Essay about The Importance Of Saving The Dung Beetle

Did you know that the animal population is decreasing by 0.1% each year. Therefore, it will take 573 years for all animals to die. What will we do then? Every time a species goes extinct, it has a huge impact on the ecosystem. Say a predator goes extinct. Its prey will overpopulate, which can also lead to horrible consequences. Or what if a prey goes extinct. Its predator will have find a new food source or go extinct with it. Also, in a recent survey, nine out of ten people said they would pay tax dollars to save the giant panda. One out of ten people said they would pay to save the Eurasian Hazel Dormouse. Nobody was interested in saving the Dung Beetle or Wasp. Why is this when they do so much for us. The Dung Beetle puts important…

It has a very limited mountain range habitat. Because their mountain range habitat is very limited in water supplies. They are dying from thirst just as much as starvation. Most of their population is put in protected places. If the Ethiopian wolf dies, the mouse population will rise rapidly(they eat mice) and destroy crops and spread disease. So as you see, these animals are important.
The Bengal tiger is a highly endangered species, with less than three thousand left out in the wild. Even with the Tiger Reserves all throughout India they are still not safe and their numbers are decreasing rapidly every day. Their furs and skins are used to make blankets and rugs. The leftover teeth are used to make daggers and knives. So next time you want to kill a tiger, just dont.
The giant tortoise. One of the many wonders of many stories is now classified as endangered. Only eight out of fifteen species still exist. Their meat is very savory and they can be stored on ships for long periods of time without being fed or watered. That made them a prime target for hungry sailors. There are now laws against hunting and trapping them. That doesnt stop people from doing it though. So next time you want to eat turtle, just know, a turtle died for that…