Greed In The Hobbit

Greed is a dangerous thing. It can consume people and lead them down dark paths. J.R.R. Tolkien knew this all too well, and he used The Hobbit to explore the dangers of greed.

The story centers around Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who is content with his simple life. But when Gandalf the Wizard arrives with 13 dwarves in tow, Bilbo’s life is turned upside down. The dwarves are on a quest to reclaim their lost treasure from the dragon Smaug, and they need Bilbo to help them.

At first, Bilbo is reluctant to get involved. He knows that it will be a dangerous journey, and he doesn’t want anything to do with dragons. But the dwarves are persistent, and they eventually convince Bilbo to join them.

This is where things start to go wrong. The further Bilbo gets involved in the quest, the more his greed takes over. He starts to want the treasure for himself, and he begins to care less about the dwarves and their mission.

Eventually, Bilbo’s greed leads him to make a deal with the creature Gollum. Gollum agrees to give Bilbo information about the treasure in exchange for Bilbo’s most precious possession: his magic ring.

This decision has dire consequences. The ring gives Bilbo the power to turn invisible, and it also corrupts him. The longer he wears it, the more it takes control of him. The ring is a symbol of Bilbo’s greed, and it ultimately leads to his downfall.

The moral of The Hobbit is clear: Greed is dangerous. It can ruin people’s lives and lead them down dark paths. J.R.R. Tolkien wanted to warn people about the dangers of greed, and he did so by telling the story of Bilbo Baggins and his struggle with the corrupting influence of wealth.

“Smaug shot spouting into the air, turned and crashed down on high ruin, as the last blast of his Shriek deafened men, felled trees and split stone” (Tolkien 224). Smaug is the final major issue between the company and the treasure.

The problem is, that he is too greedy. The other dragons in Middle-earth were killed by men because of their greed, and it is the same fate that awaits Smaug.

The dwarves set out to reclaim their lost treasure from the dragon, Smaug. The journey is long and difficult, but they are finally able to make it to the Lonely Mountain. When they arrive, they find that Smaug is guarding the treasure and will not let them take it back. The dwarves need to kill Smaug in order to get the treasure, but they are not sure how.

The problem with greed is that it can lead to people doing things that they would not normally do. In the case of Smaug, his greed led him to hoard the treasure and not let anyone else have it. This ultimately led to his demise, as the dwarves were able to kill him and take back the treasure.

Greed is a dangerous thing, and it is something that people should be careful of. It can lead to people doing things that they would not normally do, and it can ultimately lead to their downfall. The Hobbit is a story that highlights the dangers of greed, and shows how it can ultimately lead to someone’s undoing.

For example, dwarves. Thorin and his people would eventually battle other factions for control over gold mines. Sound familiar? Greed is unfortunately something that’s all too common in today’s world—we’re constantly bombarded with messages about needing more money, possessions, and things. People can’t seem to keep their hands to themselves, leading to arguments and fights that occasionally have positive outcomes.

The problem with greed, is that it can make people do things that they wouldn’t normally do, and it can have a negative impact on their lives. The dwarves in The Hobbit are no different; Thorin’s greed for gold led him to make some very questionable decisions, and put his people in danger. The other dwarves were also not without fault; they were just as guilty of greed as Thorin was.

While The Hobbit is a work of fiction, it still contains elements of truth. Greed is something that affects us all, whether we like it or not. It’s important to be aware of the dangers of greed, and to try to avoid it whenever possible. Let The Hobbit be a warning to us all: let greed not consume us, or else we may end up like Thorin and his dwarves.

After Bilbo was granted the opportunity of a lifetime to visit Middle Earth by Gandalf, he set out on The Hobbit in disgust and wonder at why he had joined the dwarves on such an arduous expedition. “He despaired again and again for his lovely bright Hobbit Hole,” said Tolkien (56). With the aid of others, Bilbo quickly learned how to command. Bilbo soon exhibited remarkable bravery in battle, as well as being put in circumstances that he previously believed were impossible.

The dwarves started to rely on Bilbo more and more as the journey went on. At the end of the adventure, when they arrived back at their home, The Lonely Mountain, the dwarves offered Bilbo a fourteenth share of their new fortune “as a mark of our esteem”(277). This is where greed comes into play for both Bilbo and the dwarves.

The first act of greed was by Bilbo. When the offer was made, he struggled with what would be a fair share. The number fourteen was chosen because it was one more than Thorin’s thirteen shares. So technically, Bilbo should have been given thirteen shares plus one share, or a total of fourteen. But because Bilbo was the one who retrieved the Arkenstone, he wanted more. The Arkenstone was “the most valuable item within the hoard”(251). The dwarves were willing to trade this stone to Bard in order to get peace with the Lake-town.

Bilbo decides to take the Arkenstone and sneak away in the night to give it to Bard and Thranduil. The reason he does this is because he wants there to be peace between all three parties, and he knows that the Arkenstone will help make that happen. However, his act of greediness leads him to be caught by Thorin.

This is where things start to unravel for the group. The greed of both Thorin and Bilbo leads to an argument between the two, which then turns into a full-blown fight. The dwarves are forced to take sides, and eventually Thorin is killed. The whole adventure could have been avoided if it weren’t for the greed of both Bilbo and Thorin.

