplish their goal. They choose not to give up because they love what they do no matter how hard it gets because they can’t sleep without them knowing the truth. They will never let something go because that is there passion. They will strive for the answer or the truth nothing more nothing less. They will keep going day and night. They sometimes even work through holidays and don’t have days off. When you get into this field your life changes but no matter what happen they still have the love for the work that they do.