MID-TERM Field Assessment Essay

MID-TERM and FINAL evaluations request that mentor teachers provide written evidence of areas of strength and areas for development for the teacher candidates working in their classrooms. Teacher candidates are responsible for arranging conferences with their mentor at MID-TERM and toward the END of the field placement to discuss the evaluation. Teacher candidates are also responsible for self-evaluating, providing the mentor with evidence to support their assessments. The mentor teacher’s FINAL evaluation is an official document.

The UHM field supervisor collects the signed forms to file with the program. The assessment is organized in accordance with the Hawaii Teacher Performance Standards (HTPS) and is based on the 10 Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium Model Core Teaching Standards (InTASC) as aligned with the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching (CDF). The mentor teacher’s evaluation is an official document. The UHM field supervisor collects the forms to file with the program. The major components of the InTASC Standards and the CDF are:

InTASC Categories CDF Domains The Learner and Learning Content Knowledge Instructional Practice Professional Responsibility Planning and Preparation The Classroom Environment Instruction Professional Responsibilities The teacher candidate, the mentor teacher, and the UHM field supervisor should sign this evaluation. The teacher candidate and mentor teacher should each receive copies, and the UHM field supervisor should collect the original. Thank you for your assistance. For detailed information on the CDF components and rubrics, please visit https://www. danielsongroup. rg/framework/ or refer to your school’s copy of Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching, 2nd Edition by Charlotte Danielson. Semester 2: FINAL Field Experience Evaluation Form Exceptional Students and Elementary Education – University of Hawai’i at Manoa First Name Last Name Teacher Candidate Alaura Dupuis Mentor Teacher Carrie Peterson UH Email School Teacher Candidate adupuis@hawaii. edu Mentor Teacher Voyager Public Charter School Person completing this form: ? Teacher Candidate Teacher Field Supervisor Mentor Planning & Preparation 1a.

Demonstrates knowledge of content & pedagogy 1b. Demonstrates knowledge of students 1c. Sets instructional outcomes 1d. Demonstrates knowledge of resources 1e. Designs coherent instruction 1f. Designs student assessments Strengths 1a: In my lesson plans, I have incorporated the content we are learning in our ESEE classes. For example, using manipulatives, providing UDL options, and setting clear and realistic expectations. 1b: 1 have come to know the students in class rather well, and I have noticed, in terms of instruction, what does and does not work well for them.

For example, in my small group, the students can be easily distracted and appreciate fast-paced instruction. Giving each student manipulatives has not worked in my favor, so I use the manipulatives and the students teach me how to manipulate them to solve our math problems – after I previously demonstrated how to use them. Additionally, I have realized how much the majority of the students appreciate kinesthetic activities and puppets. I have incorporated some of the knowledge I have of the students into my lesson plans.

Areas for Development 1c: I have gotten better at writing learning objectives, but I still need to develop writing SMART Goals. In the past, my lessons have either encompassed too much, to little, or were not as specific as they could have been. For example, in my social emotional learning lesson plan, I wrote practically everything students would be doing to meet the overall learning objective, rather than simply the objective itself. le: My lesson plans are usually fairly well-written. Further, I go into a great deal of detail with many of them.

However, all the details do not always work in my favor; I sometimes get hung up on the details themselves and feel the need to read my plan during my lesson. I need to find a middle path for the lessons, sufficient details, but not a script that I will feel the need to follow. 1f: I am proficient at creating, finding, and editing assessments, but the criteria for success is not always clear on the rubric. I sometimes struggle to decide what constitutes excellence, proficiency, and an area for improvement when writing the rubric. Additionally, I am not always certain exactly what to focus on for the assessment.

The Learning Environment 2a. Creates an environment of respect and rapport 2b. Establishes a culture for learning 2c. Manages classroom procedures 2d. Manages student behavior 2e. Organizes physical space Strengths 2a: I greet the students every morning, praise them often, and listen to them when they want to talk or show me something. Additionally, I reprimand students when they are rude to each other, and have them apologize. However, I could do a better job of delivering consequences for their actions. 2c: I have familiarized myself with the procedures of Mrs.

