What Is Prufrock’s Sonnet 26-30 Analysis Research Paper

Prufrock Analysis Prufrock, throughout lines 26-30, not only delineates his insecurity but also his indecisiveness and fear of rejection. These few lines give readers a snapshot of what the poem consists of: Prufrock’s constant self-doubt, ambivalence and passivity. Furthermore, it reveals that he overanalyzes situations to the point where it is unhealthy. As a result of his negativity and lack of initiative, Prufrock sends the message that he is an unhappy and lonely man who yearns for love but cannot even bring himself to open up to a woman, let alone ask her this “overwhelming question”.

In line 26 Prufrock mentions that “there will be time, there will be time. ” His repetition suggests that he may be attempting to convince himself that he is not too late-that he still has a chance at finding love. Moreover, it confirms Prufrock’s indecision. If he cannot ask the woman his question today, he will do it someday. This also means that Prufrock has more time to think, more time to analyze, and essentially more time to avoid his problems and fears.

On another note, this line is also an allusion to Marvell’s To His Coy Mistress, in which the speaker says that he and his mistress just did not have enough time; however, the speaker is much more confident, straightforward and outgoing than Prufrock. It becomes evident that Prufrock is concerned, rightfully so, but lacks the courage to even approach the woman; a great quote that characterizes his behavior is “intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings. ” In the next line, 27, Prufrock discusses the opportunity “to prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;”.

This lets the reader know that Prufrock is so uncomfortable with himself that he must create another persona. Prufrock, due to his insecurity and social anxiety, must create another version of himself-one that he believes is socially acceptable. He cannot show his true personality, perhaps because he fears that the woman-or society-will not accept him. The irony of the situation is that even though Prufrock longs for true love, if he cannot share his true self with others, how can he expect anyone to fill the void in his life? Furthermore, if he continues to ridicule himself and anticipate the worst case scenario, ho rio, how can he ever expect someone to reciprocate to this “love song” he is reciting?

Although Prufrock is in an unfortunate situation, it is difficult to sympathize with him, mostly because it seems as though he is digging his own grave. In the following line, Prufrock says that “there will be time to murder and create”. By this, he is most likely referring to the alter ego he creates when he is around others. There is time to reinvent himself in order to fit whatever mold he can possibly create. It also may suggest Prufrock’s need to be prepared for any given situation.

This makes sense because throughout the poem he is weighing his options and often repeats “And how should I presume? ” in later parts of the poem. Prufrock’s words not only confirm that he is too concerned with others’ opinions of him, but also that he is willing to give up his true identity in order to fit a cookie-cutter image. In line 29, Prufrock continues, saying “and time for all the works and days of hands. ” Time is once again mentioned, suggesting that Prufrock is still reassuring himself that he will have time to ask his question.

Works and Days is a poem written by an ancient Greek poet named Hesiod; in the poem, Hesiod offers his brother advice and talks about the human condition. This could relate to Prufrock since he needs help and with time, the situation could improve. At this point, readers may become frustrated since Prufrock uses time as an excuse to avoid confrontation. Yes, there will be time; but he is only wasting time by procrastinating. Line 30 reiterates Prufrock’s main concern: the question. He says “that lift and drop a question on your plate. References to the question are found throughout the poem, before and after this line.

When T. S. Eliot wrote this poem, if one wanted to visit another, it was customary to put a calling card on a plate. The person would see this request and then respond, either yes or no. Prufrock is referring to his question and whether the woman would have mutual feelings. He could even potentially be asking the question “before the taking of a toast and tea. ” (34) This line reveals that Prufrock’s thoughts are consumed by this question and what will happen afterwards.

Prufrock may be suggesting that he is actually going to ask the woman, just not now. In relation to the rest of the poem, lines 26-30 show the source of Prufrock’s problem and the uncertainty about whether to ask the woman his question. Prufrock’s lack of self-confidence and insecurity are revealed and it helps readers understand the other parts of the poem. It also emphasizes the significance of time to Prufrock and later on in the poem, when he states “with a bald spot in the middle of my hair”, (40) it begins to make a lot more sense to the reader.

Earlier on in the poem, Prufrock mentions that he feels “like a patient etherized on a table” (3) – hopeless, since his passivity becomes a barrier and causes him to lose the opportunity to find love. The reader can tell that Prufrock wants to be someone who has the confidence to tell a woman his feelings for her, but actions speak louder than words, and his indecision and tendency to circumvent change and possible rejection force him to live an isolated, unsatisfying life.