Cause Of Gang Violence Essay

“In American English, especially of slaves working on plantations (1724). Also, formerly used of animal herds or flocks (17C. -19c. )”. The term/definition of gang, according to Etymology dictionary. As I pose the question, what exactly causes gang violence to occur in the context that we use it today? Possible things | propose, family demographics, peer groups, and personal attributions. These risk factors may promote to someone joining a gang and committing to violence. But there are better ways to solve issues rather than resorting to violence. The community support and education maybe our only chance to a resolution.

The typical gang member is male, but there are also many female gang members. In the late 90’s when the government issued a war on drugs, the targets were gangs. In many instances, there were more women detained than men. Law enforcement tells us that 90% of gang members are men. The 10% margin gap, is the female population in gangs, there is this perceived notion that gangs are only for men. Many psychologists suggest that most gang members join due to “Familia” affiliation. Most gang members are around the age of 13-22, according to the FBI database.

These young people tend to join gangs for the brotherhood component, the fast money, drugs, and a host of other reasons. Alarming statics were released, in the mid 90’s that stated 80 to 95% of gang members are identified as African Americans or Hispanics. Numerous studies indicate that poverty, unemployment, the absence of meaningful jobs, and social disorganization contribute to the presence of gang involvement. Some intriguing information about these studies, identify the clear problems in the neighborhoods with these high rates of gang violence.

These young people don’t have any jobs, activities, or business for that matter, besides doing what they know. In a city like Chicago, many of the gang members there are from very poor, underdeveloped areas and not given much chances to be great. It’s interesting to know that the poor African American and Hispanic communities have the highest volumes of poverty and unemployment. These people live in homes they do not own, so they can not contribute to making their schools and communities better. It’s clear, that to fill these private prison, the government targets communities like so.

Gangs as youth groups develop among the socially marginal adolescents for whom school and family do not work. In contrast, gangs are like fraternities and sororities, well this was the intentions of Freddy Gauge & Walter Wheat the creators of Four Corner Hustlers. The notion of creating a family in the streets, to give back to the communities, it wasn’t until they became blacklisted by the federal government where they were considered an organized gang affiliate(s). What many African Americans considered to be stronger leaders, were either stripped of their freedoms and imprisoned or are dead.

The lack of strong leaders in the communities may affect astronomical rates of gun violence. The fact that I can walk through a neighborhood like Englewood of Chicago, Il and be approached by a Traveling Vice Lord and asked to spit my creed, shows the lack of positive leadership. Many young adults, look up to these members in their communities as leaders because they take care of them. These gang affiliates really give children hope, and I think a prominent reason for that is the lack of support and discipline from the home front.

The absence of fathers in households, I believe also play a vital role in the high crime rates today. “Without the torch, one will forever be in darkness until they’ve reach the end of the tunnel”. -Joshua Bowens The mind is traitorous thing if it is not exposed to powerful conscious knowledge. The traitorous part is introduced when the brain becomes infiltrated with wrongful depictions of evil/ good and ignorance. The state of the black or Hispanic young boy/man in America is endangered. The acts performed on the televisions our young children see, is brainwashing them.

Media is the biggest threat to the existence of the black/Hispanic man besides a bullet. The government has controlled and oppressed African descendant people in this country since the existence of this country. Gang violence is taught; how to shoot a weapon is taught, the idea of hatred and violence is a taught principle. If we take a child about 5 years old for an example, they know no difference between hating or loving someone based on skin color. They love unconditionally; s if we can cultivate the minds of the young children before the government does we could help them.

How can one identify with self-worth if every depiction of what she/he see’s is worthless? Repeatedly, time again we see in the news a young black or Hispanic person being killed. The result of this death is always blamed on the same race as the victim or a police officer. This shows its viewers and most importantly the children that their brothers and sisters are targets. If bodies drop like flies, and children already think shooting or being an officer is cool then what stops them from learning this behavior.

We the people must take back the communities and show these children and adolescents that we care. On television shows, the “gang member” is always depicted as someone who is African American and/or Hispanic, and shown as the “cool or toughest” in the show. Psychology tells us that children especially males are so impressionable up until they are 24-25 years of age. If a child see’s multiple shows depicting the same thing, eventually that child will start to believe this is normal to do. As a result, they go out into the world thinking joining a gang is “cool and tough” and ends up in jail or dead.

The self- will of a person is determined by the choices they make. Without guidance from a positive role model, it is easy to be deterred and set on the wrong path. Many of the gang members in today’s existence either had the self-will to be an affiliate of a gang or was guided into it. If parents do not start monitoring and guiding these young children, the state of the black man or Hispanic may become extinct. Some research shows that delinquency starts at home, if not fixed at home it boils over into the community and becomes influential for the next delinquent.

The disadvantages that are placed on the lower social class, affects the social and economic conditions causing a social disorganization. In addition to the compressions of fringe economics, these gang members experience the added load of having marginal ethnics and personal identities. They look for their identities and some stability in the gang and adopt the culture and customs that are associated with gangs. These risk factors may promote to someone joining a gang and committing to violence the typical gang member is male, but there are also many female gang members.

In the late 90’s when the government issued a war on drugs, the targets were gangs. Numerous studies indicate that poverty, unemployment, the absence of meaningful jobs, and social disorganization contribute to the presence of gang involvement. The mind is traitorous thing if it is not exposed to powerful conscious knowledge. The traitorous part is introduced when the brain becomes infiltrated with wrongful depictions of evil/good and ignorance. Many of the gang members in today’s existence either had the self- will to be an affiliate of a gang or was guided into it.

But there are better ways to solve issues rather than resorting to violence. The community support and education maybe our only chance to resolution. Throughout the paper, I’ve questioned and explained how these factors contribute back to our communities. Studies show that family demographics play a role into an adolescent’s development. The people they hang and associate themselves with daily. Lastly, having the self-will to make the best decisions and choices for their life. Concentrating on these several focal points contribute to what causes gangs and its members.