Antioxidants In The Human Body Essay

The human body is composed of many different types of cells. Cells are composed of many different types of molecules. Molecules consist of one or more atoms of one or more elements joined by chemical bonds. An antioxidant is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction involving the loss of electrons which can produce free radicals. The free radicals can start chain reaction in the body and cause damage to cells and important chemicals in the body.

Free radicals are very unstable and react quickly with other compounds, trying to capture the needed electron to gain stability. Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals. Antioxidants acts as scavengers looking for free radicals, helping to prevent cell and tissue damage that could lead to cellular damage and disease. Antioxidants are natural substances that may stop or limit the damage caused by free radicals. Our bodies use antioxidants to stabilize the free radicals, to help keep them from causing damage to other cells. Some cell could be permanently damaged and others could possibly heal on the own.

Antioxidants can protect and reverse the damage caused by oxidation to some extent. Our bodies produce some antioxidants to fight off free radicals formed by normal body processes. We can also get antioxidants by maintaining a healthy diet. Eating fruits that are rich in antioxidants can also help the body. Quercetin belongs to a group of plant pigments called flavonoids that give many fruits, flowers, and vegetables their colors. A flavonoid is a group of plant metabolites thought to provide health benefits through cell signaling pathways and antioxidant effects.

Quercetin is found in fruits and vegetables, such as especially onions, citrus, apples, dark berries, grapes and olive oil. Green tea and red wine has also been noticed for having high amounts of quercetin. There are many great benefits of taking quercetin. Quercetin is believed to protect against several degenerative diseases by preventing lipid peroxidation. Lipid peroxidation is the process in which unsaturated fatty acids are converted to free radicals through the abstraction of hydrogen. Quercetin offers nutritional support for our overall health.

The primary benefit of quercetin is that it possesses a large amount of antioxidants. When your respiratory system is irritated, redness and swelling can result from the release of histamines, and quercetin has been reported to have an antihistamine effect. Quercetin is naturally abundant in plant foods. Most people do not obtain enough quercetin levels through their daily diets. Quercetin supplements can reduce the accumulation of abdominal and liver fat. It is believed that the consumption of flavonoids offer a two-fold benefit in promoting overall cardiovascular health.

Quercetin encourages blood flow. Researchers have observed that quercetin’s antioxidant action protects against cholesterol oxidation. This may be beneficial because oxidation causes cholesterol to stick to artery walls. Quercetin naturally promotes balanced blood pressure. Quercetin causes a relaxation of the airway smooth muscle, which may offer therapeutic solutions. Many of our most powerful medicines are derived from plant extracts. When we consume plants as food and beverages, the protective benefits of these flavonoids are entered into our bodies.

Quercetin is found in a broad range of foods, from grape skins and red onions to green tea and tomatoes. Quercetin is attracting interest for its unique anti-aging and immune-boosting activities. There has been several studies show that organisms exposed to high levels of quercetin live longer and live healthier lives. Quercetin cardiovascular benefits lowering blood pressure and increasing plasma levels of nitric oxide. Higher doses of quercetin have shown the ability to modestly lower blood pressure. Heart muscle that is overloaded by excess blood pressure loses its responsiveness to nitric oxide.

It becomes overgrown and eventually loses its ability to pump blood effectively, which could lead to early death or disability. Quercetin blocks pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy. A cardiovascular benefit of quercetin is its ability to inhibit platelet. Oxidant stress and inflammation trigger this excessive stickiness in platelets and blood vessel walls. If this is left untreated it could lead to a stroke or a heart attack if a blood clot forms. Research has shown that people who consume more fruits and vegetables have a lower risk of some diseases.

Some lab studies have shown that quercetin has a positive benefit against some cancers. It is believed that free radicals contribute to diseases, aging and cancer. Quercetin has been found to be beneficial in fighting cancer as well as reduce allergic reactions, boost immunity, and protect the cardiovascular system. The second leading cause of death in the United States is cancer. Quercetin interferes with the processes that turn healthy cells into malignant cancer cells. Quercetin’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties protect cellular DNA from dangerous cancer-inducing mutations.

Cancer is a class of diseases involving abnormal cell growth that has the potential to spread throughout the body. Cancer begins in the cells which are the basic building blocks of your body. Cells grow though cell division to replace old worn out cells that eventually die, to repair damaged tissue, or to allow the body to grow. This cell division is known as mitosis and results in creating an exact copy of itself and splits into two new cells containing an exact copy of the original cell’s chromosomes.

When this process goes wrong cells can become cancerous when a mutation occurs. Quercetin may help protect against heart disease and cancer. Quercetin can also help stabilize the cells that release histamine in the body and thereby have an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect. Researchers think that quercetin may help reduce symptoms of allergies Scientists have long considered quercetin important in cancer prevention. People who eat more fruits and vegetables tend to have lower risk of certain types of cancer.

Animal and test tube studies suggest that flavonoids have anti-cancer properties. Fruits and vegetables are the primary dietary sources of quercetin, particularly citrus fruits, apples, onions, parsley, sage, tea, and red wine. Olive oil, grapes, dark cherries, and dark berries such as blueberries, blackberries, and bilberries are also high in quercetin and other flavonoids. Quercetin supplements are available as pills or capsules. Quercetin is generally considered safe. Side effects may include headache and upset stomach. Very high doses of quercetin may damage the kidneys.