Positive Affirmation Essay

I think you will agree that positive affirmations are a powerful method to use to start manifesting what you want in your life. So why don’t they work? Well, most mainstream sources leave out the most important key to making affirmations work. That key is inner resistance and here I will discuss why positive affirmations alone will not overcome deep seeded inner resistance we all have about a lot things. Now, before I go on Tam not saying that positive affirmations are not powerful and important to use when you are trying to manifest things into your life.

Quite the opposite, I think they are imperative to having a successful manifestation. The point I what to stress is that it is not as glamorous or easy as some sources make it out to be. You can’t say to yourself over sand over all day “I am successful” and attract success without dealing with the resistance within you to that statement. Saying to yourself “I am successful” only deals with one part of your mind, the conscious mind. You still have to overcome the subconscious mind and its beliefs before you can truly be in alignment and start manifesting your desires.

Positive Affirmations: Two situations, same result The first situation people come to me about is that they have been reading, studying, and now are ready to use positive affirmation to manifest a better life. The say the affirmations first thing in the morning, all throughout the day and right before bed. It’s not long before all kinds of negative situations come up in their lives. It seems the more positive they concentrate on, the more negative obstacles appear in their life. They get frustrated and quit, claiming positive affirmations and the Law of Attraction doesn’t work!

The second situation people come to me about is that they have been using positive affirmations for a while now with no results. They go on to say they knew it was too good to be true and nothing ever works for them. Just for the record In both the situations above, the positive affirmations and the law of attraction was working perfectly. Both the situations above were attracting what the true inner belief of the person was. I have always claimed that the Law of Attraction begins with you and your inner resistance is stronger than anything the outside world can throw at you.

Here is the key You have to overcome yourself before you move forward to manifesting anything you want. Let’s say you have been told all your life you will never amount to anything, just be happy you have a job, or being rich is just a dream. You now come across the Law of Attraction and start using the positive affirmation “I am successful”, you are going to get inner resistance from all those things you have been told all your life. Every time you tell yourself that “I am successful” your subconscious is going to scream “no you’re not! “Just be happy with what you got! ” “Quit dreaming! ” Then your subconscious is going to attract all sorts of obstacles to prove to you it is right. Outwardly you may think you are truly aligned with your desires, but inwardly you are fighting it every step of the way. Now, don’t get the wrong idea In the above example, the Law of Attraction is working. The problem is most people lead you to believe that thinking positive is the most important aspect and in reality it isn’t. The Law of Attraction works from the inside out.

Your vibration you send out to the Universe ultimately comes from your subconscious beliefs. So Sam, you say the Law of Attraction is working in our example except I am not successful. That’s true, but it is the buried inner beliefs of the subconscious that is sending out the negative vibrations. Thankfully the Universe is helping you with this. The Universe will guide you Manifesting your life, positive affirmations and the Law of Attraction for most people is hard. Period. It’s not the glamourous, wonderful experience that most modern sources explain it to be.

It will be eventually with patience, practice and inner revelation, but at first it is frustrating and hard. That is why most people quit and claim “The Law of Attraction doesn’t work”. This is a very important point to remember: No matter what you are trying to manifest into your life, the Universe is on your side. It’s no secret to most that you have to be in total alignment with your desire for it to manifest. The secret though is that you have to be in total alignment inside and out. Sometimes the inside alignment is hidden deep in your subconscious.

So the things you consider obstacles in your path the Universe is putting there as stepping stones in your path. Here’s 3 steps to keep you moving forward You’re doing all the right things, being positive, using positive affirmations and focusing manifesting the perfect outcome and out of seemingly nowhere, something gets in your way, throwing you off track. What do you do? Step 1 Feel it. It is highly unlikely you put in all this time and effort trying to change your life and have something get in your way without feeling something. Mad, frustrated, angry… omething! So let that emotion come through and accept it. Deal with it thoroughly so the emotion itself cannot become a future obstacle. Then, when you’re ready, go to… Step 2 Question yourself. The most important question of all is why. Ask yourself, why did this happen? Why am I feeling this way? Why am I still negative? The answer may be simple or may take some deep reflection. I would highly suggest going somewhere quiet, totally relax and ask yourself these questions. Then truly listen for the answers. Tune in to what your subconscious mind is telling you.

Maybe it will come in a revelation, maybe with a memory or in pictures. Stay with it as long as you can and then take the time to reflect on the information giving to you. You may not understand it at first, you may not get it right from the start and that’s OK. Maybe you have someone you trust you can talk to, a mentor, love one or friend. Just remember that the answer is within you and only you can reconcile it. The deeper you look inside you the longer the answer may take so stay open minded and positive that the results will come and catapult you forward.

Then it is on to… Step 3 Keep moving forward. Keep up the positive affirmations, the positive thinking, and the positive expectations. Will there be more obstacles… maybe. You have to trust that with each obstacle you overcome, the inner resistance inside you becomes less and less. Eventually you will become totally in alignment with all your desires and manifesting those desires will become easy. One, last thought from my own experience One of the first obstacles in my journey within was accepting criticism.

Each time I was criticized at work, sports, home, or wherever I took it as a personal attack. I had tunnel vision that since I put thought and effort into whatever I was doing, it had to be the best way and to say differently insulted me. I would get angry, defensive and at times lash out to protect what | knew was right, even if the suggestions made sense. I drew a lot of lines in the sand and dared anyone to cross them. I was lucky enough to realize early in my journey that this had to change. I wrote some positive affirmations and diligently repeated them daily.

My reward… more and more criticism. I began studying how the conscious and subconscious minds work and realized that the problem with me came from deeper within. I began to meditate and started to realize that my issue was that to me, my “good enough” was never “good enough”. So now as an adult, I felt it necessary to prove my good enough was good enough. It didn’t happen overnight, but eventually it became easier to understand that most of the criticism I was lashing out at was really just a different point of view to whatever project | was working on.

Most of the time people were trying to make my project or me better. It no longer became personal and I can now easily distinguish criticism with projects I am working on and with me personally. I give this revelation much of the credit for opening doors for me in my career and personal life that looking back may not have become available to me if I stayed on my original path. You can do the same with persistence and practice. Believe in yourself and keep dealing with your inner resistance as it comes up and you too will make manifesting as easy as it should be.