Peterson’s class by carrying many of them out every day. For example, I do the morning and math meeting nearly every day that I am in the field. Additionally, I take the attendance and remind them to do their morning work. Additionally, I encourage the students to monitor themselves in the morning, especially when they are off task or forgot something. Areas for Development 2d: Managing students’ behavior may be my greatest weakness in the classroom. I am not proficient at preventing misbehavior before it occurs, or managing it when it does start.

Additionally, I have faced difficulty with remaining firm in my decisions and delivering consequences. I have attempted to improve my skill in this area by staying in during SPECIALS, and helping the teacher manage the students when the opportunity arises. 3. Instruction 3a. Communicates with students 3b. Uses questioning and discussion techniques 3c. Engages students in learning 3d. Uses assessment in instruction 3e. Demonstrates flexibility and responsiveness Strengths 3a: Whenlam teaching, I have incorporated student discussion into my lessons.

I have encouraged students to talk with each other, as well as me. While I do have students turn and talk with a partner, I do not incorporate the think-pair-shares as often as | could. For example, during my social emotional learning episode, I had the students discuss why they should not interrupt each other. The discussion was led by some of the more outspoken students, but the quieter students did not have as much of a voice. I ultimately look for opportunities for discussion whenever I am writing or carrying out a lesson plan – although I sometimes miss those opportunities. c: My lessons are generally interactive and involve students a great deal in order to engage them in learning. As previously stated, I need to work on grouping my students so everyone gets to participate, as well as appropriately challenging my students. However, ultimately, I have observed that my students are generally engaged during my instruction, as I attempt to make learning fun. 3d: Once students finish their assessments, I grade the work and look for areas of need and common misconceptions. The students’ strengths and weaknesses guide my thought process for what should come next.

When my students complete their formative assessments in the MovingUp! Mathematics, for example, I look to see how they did. If they did well, we move on. If not, it is a clear signal that I need to reteach and do something different the next time. Areas for Development 3b: I do incorporate questioning into my lessons, and I generally make them open-ended to encourage discussion. However, some of the responses students give seemingly come out of nowhere, and I am not always sure how to respond to the answers. When this happens, I generally encourage the student to elaborate on their thoughts to understand where they are coming from.

However, I also sometimes freeze up, resulting in an awkward pause of discussion. 3e: Next to classroom management, demonstrating responsibility is one of my biggest areas of need. I do not think well on my feet, needing to change my lesson makes me very uncomfortable. I have been guilty of powering through what | had planned, hoping students will catch on, even when it becomes apparent that something is not working. 4. Professional Responsibility 4a. Reflects on teaching 4b. Maintains accurate records 4c. Communicates with families 4d. Participates in the professional community 4e.

Grows and develops professionally 4f. Shows professionalism Strengths 4a: After every lesson, I reflect how it went. I pinpoint what well, what did not, and what I could have done differently. Additionally, I discuss my lesson with peers, professors, and my mentor teacher. In the subsequent lessons, I attempt to change what I did wrong – with varying results. For example, during my math lesson, which taught Greater Than and Less Than, I used a puppet. I had previously learned that students like puppets, and that I have to be their teacher, not take on the persona of the puppet entirely.

I incorporated what I had learned, and though there were certainly areas of need that still existed, it was more effective than the previous time I had used puppets. 4e: I have attended my ESEE classes, completing the work to the best of my ability. In the field, I have taken on more responsibilities than when I completed my midterm evaluation. 4f: I try to be on time, as much as my commute allows for it. I make efforts to dress appropriately. I am generally more positive than negative, and always open to help students.

I am responsive to feedback, and if I am doing something inappropriate/not aligned with the school policy, I will correct the behavior. Areas for Development Thave not had a great deal of practice with 4b – 4d, so I need to developing these skills further. Signatures indicate review of this evaluation. Teacher Candidate Date Mentor Teacher Date UHM Field Supervisor (GEN) Date UHM Field Supervisor (SPED) Date This evaluation should be signed by the Teacher Candidate, the Mentor Teacher, and UHM Field Supervisor(s). The UHM field supervisor will collect the originals and send a digital copy to the mentor and the candidate. Thank you.