Thomas Edison: The Most Prominent American Inventor Of The 20th Century Essay

Thomas Alva Edison was one of the most prominent American inventors of the 20th century. He was born in 1847 in Ohio and worked several different jobs during his early life. In 1968, while working at Western Union Company, Thomas Edison designed an electronic vote recorder for recording vote faster in legislature, which went unsuccessful with the Massachusetts Legislature. In 1869, he invented the Universal Stock Printer, which synchronized several stock tickers’ transactions, and sold the rights to Gold and Stock Telegraph Company for 40,000 dollars. After establishing his company, he went on to further improve the telegraph industry; one of the invention was a quadruplex telegraph that can send two signals in two directions on the same wire. In 1876 the now successful businessman and inventor expanded his operation to Menlo Park, and by the end of 1877, he created a sound recording device called phonograph….

After 1887, he continued to improve the lightning and power system, along with perfected the phonograph device, at his research laboratory in New Jersey. He also developed the motion picture camera and alkaline battery. After 1890s, Edison created several other inventions that weren’t as commercially successful as he had hoped. In 1912, he help designed the battery power for the T-Model. Thomas Edison’ last patent was an apparatus for holding objects during the electroplating process. The famous inventor died on October 18, 1931, earning 1093 United States patents and hundreds other foreign…