Concert Review Essay

On November 25, 2020, I had the pleasure of seeing Two Door Cinema Club at an independent pop concert. The show was held at the Fox Theater in Pomona on a late Friday night. When I arrived at the theater, I hadn’t anticipated there to be quite so many people. Because the band was identified as indie, I thought that the theater would not have been completely sold out. Because it wrapped around the block and took close to an hour to get inside, queueing was difficult.

Once I was finally inside, I made my way to the floor where the stage was. The opening act had already begun and they were a local band from Los Angeles.

The crowd was very diverse in age, which I thought was interesting. There were people ranging from their late teens to those who appeared to be in their forties. As the night went on, the energy in the room only grew. People were singing and dancing along to every song, new and old. It was clear that everyone there knew every word to every song.

Two Door Cinema Club took the stage around 9:30 pm and played for close to two hours. They sounded exactly like they do on their albums, which is always a pleasant surprise. They played a great mix of old and new songs, which kept the crowd engaged throughout the entire set.

Overall, it was a great experience. The music was great and the atmosphere was even better. I would definitely see Two Door Cinema Club again in a heartbeat.

I saw how swiftly people were running to obtain a good view of the act as I entered the theater. The seats were organized in such a way that they all stood up and there was a second-floor balcony. My ticket was for the ground level only, but there was a pit adjacent to the stage, as well as an elevated area behind it. I actually stood directly next to the lights director, who was positioned in front of me on stage.

The room went dark and the band came out to a roaring applause. The first thing I noticed was the drummer. He had an impressive set up and his playing was very tight. The guitar player was next and he ripped into a solo that got the crowd going wild. The singer was the last to come out and he started singing the first song of the set.

The band played for about two hours and they were amazing. They played all of their hits and even threw in a couple of covers. The energy in the room was electric and everyone was having a great time.

I had an incredible time at the concert and it was one of the best shows I have ever seen. If you get a chance to see this band live, I highly recommend it. You will not be disappointed.

Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the concert with all of my other friends. There were four of us by the lights director, while the remainder were in the pit. The average age of the audience was approximately 15 years old, although females outnumbered males.

The singer and band was a local group from California who had recently released their second album. The name of the band is irrelevant but what is important is that they are an amazing live band. There were two guitarists, one drummer, one bassist, and one singer.

The set up of the stage was simple with a backdrop of the cityscape and a few lights to produce different colors and shades. There were also two large screens on either side of the stage that displayed images and words related to the songs being played.

The concert started at around 8:30 pm with all members of the band coming out and greeting the audience. They then proceeded to play their first song which was one of their most popular ones according to Spotify.

I took notice of the band’s clothing while they were on stage. They seemed like actual rock stars and dressed modern. Alex Trimble, the lead singer and guitarist, was wearing a leather jacket over a denim jacket, while Kevin Baird, the bassist, wore a Hawaiian-style shirt. Sam Halliday, guitar player, donned a casual shirt while unofficial band member Ben Thompson (drummer), who wasn’t in attendance that day because he was sick with the flu, opted for a black tee.

The band’s look made them seem even more like they walked out of a movie. The opening song “This is the Day” started with an electric guitar and the lead singer Alex Trimble playing the drums. As soon as the lead singer began to sing, I was in awe of his voice. It was so powerful yet gentle and raspy, it sounded amazing. The whole band came in right on cue and it sounded just as good live as it does on their album “Homes”.

They immediately went into their next song “What We Drew” which is one of my favorites off their album. After those two great songs, they played one of my other favorites called “Anachronism”. I love this song because it’s so different from anything else I’ve ever heard. It has an interesting mix of rock and classical music which creates a unique sound.

The energy of the band was great and they had the whole crowd engaged. They played a few more songs before going into my all-time favorite, “Skeletons”. This is probably their most popular song and it did not disappoint live. The guitar playing was fantastic and the lead singer’s voice sounded even better live than on the album. By the end of the song, the whole crowd was singing along and it was an amazing moment.

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