Narrative Essay On Snow Day

It is not often that Portland sees snow, but when we do the whole city pauses. Schools are closed, roads are treated and somebody, somebody always gets into an accident. Sometimes the snow melts just as quickly as it falls and other times it leaves you wondering if there will ever be an end in sight. On a scale of zero to ten in snow preparedness, Portland is probably at a two or three. Still, everyone loves a snow day and and its promise of a break. Do not be disillusioned though, as ones love for snow can just as quickly turn into dismay.
2014 was such a year. With snow suddenly falling in February, everyone was caught off guard by the inclement weather. As a junior in highschool I clung to the tv and computer screen checking to see the school’s inclement weather announcement. I refreshed and refreshed until finally it appeared, “school closed”. Yes! Like a miner who just stuck oil I danced around the house telling the entire household about the news. School was closed and that could mean nothing else but more sleep. Though wide awake, I crawled back into my now chilled bed to catch up on sleep and dreamed of awaking to a winter wonderland.
I awoke to a new world with…

Like heros, the bells on the door announced our arrival as we stepped through the door. Embracing the warm scent of coffee we shuffled into a line to order our reviving lattes. Soft music played all around us and I surveyed the cafe to see that we were not the only ones brave enough or rather crazy enough to venture out for a cup of coffee. Shedding our outer layers, we huddled around a table to talk–nobody too eager to leave. Nursing our lattes while the ambiance nursed us, we conceded that this trek was a crazy idea to carry out. Outside, the snow had ceased falling, but we no longer looked out with the same joy as before. When we finished our lattes, we donned our coats to prep for the return. Exiting the shop we made our way home into the now grey…