Colonial Architecture

All the colonial houses are alike. From the least important places like farms to places like Monticello all the houses were built in the federal style. The federal style just means that the house would be bilaterally symmetrical. If there was five windows on the top half, then there would be five on the lower half (same on the left and right side). When the plantation owners were in the heat of summer they would come to these houses in Beaufort. Inside these houses, an arch would separate the public and private side.

On the public side there would be rooms like a dining room, an office, a ballroom, and a living room. On the private side there was the bedroom and kitchen. The public side it was generally fancier and had the expensive things in it. Also inside these houses was a natural wind flow. They accomplished this by having two doors in every room so when they opened all the doors the wind would flow throughout the house. The doors look like closets but there is no real closets in the house. The colonists would party a lot.

They had a ballroom on the second floor for two reasons. To have a good view, and to keep away the flies. There was a ladys ballroom ( a present from the husband) coming off from the ballroom so the women could leave the party and just chat about the current events. The houses had no plumbing, and no heating so the colonists needed fireplaces and outhouses. The fire places on the public side were Adams fireplaces (expensive) and was elaborately decorated. They were made of marble. The ones on the public side were just there for heating purposes, not decoration.

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