How Does Knowledge Of The Foundations And History Of Nursing

Nursing is a profession that has a long and rich history dating back to the early days of human civilization. Nursing care was first documented in ancient times, with the most famous early nurse being Florence Nightingale.

Nursing has evolved significantly since those early days, but the profession still retains its original commitment to providing quality care for the sick and vulnerable. A thorough understanding of nursing’s foundations and history provides essential context for understanding the current state of nursing practice.

Nursing care first appeared in ancient civilizations, with the earliest known example being in Egypt around 2700 BC. In those early days, nurses were responsible for providing physical care for the sick and injured, as well as offering emotional support.

Florence Nightingale is perhaps the most famous early nurse, and she is credited with greatly improving the quality of nursing care during the 19th century. Nightingale was a strong advocate for cleanliness and sanitation in hospitals, and her work helped to reduce the spread of disease.

Today, nursing has evolved into a highly skilled and technical profession. Nurses are now responsible for a wide range of tasks, from providing direct patient care to conducting research and developing new treatments.

Nursing care is delivered in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, home health care agencies, and schools. The field of nursing is constantly changing, as new technologies and treatments are developed. Despite these changes, the core values of nursing remain the same: to provide quality care for the sick and vulnerable.

There is no room for improvement without an awareness of fundamental nursing. “Understanding the history and basis of nursing can help nurses develop a sense of professional identity and lay the foundation for a brighter future for the profession and those they serve,” according to lc.gcumedia (2013). We also have a greater respect for today’s nursing industry.

Nursing is one of the most vital professions and has been around for centuries. Nursing as we know it began to take shape during the Crimean War with Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale is known as the founder of modern nursing. She was born in 1820 into a wealthy family and she was well educated. In 1850, she became a nurse and went to work in a hospital in London.

Three years later, she went to work in a hospital in Scutari, Turkey during the Crimean War. She cared for soldiers who were wounded in battle. She improved conditions at the hospital and shortened the length of stay for patients. After the war, she wrote a book called Notes on Nursing. This book became a bestseller and is still used today as a textbook in nursing schools.

In the early 1900s, nursing education began to take shape. Nursing schools were established and nurses began to be licensed. The first professional nursing organization, the American Nurses Association, was founded in 1896.

Nursing has come a long way since then and has evolved into a highly skilled profession. Today, nurses are educated in both the art and science of nursing. They work in a variety of settings and have a wide range of responsibilities. Nursing is a rewarding career that offers opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Nursing was only for the undesirables. “Sinners, saints, and mothers” cared for “ill persons” (, 2013). Florence Nightingale was born into a wealthy family in England and enjoyed educational possibilities; nevertheless, she frequently wanted to assist the poor. She went to the Crimea War soon after completing nursing school.

Dr. Laura Esserman remarked that there are “five necessary components for optimal healing; clean air, pure water, effective drainage, hygiene, and light” (2012, p. 2397). With just these changes, the mortality rate dropped considerably, and nursing as we know it was forever altered.

Because of Nightingale, now “nurses are viewed as professionals with a distinct body of knowledge” (Kelly, 2012, p. 2398). Nursing has also been around for centuries; it was just not given the same recognition as it is today. Nursing has progressed so much even within my own lifetime.

Despite all the advancements in technology and medical care, nursing is still founded on the same principles as when Florence Nightingale first started practicing. Nursing is still about providing care to those who need it regardless of social class or standing. It is about making sure each patient is treated with dignity and respect.

Nursing is still about promoting healing and supporting patients through their illnesses. Nursing has come a long way since its humble beginnings, but the heart of nursing has remained the same. Nursing is a noble profession that will always be needed as long as there are people in this world who need care and compassion.

Nursing was mostly a job for men. Men would work while women stayed at home, just like they had in the past. Men have previously served as nurses by treating injured soldiers and attempting to save others lives during war. Florence Nightingale’s actions on the battlefields of Crimea and Scutari, where she provided aid to those who were wounded, revolutionized nursing from the previous century into what we know today.

Women were seen as more compassionate and nurturing, which made them ideal for the job. Nightingale also started the first nursing school, which consisted of her teaching other women about cleanliness and how to properly take care of patients. Nursing has changed a lot over time, but it is important to know where it all started in order to understand where we are today.

Nursing is a profession that has come a long way since its humble beginnings. When most people think of nurses, they think of Florence Nightingale, the woman who dedicated her life to caring for others. But before Nightingale, nursing was predominately a male-dominated profession. Men were the ones who worked while women stayed at home. And during times of war, it was men who acted as nurses, rendering aid to the wounded and trying to save lives.

The founding of the American Nurses Association. The American Nurse Association (ANA) was established in 1896. By providing pathways to become credentialed in select specialties and publishing a large collection of material on nursing practice and the profession, the ANA has helped nurses attain higher education and develop more possibilities (, 2013).

In addition, the ANA fought for better wages and working conditions and “lobbied extensively for legislation to improve nursing education and practice” (, 2013).

One of the most influential people in early American nursing was Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale was born in England in 1820 and came from a wealthy family. She rebelled against the expectations of her time and instead chose to follow her calling to help others. In 1854, she went to Scutari, Turkey, during the Crimean War to provide care for British soldiers. It is here where she earned the nickname “The Lady with the Lamp” because she would make rounds at night with a lamp in hand to check on her patients.

After returning to England, Nightingale established a training school for nurses at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London. She also wrote Notes on Nursing, which became a bestseller and is still used today as a resource for nurses. Nightingale’s work greatly improved the standards of nursing care and helped to elevate the profession in the eyes of the public.

Florence Nightingale and the ANA both played crucial roles in the development of nursing as a profession. The knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice. Without the dedication and hard work of early pioneers like Nightingale, the profession would not be where it is today.

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