Augustus Caesar vs Alexander The Great

Alexander the Great and Augustus are two figures that came to power in different times, but both had great influence over their empires. Alexander was king of the Macedonians and is known for his large empire created by military conquest. On the other hand, Augustus was an emperor in Ancient Rome who gained power through civil wars. Alexander conquered many areas in Europe and Asia, but Augustus is known for restoring order to the Roman Empire.

Alexander the Great was born in 356 BC and died at thirty-three years old. Six months after Alexander’s passing his empire had split into four parts. Alexander the Great was known as one of history’s greatest generals because of his military prowess. Augustus was born Gaius Julius Caesar on September 23, 63 BC (before Julian calendar). He rose to power through civil wars with Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII, which he won by 30 BC. Augustus was popular among citizens because of policies that improved people’s lives through social reforms during peacetime.

Both Alexander and Augustus became sole ruler after their fathers’ deaths, showing their similarities as great conquerors. Alexander the Great was king of Macedon at age twenty after his father’s death and Augustus came into power of Rome after defeating Mark Antony and becoming one of three rulers. Alexander was more successful at expanding his empire than Augustus, whose empire did not grow as large. Alexander died young which led to his empire being divided by four generals, something that Augustus avoided by staying alive longer and allowing Rome to become stronger with time.

Alexander had a strong desire for conquest, but Augustus showed military restraint during peacetime which helped him gain support from citizens living under Roman rule through social reforms such as public food distribution during times of famine. Augustus lived longer than Alexander leading to greater success in uniting the people within the Roman Empire, which Alexander failed to do since his empire was divided into four parts after Alexander’s death. Both Alexander the Great and Augustus were able to succeed in building empires that continue to affect history even today, but Alexander had a greater impact than Augustus.

Alexander the Great is known as one of history’s greatest warriors while Augustus struggled with civil wars before becoming emperor of Rome. Alexander died young so he only reigned for about thirteen years compared to Augustus’ rule of forty-four years, which gives them different reputations during their reigns. Alexander led military campaigns all over Asia and Europe gaining him worldwide fame, while Augustus spent most of his time restoring power to Rome decreasing his prominence outside of Italy. Alexander was also very popular among citizens due to his desire for conquest, which helped spread the Greek culture further than ever before.

Augustus’ social reforms improved people’s quality of life resulting in better treatment without Alexander having to make any changes. Alexander remains one of the most famous figures even today because of his desire for conquest, military prowess and influence on history while Augustus is known more as an Emperor that made changes to benefit society at large rather than himself. Alexander the Great was a Macedonian king who came into power after conquering other areas. Alexander expanded his empire by defeating Persian forces and became popular among citizens due to his positive views towards conquered people and willingness for warfare.

Alexander died young so his empire was divided into four parts between generals after he passed away (when Julian calendar began). Augustus was an emperor who succeeded in defeating rivals to gain control over the entire Roman Empire. Augustus allowed citizens living under his rule to have social reforms, which included public food distribution during times of famine. Alexander and Augustus were successful conquerors but Alexander’s empire was divided into four parts after he died while Augustus’ empire remained united until Byzantine Empire fell centuries later despite Alexander dying young.

Alexander the Great is remembered as one of history’s greatest conquerors because he expanded his kingdom by leading military campaigns all over Europe and Asia without allowing conquered people to be mistreated by his soldiers (unlike other empires that forced conquered people into slavery). Alexander also led economic policy for conquered areas to benefit society there thus gaining him popularity among citizens in what Alexander wanted; to spread Greek culture far and wide.

Alexander’s desire for conquest led to him covering a large part of the world with Greek influence which Alexander believed was key to a stable empire. On the other hand, Augustus is remembered as an emperor who gained control over Rome by defeating his rivals in civil war and made social reforms during peacetime to benefit citizens living under Roman rule (such as public food distribution during famine). Augustus focused on restoring power back to Rome after the previous emperors had spent their time initiating wars which weakened the empire; Augustus wanted peace rather than constant warfare like Alexander did.

Augustus ruled longer than Alexander so he was able to make more significant changes benefiting society compared to Alexander who died young. Both Alexander and Augustus were successful conquerors but Alexander’s empire was divided into four parts after Alexander’s death while Augustus’ empire remained an empire until Byzantium fell centuries later. Alexander the Great is remembered by history as a conqueror who helped spread Greek culture and for his desire of conquest, which Alexander believed was key to stability and peace among conquered areas.

Augustus is remembered more as an emperor whose goal was to restore power back to Rome thus benefiting citizens living under Roman rule (such as public food distribution during famine) rather than gain influence like Alexander did. Alexander is popular in the eyes of many because he led positive policies for conquered people and successfully spread Greek culture while Augustus remains more anonymous due to focusing on restoring power back to Rome resulting in better treatment among civilians rather than spreading Greek culture like Alexander the Great.

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