Malcolm X Learning To Read Summary

When Malcolm X was in prison, he decided to educate himself. He started by teaching himself how to read. Learning to read was a difficult process for Malcolm X, as he had never received any formal education. However, he persevered and eventually became an accomplished reader.

Malcolm X’s experience of learning to read is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it highlights the importance of education. Secondly, it demonstrates the ability of black people to overcome the disadvantages imposed on them by slavery and racism. Finally, it shows that Malcolm X was a self-motivated individual who was willing to work hard to achieve his goals.

In “Learning to Read,” an excerpt from The Autobiography of Malcolm X, which is included in Reading From the Inside Out, author Malcolm X laments his illiteracy while incarcerated for fighting against white people. When he was on the street, Malcolm realized that he wasn’t the most fluent hustler any more because he used to be.

Facing a long jail sentence, he decided to educate himself in order to gain power and knowledge. Learning how to read and write was his way of gaining power over the white man who had oppressed him and his people for so long.

Malcolm X grew up during a time when black people were treated like slaves. They were denied basic rights and were forced to work in terrible conditions. Malcolm X’s family was no exception. His father was killed by white supremacists, and his mother was sent to a mental hospital. Malcolm X was sent to live with different relatives, but none of them could provide him with the stability or love he needed. As a result, he turned to a life of crime.

In prison, Malcolm X realized that he needed to change his life if he ever wanted to be free. He started reading everything he could get his hands on, and he quickly realized that education was the key to success. Learning to read and write gave him the power to communicate his ideas and reach people who might not have otherwise listened to him.

Malcolm X’s story is an inspiration to black people everywhere. He showed that it is never too late to learn, and that education can be the key to freedom. Learning to read allowed him to gain the knowledge and power he needed to fight for equal rights for all black people. Black people today continue to face many of the same challenges that Malcolm X did, but his story reminds us that we have the power to change our lives and make a difference in the world. Learning to read is just the first step.

Bimbi was chosen as a result of his wide vocabulary and knowledge gained from reading, therefore he took over conversations. Malcolm was both impressed and aspiring to be as intelligent. “Bimbi made me envious of his enormous store of information,” says Malcolm. When he began serving time, the highest degree that he had achieved up to that point in his life was eighth grade. So Malcolm begins reading in order to acquire the same elegant speech that Bimbi does, but there’s a snag:

The dictionary is written in standard English, a language Malcolm wasn’t familiar with. So he uses a technique where he would sound out the word then break it down into smaller pieces. He also reads the dictionary from front to back. Learning how to read was a turning point for Malcolm X because now he could gain knowledge that was previously inaccessible to him. It allowed him to connect with people and engage in intellectual conversations.

Not only did reading improve his speaking abilities, but it also broadened his perspective. He became interested in history, particularly African American history, and began to see the world differently. This newfound knowledge led him to become an activist and spokesperson for the black community. Learning to read was instrumental in shaping Malcolm X into the leader he became.

Malcolm X was born in 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. He was the fourth of seven children born to Louise Little and Earl Little. His father was a Baptist minister and active member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Malcolm’s parents worked to instill pride in their children for their African heritage. Unfortunately, the family faced racism and violence from white supremacists.

When Malcolm was six years old, his father’s body was found lying across trolley tracks after being hit by a streetcar. The coroner ruled it an accident, but Malcolm’s mother believed that Earl had been murdered by white racists. Two years later, Louise had a nervous breakdown and was institutionalized. The children were then split up and sent to different foster homes.

At the age of thirteen, Malcolm was living in a white foster home in Michigan. He was a good student and had dreams of becoming a lawyer. However, his aspirations were dashed when he was accused of breaking into a neighbor’s home. He was then sentenced to ten years in prison.

It was while he was incarcerated that Malcolm began to educate himself. He started by reading books from the prison library, including biographies of famous African Americans such as Frederick Douglass and Marcus Garvey. He also tutored other inmates who were struggling with reading. It was through these experiences that Malcolm realized the importance of education.

After serving six years in prison, Malcolm was released on parole in 1952. He moved to New York City, where he became involved in criminal activity. He was eventually arrested and sentenced to jail for larceny. It was during this time that Malcolm had a life-changing encounter with a fellow inmate named Bimbi. Bimbi was well-educated and spoke eloquently. He would often take over conversations, impressing Malcolm with his vast knowledge.

Inspired by Bimbi, Malcolm began teaching himself how to read. He started with the dictionary, sounding out words and breaking them down into smaller pieces. He also read books from the prison library, including history books about African Americans. Through reading, Malcolm broadened his perspective and gained a better understanding of the world around him.

When he was released from prison, Malcolm moved to Boston and became involved in the Nation of Islam, a black nationalist organization. He quickly rose through the ranks and became one of the organization’s most prominent leaders. He changed his name to Malcolm X and began preaching about black pride and self-defense.

In 1963, he broke with the Nation of Islam and founded the Muslim Mosque, Inc. He also helped establish the Organization of Afro-American Unity. As a leader of the black community, Malcolm X advocated for blacks to gain equality through any means necessary, including violence if necessary.

Malcolm X was assassinated in 1965 while giving a speech in New York City. He was shot by three members of the Nation of Islam. At the time of his death, he was 39 years old.

Malcolm X was a significant figure in the civil rights movement. He was a passionate and eloquent speaker who inspired many black Americans to fight for their rights. Learning to read transformed Malcolm from a criminal to a leader. It opened his eyes to the injustices faced by blacks and motivated him to fight for change. Malcolm’s story is an inspiring example of the power of education.

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