Argumentative Essay: What Is Opposition?

Opposition is a word that no one individual wants to face. If it was possible, going on a different path would be more preferable than facing opposition. Opposition is a foe that takes on many facets, and it does come against each and every one of us. No one can escape opposition. It lies in wait and usually attacks when least expected. Tall and daunting it stands displaying its overpowering threat for destruction. It has no feelings or pity for any individual. Opposition wants to stop you in your tracks. The Webster dictionary states, “The act of opposing or resisting. The condition of being in conflict” (Second Random House Edition).

Opposition exuberates struggle, defiance, rivalry and even warfare. How does an individual handle opposition? It is not a choice that an individual can bypass or escape. But we do have a choice in what we do when being attacked by opposition. How can an individual handle opposition? Could our core values direct us on the choice we will make when facing opposition? Which choice will I choose on the day opposition comes charging at my door? Retreat! Retreat! I hate to say it but turning around and running from opposition is a choice. Opposition gets it power when the individual runs from it.

It will grow, become more obstructive and overshadow you. Cowardly comes to mind if | choose to tuck my tail and run. I would be showing no backbone. By running, I would only allow that opposition wall to enlarge and abound. I would not be able to escape it. It would eventually overlap anything good or nurturing in my life, Opposition would take over every part of my life and rule it. It would dictate and own my decisions and choices. This is never the right choice, but many individuals will choose this, not realizing the steep consequences it would have on their life or people surrounding them.

Another option would be to join the opposing side. Going with the flow would seem less harmful and stressful in an individual’s life. If I choose to join my opposition then my life would be easier to live. No one wants to deal with heartache, pain or struggles. If joining means I would not be picked on, my life would have peace and harmony. This is the worst deception of all. Opposition loves to look “greener on the other side”, but it is only masquerading the “ball and chain” just around the corner. No one can have a peaceful and harmonious life when joining opposition.

The grass always looks greener on the other side. By the time you choose to step on the greener side, you will eventually find that harness around your neck has gotten tighter and shorter over time. Freedom slowly creeps away while confining restraints lock the individual down. The snare is colorful, inviting and promising, but the bite leaves an everlasting impression with no escape. I believe the majority choose this path. They feel that this will not affect them. They can beat the system. No one wins with siding with opposition. It has no friend.

You cannot join it; you cannot buy it; you definitely cannot leave without a scar. Opposition wants to swallow you whole. However, there is but one remaining choice or path left to choose to take Stand! Be courageous! Step up to the calling and firmly plant your feet. Do not yield! Do not waiver! Face this opposition with truth and bravery. Only the elite follow this path. An individual chooses to take action and confront, even to the point of warfare. Great leaders shine forth from this elite group. It is for justice, equality and the betterment of the whole that this leader believes and fights for.

This leader chooses not to yield; he believes in a better world; he will not surrender. He lives and portrays the core values he so dearly treasures. He believes with all his being in his future, his goals and his colleagues or family. He could lose his life; and, willingly he would because he sees the possible future for the many who might follow in his footsteps. Albert Einstein once stated, “The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly. ” (CX Stream).

This path is narrow and only a few choose it. But history has shouted and proclaimed the legacy these few great leaders have left behind for the generations to follow. These leaders were part of making our country great. We study them in history, we write about them in our papers, and maybe, we believe we can follow their example and stand against opposition. So, what do I want to choose when I come against opposition? Opposition has a way of making an individual cowardly run with its tail tucked away. Maybe joining the opposing team hoping all the time I will not get burned or even noticed.

Never backing down and deliberately choosing to counterattack without wavering. Only the elite choose this last choice. History has proven it. This has never been the easiest choice. A battle might have to be engaged. Losing one’s life for their stand might be the fatality. But the outcome of justice, equality, or freedom for one and for all is the highest achievement an individual could sacrifice. Winston Churchill states, “A kite flies against the wind, not with it. ” (Moncur) My question to you is, “What will be your choice the next time you face opposition? “