Why Surrogacy Is Wrong

Donum vitae emphasizes, “Surrogate motherhood represents an objective failure to meet the obligations of maternal love, of conjugal fidelity and of responsible motherhood; it offends the dignity of the right of the child to be conceived, carried in the womb, brought into the world and brought up by his own parents; it sets up to the detriment of families, a division between the physical, psychological and moral elements which constitute those families. ” Surrogacy is the process of giving birth as a surrogate mother or of arranging such a birth.

Surrogacy is wrong and should not be used in place of a normal pregnancy or adoption. To become a surrogate mother one must endure painful medical tests to even see if they are eligible to become a surrogate. During the beginning, a future surrogate will be tested for STD’s, such as hepatitis B and C, syphilis, herpes, HIV, HTLV-1, and the Rh factor. The surrogate’s blood group will be ascertained, as well as being tested for certain illnesses that could affect the pregnancy.

The surrogate will also have to give a urine drug test in order to find out the presence of any prescription drug or any illegal drug which might harm the pregnancy. After being tested, if all tests come back negative, then the surrogate will be matched with a couple. The couple will be tested for the same tests as the surrogate, if everything comes back negative, the surrogate and couple will be sent to a fertility specialist. If the surrogate passes all of those tests they will then proceed to undergo the medical procedures.

In-vitro fertilization involves many steps. If the woman of the couple uses her own eggs during IVF, at the start of a cycle she will begin treatment with synthetic hormones to stimulate her ovaries to produce multiple eggs, rather than the single egg that normally develops each month. Multiple eggs are needed because some eggs will not fertilize or develop normally after fertilization. The woman may need several medications to help her conceive, such as Medications for ovarian stimulation.

To stimulate her ovaries, she might receive an injectable medication containing a follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH), a luteinizing hormone(LH) or a combination of both. These medications stimulate more than one egg to develop at a time. Medications for oocyte maturation. When the follicles are ready for egg retrieval she will take human chorionic gonadotropin, HCG, or other medications to help the eggs mature. Medications to prevent premature ovulation. These medications prevent her body from releasing the developing eggs too soon.

Medications to prepare the lining of her uterus. On the day of egg retrieval or at the time of embryo transfer, the doctor might recommend that she would need to begin taking progesterone supplements to make the lining of her uterus more receptive to implantation. Hysteroscopy will determine how clear the passages of the surrogate’s fallopian tubes are and the size of the uterus; they need to be in optimal condition for a smooth conception/transplant of the embryo. A mock Cycle will ‘find’ out how the surrogate’s uterine lining will respond to hormone replacement.

A pap smear points out how healthy the surrogate’s uterus is. Trial Transfer, “This procedure consists of a pelvic examination and placement of a tiny catheter inside the uterus to determine the direction and length of the uterine cavity prior to your treatment cycle. This procedure minimizes trauma to the uterine lining during your actual IVF treatment cycle and may enhance pregnancy rates. ” Psychological testing which will test the surrogates will, determination, and honest impulse. It tests how strong the surrogate is mentally to carry on the journey.

The average cost of surrogacy can run as low as sixty thousand dollars or as high as one hundred twenty thousand dollars, depending on whether or not the couple would involve a surrogacy agency and a lawyer, as well as on other variable factors. Larger agencies offer more services and assistance but charge higher fees than smaller ones. For example, John and Jane decide to have a child, but after years of trying the couple finds out that John has a low sperm count. The couple then decides to go through a surrogacy birth. They decided to go through a surrogacy agency.

The surrogacy agency fee starts at $20,000. The expenses start to pile one, with trust account management at $1,000, and surrogate support group fees at $1,200. Through the agency alone, the cost is at $22,200. The screening costs for both the mother and surrogate costs $3,000. Through in-vitro fertilization the cost is over $10,000. The surrogate mother will be compensated for the birth of the baby, base compensation is between $10,000 to $40,000. Transfer fees, $500, multiple fees (per fetus), $1,500, invasive procedure fees, $500, cesarean section fee, $1,500, and the loss of reproductive organs, $1,000.

The surrogate will get reimbursement for the child, including a maternity clothing allowance for $1,000. The surrogate will also receive reimbursement for the loss of wages, the cost varies for how much the surrogate would make. The surrogacy pregnancy needs legal fees, just in case the surrogate decides that she does not want to go through with the pregnancy the couple could sue, legal fees for the couple cost up to $5,500 and the legal fees for the surrogate costs up to $2,000. It is almost impossible for the average family to afford a surrogacy pregnancy.

Surrogacy permits someone else to go into the marriage contract, another woman, by arrangement, conveys a spouse’s child. A child has a characteristic right to be imagined through a demonstration of adoration, to be sustained in the womb by his own mother, and to be birthed by his own mom. Surrogacy outrages these fundamental rights, and denies him or her of the pride of being conveyed, supported, and birthed by his own mother. Surrogacy affronts the marital pledge and it treats the body of the surrogate mother as an object of utilization, and if cash is included, an object to be leased.

Such a demonstration is unbecoming. What is more, do not overlook that surrogacy requires the formation of an individual in a research facility and outside of a demonstration of adoration in the middle of spouse and wife. Surrogacy crosses various lines that should not be ruptured in light of the fact that this strategy for “beginning a family” neglects to respect the marriage contract and the privilege of each kid to be brought into the world by his or her own mom through a demonstration of adoration. Almost ten percent of women have difficulties getting pregnant.

The essential advantage of surrogacy is that it is regularly more effective than other conceptive treatment techniques. Now and then the surrogate mother supplies the egg to be prepared, however a few couples have their own particular hereditary material embedded into the surrogate mother. Around forty weeks after the fact, the surrogate mother gives birth to a healthy child, which the couple can then bring home with them without managing the physical issues that pregnancy can give. All in all surrogacy should not be used in place of an actual mother, father, and baby pregnancy.

Surrogacy is very painful, with all of the medical examinations a person must go through. Most Americans cannot afford to undergo surrogacy, with all of the medical examinations and how much money is required to give to the surrogate mother for giving her time and effort into the pregnancy. Then, there are the ethical considerations. If the couple is a very religious couple, then the option of surrogacy is almost zero. There are too many complications of surrogacy, versus very few positive aspects.