Dog Eat Dog World Analysis Essay

I decided to choose question four, which asked what the consequences would be if the government ceased to exist. For starters, there would be two paths society could take on as a result of no government. We as a people, could unite and make a primitive system of bartering such as back in the pre-industrialization ages, or there would be total anarchy.

Likely the latter would ensue, as we are simply a greedy species biologically programmed to survive, thus we would become hostile towards one another in our attempt to survive. Everyone would fend for hemselves as the phrase, “dog-eat-dog world” becomes more characteristic of society. It is already a dog-eat-dog world even with a government, however the anarchy that ensues would be much more barbaric. People would scavenge, fight to survive by stealing from anyone, looting stores, killing people for power.

The leaders from the followers would soon distinguish themselves, and small-scale governing bodies would emerge from the recesses of a broken system. With no organization or people telling us what to do, we would not thrive. We would not igure out how to survive efficiently. If there was no government, there would be no police, no firefighters, no healthcare, no monetary system, etc. There would be such confusion, such frustration, and mankind would revert to a prehistoric lifestyle as a result of this. We’d be in ruins, a shell of what society we formerly were with a government. As a consequence of no government, there’d be no distribution of classes, specialization in labor, wealth, or food. People would hoard whatever they can find, and thus our innately selfish nature would surface.

With no government, people would be more evil than they already are. Government keeps people in check, gives them a purpose to fulfill, and therefore puts them off of a path towards evil that would arise if there was no government. The government is a guide basically on how to live. They encourage you to go to college, get a job, buy a house, get married, have kids and then die off in retirement once your ability to be a worker drone has diminished. The perpetuating cycle of being in debt to others or the government, whether it be from a mortgage, college, a car, exists onstantly generation after generation.

The sad truth is, many realize this, and do nothing about it. They seem to accept this as life as we know it, and the only thing they can do is encourage change to the upcoming generations. This is life and without government, we’d be in shambles. Having the comfortable lifestyle you might have, without a government you will no longer have the option to live it. The repercussions if the government ceased to exist would be unfathomable, because as a species, we are idiotic and selfish, but as individuals, we are intelligent.

This distinct gap in intelligence is what governments rely on to thrive. The smart rely on the stupid to gain wealth, and the stupid are too stupid to realize it. The stupid end up also being poor, which fuels the never-ending cycle of putting more money in the smart’s pockets. Now, however, we have idiots running our country, putting us all in debt, regardless of your circumstances. Nobody can have a fresh start, because the government has ruined our chances at having the best lifestyle we can. Why? Due to greed.

Either way you put it, government or nongovernment, humans will always be greedy. As much as I don’t support many actions the government commits, we need it so people will not wreak havoc and deteriorate mankind. Weighing out the consequences, having no government is way more dangerous than having a government. Although, war is something that cannot be avoided, with or without government, due to human greed. Without a government, people will battle individually to get what they want. Life has become more about, “wants” rather than, “needs”.

This lifestyle evolution has been propagated ever since the roaring twenties as the American Dream was a goal in life for most people. Money, money, money, it makes the world go round, but also is the root cause of greediness, therefore the root cause of war. Governments certainly do evil things with the money they obtain from the poor, but for the most part, it’s either a choice of living in a society where everyone is united under a system of money, with infrastructure, job specialization, material things, or a society where everyone fends for hemselves and becomes self-dependent.

People can go on tangents about this, but i’ll end this by telling you to look outside. Look around you, buildings cars, houses. Now look in your wallet, if you have a lot of money, you feel somewhat happy. It’s just a piece of paper in the end, but it helped you obtain a house, a car, food etc. This is the result of having a system of government. In other words, the government has helped you satisfy your materialistic and greedy lifestyle.

Feels good right? Now not to generalize a 7 billion population of humans, but most of them are in fact aterialistic and greedy. The government helps them support their addiction to greed, in a non-barbaric, purpose-fulfilling manner. This is role the government plays, masking human nature. The government giveth, and the government taketh. The government manipulates, the government kills, the government brainwashes, and the government continues to exist. Why? Due to people being too comfortable to do anything about it. Their life is too nice to fight for others who have it worse. So, the cycle of selfishness continues, thus we continue living, and nobody bats an eye.