Nt1310 Unit 3 Data Collection Essay

Data collection would be accomplished by the assigned individual who would screen the emails in the support distribution email box, then move all the misdirected emails to a separate email folder labeled “Misdirected” each day, then and there forwarding a copy to the correct department. The moving of the emails allows a total to be collected each day, so at the end of the week they would be totaled and recorded to measure the effectiveness of the new process. There was a study conducted using research from comparable organizations, using a similar process that concluded that we should have a benchmark of 1 misdirected email a week. Furthermore, we would need someone to monitor the total number of non-technical support request that come in to…

The data would be collected in a excel workbook and the numbers would be compared every week to the benchmark and the variances would be reported to the director. We would additionally compare current numbers of customers cancelling our service, compare that with the average cancellations for the last two years to get a benchmark number for comparison. Then with these benchmarks we can than compare the number of variances after we implement the changes to gauge our progress and effectiveness.
Section 5: Consistency with a TQ approach to improving processes.
This process improvement, to increase efficiency in the handling of customers’ requests, in following the total quality philosophy of customer focus, teamwork, and continuous improvement will decrease the time to process and handle customers’ requests. Like many services in our company we continuously are looking for ways to improve a process or make processes with non-value steps more efficient as we continue to expand. The process of continuous quality improvement aligns the company to be more agile and ready for changes in customer requirements, as they occur. During the implementation of these new steps there must be…