Ludvig van Beethoven no doubt is one of the greatest pianist and composers to date. His earlier works are usually compared to Mozart due to the similarity of the structure but one major different was Beethoven’s ability to incorporate his own imagination into each composition. Although most of his work had been recognized by the music industry, it was his first symphony of the starting point in his career. The Symphony number one, opus 21 was written in C major contain four movements, and although its structure contain some similarity to Mozart’s work, it was the one that put Beethoven onto the musical scene in Vienna.
Beethoven had arrived in Vienna in 1792 to study composition with Haydn. Mozart and Hayden were the two most influential people on Beethoven’s musical style. In comparison Haydn and Mozart, Beethoven had a later start to writing symphony music at the age of…
It was a risky action in which Beethoven took because during this period, the music scene in Vienna was still affected by the work of Haydn, who wrote his last symphony in 1795 and Mozart’s Jupiter symphony which was published in 1788. Also, the growing of public appreciation for symphony music increase as concerts were no longer became something only just the higher class in the society could obtain. The decline of private concerts that were supported by patrons allows the idea of public concert to popularize. Beethoven moved to Vienna in 1792, during the French Revolution in which followed by the execution of King Louis XVI caused a shock to the society. By publically premier his first symphony was an attempt from Beethoven to break away of the financially dependence on the patrons and to highlight his political view. Ironically, in 1801, the composition was published and dedicated to an aristocratic patron named Gottfried van Sweiten and most of his later works remained dedicated to…