Pros And Cons Of Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that occurs using information technology to harass or intimidate others. Cyberbullying includes sending or posting harmful text messages, emails, images, video, and online posts. Cyberbullying can cause psychological harm to adolescents generally resulting in poor school performance and lower self-esteem. Cyberbullying has been associated with depression, suicidal thoughts, and suicide attempts. Cyberbullying can occur at any time of the day or night.

Cyberbullying is usually anonymous and one does not need to even know the person targeted in order to harass them online. Cyberbullying has been a growing problem but efforts are being made to try and stop this behavior from continuing. Cyberbullying laws have been passed throughout many different countries and states within countries to help control this type of behavior. Cyberbullying laws will be discussed below along with their pros and cons for fighting cyberbullying behaviors online.

A common way that anti-cyberbullying laws are enforced is through the criminal law system because criminal offenses such as defamation, harassment, stalking, indecent communication, threatening violence against another person is illegal and even if done over the Internet is still punishable by law. Cyberbullying laws can also be enforced through civil lawsuits such as defamation, tort (libel) and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Cyberbullying has been getting a lot of attention from politicians trying to pass new laws in order to help control this problem with children today. Cyberbullying is an issue that our society will continue to deal with and many countries and states have attempted to implement deterrence in order to lessen or reduce cyberbullying activities in their communities with various types of criminal and civil punishments for those who continuously engage in cyberbullying behaviors.

Cyberbullies will think twice before engaging in these behaviors when they realize there are consequences for their harmful actions online toward others. Cyberbullying laws can be very effective when used correctly although some worry that this may infringe upon freedom of expression. Cyberbullying is not a new problem and laws were passed many years ago to help control and prevent these behaviors from continuing such as the “harmful to minors” law which prohibits pornography on the internet only if the content would offend a reasonable person applying community standards.

Cyberbullying has been enforced through criminal charges but it does not completely stop cyberbullies as they will constantly change their methodologies in order to avoid getting caught by authorities. Cyberbullies also do not care about how old you are because children as young as elementary school age have been known to engage in cyberbullying behaviors or those who bully others online who are much older than them.

Cyberbullies also do not care about gender, race, social status or economic background because they will try and bully anyone who is in the way of their intentions to intimidate and harm others online. Cyberbullying can have drastic effects on a person’s well-being offline especially if their privacy is invaded which has led to some committing suicide in order to escape from the constant harassment they faced due to cyberbullying. Cyberbullies may think it’s fun and games but it can cause serious harm psychologically and if continued for long periods of time without help it can even lead to death. [1]

Cyberbullying is a growing issue in the United States, and more and more people are speaking out about how to best fight back against it. Cyberbullying laws have been put into place to combat the rise of cyberbullying, but many people believe that such laws do little or nothing. In this article we will look at both sides of the issue and see what we come up with.

The opponents of cyberbullying laws express concern that such laws will give too much power to parents and teachers, infringing upon the right of free speech. Cyberbullying opponents also believe that these laws will ultimately fail because they do not address all aspects of cyberbullying, nor do they address the true underlying issues behind it. Cyberbullying opponents argue that a better solution would be to educate people about how to interact online in a productive manner instead of limiting their activities.

Supporters for cyberbullying laws feel as though kids now have access to technology at young ages now more than ever before, and as a result feel as though there is no time like the present to try and keep this new medium in check. Cyberbullying laws would give authority figures a stronger hand in resolving cyberbullying issues to try and protect young people from the harmful effects of online bullying. Cyberbullying supporters also argue that these laws would help keep kids from becoming bullies themselves, since they will be educated about how to use social media responsibly.

Cyberbullying is a new phenomenon. Some would say it is a more modern incarnation of bullying. Cyberbullying involves the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices to directly or indirectly torment, threaten, harass, humiliate, exclude from social groups, embarrass, stalk, and otherwise inflict significant emotional pain on another person. Cyberbullying is something that has garnered tremendous media attention in recent years. Cyberbullying laws are popping up all over the country. There are pros and cons to cyberbullying laws, though it remains to be seen whether any of them will become national legislation.

“[Cyberbullying] is a growing problem with devastating consequences” (Cyberbullying, para. 1). Cyberbullying can happen almost anywhere at any time nowadays. With the use of electronic devices for social networking purposes, bullies have an even bigger arena to harass their victims . Cyberbullies are able to find out where their victim lives , gets on the bus, goes after school, etc., making it easier to target his or her home too if they wish ( Cyberbullying, para. 3). Cyberbullying has been directly linked to teen suicide ( Cyberbullying, para. 5).

“What these laws do is make cyberbullying a specific crime,” said Parry Aftab, executive director of WiredSafety, an online safety and education organization ( Cyberbullying , para. 1). According to Jeff Temple, a psychologist and lawyer at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston: “When the perpetrator and victim live in different states, there’s no way for law enforcement officials in either state to take action unless the laws are changed.” Cyberbullying has quickly become an international problem.

In conclusion, both sides have several valid points worth discussing. In order for true change to happen we must look at both sides before we take any action against cyberbullying.

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