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Greed In The Hobbit

Greed is a dangerous thing. It can consume people and lead them down dark paths. J.R.R. Tolkien knew this all too well, and he used The Hobbit to explore the dangers of greed.

The story centers around Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who is content with his simple life. But when Gandalf the Wizard arrives with 13 dwarves in tow, Bilbo’s life is turned upside down. The dwarves are on a quest to reclaim their lost treasure from the dragon Smaug, and they need Bilbo to help them.

At first, Bilbo is reluctant to get involved. He knows that it will be a dangerous journey, and he doesn’t want anything to do with dragons. But the dwarves are persistent, and they eventually convince Bilbo to join them.

This is where things start to go wrong. The further Bilbo gets involved in the quest, the more his greed takes over. He starts to want the treasure for himself, and he begins to care less about the dwarves and their mission.

Eventually, Bilbo’s greed leads him to make a deal with the creature Gollum. Gollum agrees to give Bilbo information about the treasure in exchange for Bilbo’s most precious possession: his magic ring.

This decision has dire consequences. The ring gives Bilbo the power to turn invisible, and it also corrupts him. The longer he wears it, the more it takes control of him. The ring is a symbol of Bilbo’s greed, and it ultimately leads to his downfall.

The moral of The Hobbit is clear: Greed is dangerous. It can ruin people’s lives and lead them down dark paths. J.R.R. Tolkien wanted to warn people about the dangers of greed, and he did so by telling the story of Bilbo Baggins and his struggle with the corrupting influence of wealth.

“Smaug shot spouting into the air, turned and crashed down on high ruin, as the last blast of his Shriek deafened men, felled trees and split stone” (Tolkien 224). Smaug is the final major issue between the company and the treasure.

The problem is, that he is too greedy. The other dragons in Middle-earth were killed by men because of their greed, and it is the same fate that awaits Smaug.

The dwarves set out to reclaim their lost treasure from the dragon, Smaug. The journey is long and difficult, but they are finally able to make it to the Lonely Mountain. When they arrive, they find that Smaug is guarding the treasure and will not let them take it back. The dwarves need to kill Smaug in order to get the treasure, but they are not sure how.

The problem with greed is that it can lead to people doing things that they would not normally do. In the case of Smaug, his greed led him to hoard the treasure and not let anyone else have it. This ultimately led to his demise, as the dwarves were able to kill him and take back the treasure.

Greed is a dangerous thing, and it is something that people should be careful of. It can lead to people doing things that they would not normally do, and it can ultimately lead to their downfall. The Hobbit is a story that highlights the dangers of greed, and shows how it can ultimately lead to someone’s undoing.

For example, dwarves. Thorin and his people would eventually battle other factions for control over gold mines. Sound familiar? Greed is unfortunately something that’s all too common in today’s world—we’re constantly bombarded with messages about needing more money, possessions, and things. People can’t seem to keep their hands to themselves, leading to arguments and fights that occasionally have positive outcomes.

The problem with greed, is that it can make people do things that they wouldn’t normally do, and it can have a negative impact on their lives. The dwarves in The Hobbit are no different; Thorin’s greed for gold led him to make some very questionable decisions, and put his people in danger. The other dwarves were also not without fault; they were just as guilty of greed as Thorin was.

While The Hobbit is a work of fiction, it still contains elements of truth. Greed is something that affects us all, whether we like it or not. It’s important to be aware of the dangers of greed, and to try to avoid it whenever possible. Let The Hobbit be a warning to us all: let greed not consume us, or else we may end up like Thorin and his dwarves.

After Bilbo was granted the opportunity of a lifetime to visit Middle Earth by Gandalf, he set out on The Hobbit in disgust and wonder at why he had joined the dwarves on such an arduous expedition. “He despaired again and again for his lovely bright Hobbit Hole,” said Tolkien (56). With the aid of others, Bilbo quickly learned how to command. Bilbo soon exhibited remarkable bravery in battle, as well as being put in circumstances that he previously believed were impossible.

The dwarves started to rely on Bilbo more and more as the journey went on. At the end of the adventure, when they arrived back at their home, The Lonely Mountain, the dwarves offered Bilbo a fourteenth share of their new fortune “as a mark of our esteem”(277). This is where greed comes into play for both Bilbo and the dwarves.

The first act of greed was by Bilbo. When the offer was made, he struggled with what would be a fair share. The number fourteen was chosen because it was one more than Thorin’s thirteen shares. So technically, Bilbo should have been given thirteen shares plus one share, or a total of fourteen. But because Bilbo was the one who retrieved the Arkenstone, he wanted more. The Arkenstone was “the most valuable item within the hoard”(251). The dwarves were willing to trade this stone to Bard in order to get peace with the Lake-town.

Bilbo decides to take the Arkenstone and sneak away in the night to give it to Bard and Thranduil. The reason he does this is because he wants there to be peace between all three parties, and he knows that the Arkenstone will help make that happen. However, his act of greediness leads him to be caught by Thorin.

This is where things start to unravel for the group. The greed of both Thorin and Bilbo leads to an argument between the two, which then turns into a full-blown fight. The dwarves are forced to take sides, and eventually Thorin is killed. The whole adventure could have been avoided if it weren’t for the greed of both Bilbo and Thorin.

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