The first five guests are killed off within the first two days that they are on Indian Island. They arrive by boat to this secluded island, which is mostly used for vacationing. The boat handler brings them over to the island and leaves them with supplies enough to last them about a week. They are not expected back to the mainland until after a week, and it will be the boat handler’s job to pick them up at that time. The guests stay in relative seclusion on the island. They play cards and drink, but each guest has their own agenda.
And then, there are the things that happen on the island with regards to the deaths of certain guests. Each death scene is horrific, and it’s described in detail. However, each guest has their own idea of who the murderer may be. And then, when they think that things are safe enough to venture out onto the island, another one dies! By chapter 13 of And Then There Were None, all ten guests have been killed except for Rogers. It appears that he will also die by being poisoned after drinking some cocoa he made himself.
The last few chapters described how each remaining guest reacts in various ways when they realize that someone is trying to kill them. Some get very belligerent with others around them; others get paranoid about everyone else; there are certain ones who put together clues about who might be responsible for these murders, and there are some who accuse each other. And, of course, there’s the person responsible for all of these killings! And Then There Were None is suspenseful until the last few chapters when it becomes apparent that one person is responsible for killing off everyone else.
And then, they die themselves. The guests react in different ways after learning about their impending deaths. Some get belligerent with others; others become paranoid; some put clues together to form theories on who might be doing this; and then there are those that accuse each other (shocker). And then, of course- there’s the murderer himself/herself! And Then There Were None is suspenseful through most of the book because no one knows who could be doing it. And then, at the end of the book, everyone is dead except for Rogers. And Then There Were None has a surprise twist that will leave you surprised!
The reactions of the guests can be explained by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. After they learn that someone is trying to kill them, most people react in various ways depending on their own personal level of safety and security. Many of these people have been threatened with death from unknown sources. When they realize this, fear sets in and their minds try to rationalize what might happen next so that the result won’t be too devastating when it comes about. Another common reaction found among many of these characters is deceitful behavior.
And Then There Were None has various forms of deceit between the characters. Some try to deceive others about being part of an alliance against another guest, but then they are found out later on in the book. And Then There Were None also has instances where these guests do not trust each other at all. And Then There Were None presents the reader with several ideas that could also be explained by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. One common reaction among these characters is their level of safety and security depending on how they have been threatened before arriving on Indian Island.
And Then There Were None has examples where some people’s fears cause them to relate this current situation to things that have happened in the past. Just like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, And And Then There Were None presents the reader with examples of how people react depending on what they need to survive. And Then There Were None also has people react according to their self-esteem and belongingness needs. There are a couple of guest characters in And Then There Were None that deal with social anxiety.
When faced with a group setting where one person is trying to kill everyone else, these characters have a hard time dealing with pressure from other guests. And Then There Were None has several examples that come from Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs as well as situations where certain guests do not trust each other based on their own personal level of safety and security. As for the murderer character himself/herself, And And Then There Were None has him/her dealing with anxiety. And Then There Were None will keep you reading to find out more!
The murderer in And Then There Were None is mentally unstable and this prompts his actions. Agatha Christie’s And And Then There Were None showcases that person as someone who is able to easily slip into another character’s personality. And Then There Were None will surprise you with how all of the characters ended up dying on Indian Island . And Then There Were None ends with the realization that there was no real reason for these murders at all; it was just revenge for some event that had happened years ago! And Then There Were None is definitely something you should read. And Then There Were None will keep you reading!
Secondly the guests place Mark’s body in one room because he died violently and they don’t want his body to frighten anyone. And when they go to check on him later that night or in the morning, he is gone! And then there is no answer at the door where the noise was coming from! “There seemed to be rather a tense atmosphere among us all when after an interval we re-assembled for breakfast. We had somehow got out of the habit of meeting together at meals since these strange happenings had begun. Each meal time, except dinner which Joan took in Mrs. Rogers’ room, we all met for a little while.
And now again the gathering was forced. All of us were pretty silent and more or less uneasy. And when presently Philip Lombard suddenly got up from the table and said he’d had enough of this darned nonsense and wasn’t going to stay cooped up any longer, nobody objected. And so an hour later (it must have been) we clustered round the door listening intently. Yes, there came sounds at last–but not very loud sounds–faint thuds… ” (pg 155-156) The next precaution is that everyone decides to make dinner together because then if one person has poisoned their food, mass poisoning will occur.
And everyone is too hungry to resist. And then after dinner Miss Brent’s death is announced and the mood among the characters changes. And Mr. Rogers excuses himself from the table and does not return for a long time, and when he returns his face was “sternly composed” (pg 159) And everyone gets suspicious of him. And they make plans to separate; And Philip Lombard suggests that people pair up in twos so there wouldn’t be any escapees: “There’s safety in numbers. Nobody knows where to look for us- -we can each pair off with another. ” (pg 160)