George Washington In The French And Indian War Essay

George Washington is well known for being the first president of the United States of America, but he did much more for our country even before it was considered a country. Because George Washington learned the value of hard work when he was young he got a start surveying land for Lord Fairfax. Young George Washington also fought in the French and Indian War. To add to this he fought in our war for independence as a strong military general. All in all, George Washington was not only our first president, but he also worked hard as a land surveyor, fought in the French and Indian war, and fought in the war for independence.

George Washington was born on his father’s Plantation on February 22, 1732. His father, Augustine Washington, died when…

In the fall of 1773 when George Washington was only twenty one, Governor of Virginia, Robert Dinwiddie, sent him to the French fort, Le Boeuf, to deliver a message or warning that the French should move from the Ohio River Valley area. In a few months time, George Washington became a lieutenant and was sent out with 150 soldiers to move the french out of the area. His attempt to move the French was a failure and He had to retreat to a fort called Fort Necessity. He got cornered at this fort making him in no position to fight and he surrendered. Because of this attempt to move the French out of the area, they started the French and Indian war. After the failed attempt, he resigned and voluntarily aided General Edward Braddock. He began to get more and more experience as a military leader learning from his defeats and learning from Braddock and as a result, he had more military experience when he became the general of the Continental Army who fought for the independence of the United…

He was recruited to be the leader of the Continental Army in June 1775. Although he did face challenges he never gave up, “He learned on the job; and although his army reeled from one misfortune to another, he had the courage, determination, and mental agility to keep the American cause one step ahead of complete disintegration until he figured out how to win the unprecedented revolutionary struggle he was leading.”Basically this quote is saying that George Washington faced many misfortunes and was facing the best military in the world and he still had courage and determination. Even after his army was defeated at Long Island he crossed the Delaware river, surprised the Hessians at Trenton and went on to win at Yorktown and win the war. As a result of his determination and courage, as well as good leadership he won the United State’s…