Organized Crime Research Paper

7. Social reintegration and family aid programs Organization is vital for understanding power. Power is shared by four main organizational networks as building blocks for power. These blocks are Ideological, Economic, Military and political. Organizations are formed to accomplish some purpose. They are ways of doing thins everyone agrees and accepts. Yet organizations cant include everyone. People on the outside looking in create shadow IEMP Shadow IEMPs can turn from legal to Illegal and Vice versa.

Shadow IEMPs create social mobility ladders Social reintegration is applied at this staged of the plan, now you have more people how can contribute to society. Many no longer fight an addiction but lack the opportunity or knowledge for a social reintegration. Many lack support from their disturbed families. At this point family aid programs are an option and families are treated to strengthen their bonds. Parental aid programs are given, workshops are started to work the fundamentals of a family structure. Dennis “Cutty” Wise, a legendary enforcer, is released from incarceration with an offer of work from Avon Barksdale. 99] S3 E 1 Cutty finds honest work with a landscaping crew s3 e2 Cutty gives up his attempts at straight work and joins the Barksdale Organization s3 e4 A local deacon helps Cutty to plan a new life and is dismayed at the standard of life for drug users in Colvin’s tolerant zones E 9 Cutty opens a boxing gym for local children but finds his poor equipment and their behavior difficult to deal with. [108] E 10

Cutty struggles to keep his young boxers off the corners as the Stanfield organization enjoys its victory E 12 Wee-Bey urges Namond to work harder at his job ith drug dealer Bodie Broadus but Namond swaps it with Michael as he is in greater financial need. S4 E 2 8. School programs are vital to the development of future generations this is where the long term goals start developing. Making children future productive members of society is vital to attaining the long term goal. Children coming from problematic families tend to perceive the school system as another authoritative figure in their lives. This perception as with other figures such as police and their parents are rebelled against.

The problem is not these children but the system that fails to adapt to them. The preexisting notion that student should conform to the school system has failed. The school system must adapt to them. Standardized testing result in no benefit for those who failed to come from the standard family. At this point standardized testing is abolished and instead children coming from gangs and broken families are introduced into specialization courses. Where aside from learning academic courses they are taught specializations.

This was the case for many years in Mexico, where students where specialized in skilled work, such as mechanics, electro-mechanic, drafting, carpentry, nursing and many others. These specializations were used not only as a preparation for future needed skills but also to prevent dropouts. The disadvantage of such courses is that it creates a sense of inequality when compared to other schools around the nation. Specializing kids to grow up to become skilled workers rather than professionals seems as a discrimination. However this is just a step towards a reformed community.

I believe one of the most important things youth in these communities must have is hope and goals. I know this because I grew in a community not to different from the towers in Baltimore. Children consumed and sold drugs one minute and played marbles and soccer the next. Children felt for the drug business because that’s all they knew. In the other hand | had hope, hope that one day I would get out of there and become someone productive , a member of society who would do anything to go back and change the prescribed pattern that every children in that community faced.

Hope and the support of someone in my case my parents) is enough to make the youth strive for something better. This is the purpose of specialized courses. Giving the youth a goal, helping them strive for something better than what they have. The plan is not to make every children a doctor, the plan is to make them part of the working force, give them a structure and a path to achieve a better life. This will moved towards the long term goal a society where those now productive member of society one day will encourage their future generations to do even better.

Dukie, Randy, Michael, and Namond, four boys from West Baltimore, as they enter the eighth grade. At the same school, Prez has begun a new career as a math teacher. Despite mentorship from the more seasoned faculty, Namond, and later Michael, work as drug runners for Bodie, who has had middling success selling Proposition Joe’s product independently Four West Baltimore boys wrestle with what to do with the rest of their summer vacation. When unkempt outcast Duquan “Dukie” Weems is beaten up by a neighbouring group of children, Michael Lee is the quiet leader of the group’s retaliation.

Randy Wagstaff has the imagination to plan the endeavour. Namond Brice is the most outspoken and the richest of the four Howard “Bunny” Colvin joins a research group attempting to study potential future criminals in the middle school population. Dennis “Cutty” Wise continues to work with boys in his boxing gym, and accepts a job at the school rounding up truants. Bubbles takes a homeless teenager named Sherrod under his wing. He encourages the boy to attend class, which he fails to do. 9. community infrastructure After healing the community, the development of such starts.

Parks and cleanliness programs start progressing. Jobs are introduce with such programs this will focus on the idea that an idle mind is a vicious mind. 10 Organized crime is part of everyday life it cannot be eradicated. Organized crime is seen as a virus yet it plays a vital role in society. It supplies the necessities that otherwise could not be reach thru legal means. Crime can be constructed or deconstructed to benefit or go against those who involved with it.. Organized crime often is the only option to certain activities.

It is embedded on the way human society interacts there will always be someone supplying what others say you cannot have. Function of organized crime in everyday life it plays a crucial role in society. Many benefit directly or indirectly from such activities. Even the state uses Organized crime to achieve business. Live with drugs to so that they cause the least possible harm and maybe greatest possible benefit The Social construction crime refers to the notion that crimes derives from that it is seen as a crime by society.

Society can make things appear and disappear. Creating a problem where there is none and eradicating problems where they exist. This is often mandates by the state and its willingness to prosecute The underworld creates a system of crime, giving birth to criminal behavior. This criminal behavior is exploited by brokers who become outlaws. Take for example luxury goods; even those in disadvantage communities seek luxury goods. Yet their low income prohibits them from attaining such goods. These creates a gap which brokers fill.

These brokers for example fill those gaps by providing these luxury goods at cheaper prices. Either by stealing or by providing counterfeit goods. Theres propably never been a drug free society (quote book) Virtually every society has infested drugs to deal with pain, increase stamina, , socialize, commune with good ,as fundamental as food, companionship and sex Live with drugs to so that they cause the least possible harm and maybe greatest possible benefit Problems desingning and implementing alternatives to prohibitionist policies