World War 2 Dbq Analysis Essay

With the U. S trying to gain isolationism after World War One happened, World War Two breaks out and everyone needs guns and resources to fight off and defend their nation. The U. S decides to pass a lot of rules saying we won’t trade with any other nation because we don’t want to get dragged into this war like the last one as were are still in a Great Depression. Eventually the President Roosevelt say’s we need to help the Allied powers, so we pass the Lend Lease act to help aid them but not give them total resources.

With the hearing of this, Japan decides to attack Pearl Harbor of Hawaii, destroying our Naval Base but now our Fleet of ships. This starts the war with the U. S and Japan, and the U. S joins World War Two. We need a lot of supplies since we’re fighting a two front war, one in Europe and one in Japan. We need support from our home country and also supplies from them, the war needs the home fronts help. So with this the homefront is now affected by the war in many ways.

The ways they are come like this, we need a lot more troops in the army so we start to pass laws that let African Americans join the airforce and defense operations, we start to treat the Japanese terrible and put them into camps, and the civilians normal day changes a lot by propaganda and rationing. All these things greatly affected the American homefront With the war needing a lot of aid from the civilians different groups start to try and assist this need, with this starts new opportunities for all kinds of people to work in the Military community.

With some women trying to gain rights to go work in the military business the poster “Rosie the Riveter” come out and showed a women flexing and showing how she’s part of the work force for the Military and that any other women could too(Doc 3). This shows how the Propaganda can give women a motive to go join the Military workforce and how with women pushing into the war community it’s making head way for other groups too and even more women to make their way deeper into the Military community. This poster/propaganda was aimed at getting women to go and join the war effort and go join the Military workforce.

The women actually had a very important role in the war, since all their husbands left they had to take their jobs and mass produce ammo. Thus giving women a big boost in the workforce showing what they can do. The women weren’t the only ones trying to take a Military role either, African Americans wanted to join the war effort to and go fight on the mains lines with the white soldiers(Doc 1). This created a very tense spot between the Military force and African Americans, but they kept fighting because they wanted to fight for what was right.

They finally did get accepted into the Military and aided in ways of not really fighting on the front lines but working in the defense industry giving them jobs and money to go buy stuff with. Thus this boosting the whole economy out of the Depression it was in. The reason the African Americans wrote this was too show how they could help and to they wanted to help the U. S war effort. With the African Americans advance their way through the Military forces, a select few got through to actually fighting on the front lines, like the Tuskegee Airmen, who were one of the most important aircrew in the war(Doc 5).

The Tuskegee Airmen helped on the front lines in so many ways, that they earned many medals and many awards for their great accomplishments. More importantly they set the standard for the African Americans in the Air Force. Thus showing how they could do just as a white man could do normally. This Image is trying to explain how even though different race and discrimination against they can do the same as a white man. Furthermore after the war ended, the Air Force passed something that for now on allowed all African Americans to join the Air Force and they will not be discriminated against, thus the

Air Force is the first Army force to allow African Americans in their Force. Now back in the U. S their was the issue of the Japanese and who we can trust and who we cannot trust in our land. This created a very different life for most Japanese as they started to get discriminated in public. Now with the hysteria of World War Two in the public, many thought of all Japanese bad, so Roosevelt passed a Executive order to do something about that(Doc 2). This Order put most all of the lapanese into internment camps, these camps basically held them hostage because we couldn’t trust them on any condition.

So we put them in their own little camps, and said they can stay their till the war is over. This order was aimed at showing the U. S citizens that were good and there’s no worry, but what it meant ot the Japanese was very bad news. They also weren’t treated very well in these camps as suspected, no one is ever treated very well in a country that despises you. With the Executive order No. 9066 in place many thought it was wrong, mostly did actually, but one Japanese man decided to challenge the Supreme court about it and about his people’s rights in this country(Doc 6).

This court case was the only one that got to the Supreme court of the U. S, its final verdict was that the U. S has the right to do whatever it wants with it citizens, as long as their treated nice. Thus making the court case go into the U. S way and making most of the Japanese very upset with that decision. This court case was to help the Japanese in the way that they would get freedom and the will to live again in the U. S well the war went on. Now with all this happening in the background the U. S citizens still had a very big impact on the war.

Even the regular old citizens had a main role in the war effort and how much supplies they got. With this became the need for food out with the soldiers, and trying to supplies millions of them with food and water for weeks and months, thus Rationing was created(Doc 7). This was a little crisis at first but after people learned how to manage their rations and how much they got they understood how to use it better. This rationing system helped many in the field and the citizens knew they were helping the war effort. This rationing was aimed at the U. S citizens to help the war effort and give the war effort a big backing.

With this people began to put more faith into our place in war and people started buying more war bonds to fund the war, thus creating more profit to fight and win the war. With spies being a common occurrence in the American life we had to find a way to make sure they didn’t figure out our everyday civilian stuff, so we propaganda supporting more “censored” stuff about the war(Doc 4). This propaganda told a normal U. S citizen to keep their news and their stuff about the war on a low to try and keep it away from spies and just people who might be trying to get to know a little too much about the war.

The main reason this was created was to make sure that the citizens of the U. S knew to keep their stuff on the down low. World War Two was a war we didn’t want to exactly enter but it had to happen and with this happening it wasn’t a bad thing at all actually. This war led us out of the Great Depression we were in, and greatly boosted our industrial power, thus needing more jobs to fuel them. Those new jobs were taken by new groups of people who now can get jobs like that, that never before happened like that. World War Two was mostly connected with the Civil War from many years back.

It was like it because with jobs being taken over by different groups that usually greatly were taken by just only one group of people, thus allowing them to use that job and earn money off that job. World War Two is also like the Civil War in the way that created a new start of a new sorta industrial era where we produced a lot of one thing boosting the economy. Except their was many differences in guns we had and basically all the technology we had at the time. All these things greatly affected the American Home front, making a normal U. S citizen apart of the war.