A History Of The World In 6 Glasses Essay

Tom Standage is a British journalist and author. He is currently the digital editor of The Economist. His first book, An Edible History of Humanity, was published in 2009. Tom’s second book, A History of the World in 6 Glasses, was published in 2005. Tom has also written for The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, and The Times.

Tom Standage’s The History of the World in 6 Glasses is a non-fiction historical novel that, among other things, demonstrates how certain alcoholic beverages have influenced history. The book then takes the reader on a time journey to illustrate mankind’s history through the perspective of drinks.

The book starts with water, which was the first drink of choice for humans and is still the most important today. Standage then discusses how beer became the drink of choice in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt, and how wine became associated with Ancient Greece. He goes on to talk about how spirits such as rum played a role in the development of the British Empire, and how Coca-Cola came to dominate the world in the 20th century.

A History of the World in 6 Glasses is an interesting and enjoyable read that will leave you with a new appreciation for the drinks that have shaped our world.

The main idea of the book is that certain speciality beverages have had a greater impact on human history than previously thought, influencing political systems, economic standings, religious ceremonies and social views. Standage unequivocally supports the topic he explores and provides no facts or analysis to disprove it.

Tom Standage is an English writer and journalist. He is a graduate of Worcester College, Oxford and has a Masters in International Relations from the London School of Economics. Tom is currently the Technology Editor for The Economist.

A History of the World in 6 Glasses tells the story of how different drinks have changed human history. The book starts with beer in Ancient Mesopotamia and ends with cola in America. In between, it covers wine in Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome; spirits in Medieval Europe; coffee in Renaissance Europe; and tea in Colonial America and Imperial China. For each drink, Standage tells the story of its origins; how it spread around the world; and how it transformed societies, economies, religions, and cultures.

The author, Tom Standage, has previously authored three other books that are also historical studies that back up his findings and research presented in this volume. Standage’s professional background lends credibility to the work. The first part of A History of the World in 6 Glasses is entitled “Beer,” and it divides the book into six parts. With people living longer, more productive lives, “administrators, scribes, and artisans” were able to develop. This improvement in living standards allowed “administrators, scribes, and artists to emerge.”

These people were able to dedicate their time to things other than finding food. The development of writing and mathematics followed. As early as 10,000 BCE, people were brewing beer from barley, and by 5,000 BCE, it was a widespread practice in the Fertile Crescent.

The Sumerians even created a goddess of beer, Ninkasi. Beer was so important to Mesopotamian society that it was used as currency and taxes were paid with it. The code of Hammurabi mentions 41 different Crimes that one could be charged with while brewing or selling beer. Some of these crimes included water theft, not paying one’s tab, and watering down beer. In ancient Egypt, beer was drunk out of clay vessels and was a staple at banquets. The Egyptians also used beer as an offering to the gods.

The section goes on to talk about how beer spread to other parts of the world like Europe and China. In Europe, brewing was often done by women and was seen as part of a woman’s domestic duties. Hops were introduced to beer in the 12th century, which made it easier to preserve and transport. Beer became even more popular in Europe when monasteries started brewing and selling it. In China, rice wine was the most popular alcoholic beverage until the Mongols introduced barley beer in the 13th century.

By looking at the history of beer, Tom Standage shows how important this drink has been in shaping the world. Beer has been a part of human society for over 10,000 years and has played a role in the rise of civilizations. It has brought people together and helped them to cooperation and socialize. Beer is more than just a drink, it is a part of our history. Tom Standage’s A History of the World in 6 Glasses is a fascinating look at how this humble beverage has shaped the world.

A History of the World in 6 Glasses by Tom Standage is a novel that looks at how beer has shaped the world. The book is divided into six sections, each looking at a different time period and how beer was integral to that period. Standage looks at how beer was important to early civilizations, how it spread around the world, and how it has continued to be a part of human society. A History of the World in 6 Glasses is a fascinating look at the history of beer and how it has shaped the world.

The next beverage, wine, played an important part in the flourishing Greek and Roman civilizations. Wine helped to start vast seaborne trade that spread their ideas, politics, and literature throughout the Mediterranean Sea. The book explains how these advancements came to be and expanded at formal Greek drinking parties.

Beer, on the other hand, was mostly consumed by the working class. It was a cheap and easy way to get drunk.

Standage argues that distilled liquor, or spirits, is responsible for both the rise and fall of the British Empire. Rum played a starring role in the slave trade; it was used to buy slaves in Africa and then sold to plantation owners in the Caribbean. The British navy also used rum to keep sailors happy and compliant (a practice known as “grog”). But when Britain taxed rum imported from its colonies, this led to the American Revolution.

Coca-Cola is presented as America’s gift to the world. This refreshing drink became hugely popular during Prohibition, when people were looking for a way to drink alcohol without getting caught. After World War II, Coke became a symbol of America’s global dominance.

The final beverage is tea, which has shaped China’s history. Tea originated as a medicinal drink, but it eventually became a social event. The book argues that tea drinking helped make China the world’s most populous country.

In conclusion, Tom Standage argues that beverages have had a profound impact on human history. Beer, wine, spirits, and Coca-Cola have all played key roles in the development of civilization. Tea has also shaped China’s history in a very significant way.

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