Who Is Charley In Death Of A Salesman

Charley is one of the main characters in Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman. Charley is Willy Loman’s best friend and neighbor, and he serves as a sounding board and voice of reason for Willy throughout the play. While Willy is often deluded and lives in his own world, Charley is level-headed and pragmatic. He offers Willy advice and support, but he also isn’t afraid to tell him when he’s being unrealistic. In many ways, Charley embodies the American Dream that Willy is chasing after but never quite achieves.

He is successful, respected, and happy in his life – something that Willy always wanted but could never achieve. Death of a Salesman is ultimately a tragedy, but Charley represents the hope that things can still turn out okay in the end. He’s a reminder that even though Willy’s life didn’t turn out the way he wanted it to, there is still some good in the world.

The American Dream may be realized through hard work, according to Arthur Miller’s character Charley. Having a comfortable existence and sending his son Bernard to college is the American Dream to Charley.

Charely never attempted to shoot for overly lofty expectations because he worked consistently all of his life. As a result, later in life, Charley had a secure enough income to live comfortably and send his son to college. He even had funds left over so that he could lend it out to Willy Loman, who was in need of it.

Charley is the symbol of hope in Death of a Salesman because he shows that the American Dream is still possible to achieve through dedication and determination. Miller uses Charley to remind readers that anyone, no matter their background, can still succeed if they work hard enough for it. Thus, Arthur Miller ultimately presents Charley as a representation of the average man who achieved the American Dream.

Charley instilled good values in Bernard, such as striving to be successful. By the later years of Charley’s life, he was comfortably living because to his hard effort, and he set his son Bernard on the correct path. Because Biff just played around rather than worked hard in his early days, Bernard is successful. He is successful since he is generating a decent income and living the life he wants. In high school, Biff took the easy way out by plagiarizing all of Bernard’s work.

When Bernard went to college, Biff just wanted to play football. In Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller uses the character Charley as a foil to Willy Loman. A foil is a character that provides a contrast to another character. Usually the contrast is in personalities, but it can also be in ideas or actions. In this case, the contrast is between two different ways of living and approaching life. Charley is hardworking and down-to-earth, while Willy is more dreamy and impractical. Charley represents reality, while Willy represents illusion.

While Willy lives in a world of fantasy and daydreams, Charley lives in the real world and deals with concrete facts. For instance, when Willy is talking to his boss Howard about getting a transfer to New York, Charley interrupts and tells Willy that he’s been working too hard and needs a vacation. Willy, of course, doesn’t want to hear this and tries to ignore Charley. But Charley is only trying to help Willy by bringing him back down to earth.

While Willy is always looking for shortcuts and easy ways to make money, Charley is content with working hard and waiting for his rewards. For instance, when Willy asks Charley for a loan, Charley refuses because he doesn’t think it’s a good idea. He knows that if Willy can’t pay back the loan, he’ll only end up in more debt. Charley is also suspicious of Willy’s “get-rich-quick” schemes, such as his plan to buy a house in the country with the insurance money from his father’s death. Charley knows that these schemes will never work and only end up costing Willy more money in the long run.

In Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller uses the character of Charley to show the contrast between illusion and reality, dreams and hard work. Through Willy’s interactions with Charley, we see that it’s not always possible to achieve our dreams, and that sometimes we have to face the harsh realities of life.

Biff had failed, but Bernard thought long and hard before taking action. He was doing well in school, then sticking to his beliefs after that. For example, at the end of the play, he is heading to the Supreme Court to defend a case. Now an accomplished lawyer who stuck to his ideals and had a passion for it, Bernand’s American Dream came true in the same manner as his father’s. As a result, Charley demonstrates that Arthur Miller himself believed in the American Dream.

Charley is a symbol of hope that anyone can achieve the American Dream if they work hard enough.

Arthur Miller’s view of the American Dream is that it is achievable if you work hard enough. I agree with this view because it shows that anyone can succeed if they put their mind to it. Charley is a perfect example of someone who has achieved the American Dream through hard work and determination. This shows that Arthur Miller believed in the American Dream and its ability to help people succeed.

Charley is a minor character in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. He is Willy Loman’s neighbor and only friend. Charley is a successful businessman who owns his own company. He is also an honest man who tells it like it is.

While Willy Loman is struggling to make ends meet, Charley is doing quite well for himself. In fact, he often lends Willy money when he is in need. Charley is the voice of reason in the play and he tries to help Willy see that his dream of being a successful salesman is just that – a dream.

Sadly, Willy does not listen to Charley and things end tragically for him. In the end, it is Charley who pays for Willy’s funeral. He is a good man who tries to help Willy, but ultimately fails.

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