How It Feels To Be Colored Me

Zora Hurston’s essay, “How It Feels to Be Colored Me,” paints a picture of the love, compassion, and self-confidence that serve as her moral compass. These values guide her journey and create awareness about the African American culture and its place in society. Throughout the essay, Hurston demonstrates a strong sense of self and composure which reminds readers what it means to be human.

In the beginning, Zora talks about how she grew up in a black town and went to a black school. She was the only one in her family who could pass for white. Zora didn’t think much of it and thought that being colored wasn’t a big deal. It wasn’t until she moved to Jacksonville and started attending a white school that she realized that she was different. The kids at her new school would make fun of her for being colored. Zora tried to ignore them, but eventually, the teasing got to her. Zora began to think that maybe being colored was a bad thing.

Later on, Zora starts to see the beauty in being colored. She realizes that her skin is like a beautiful piece of art. Zora also starts to see the beauty in her culture and the things that make her different from white people. She begins to love being colored and is proud of her heritage. Zora’s journey teaches us that we should all be proud of who we are, no matter what other people think or say. We should accept ourselves for who we are and not try to change ourselves to fit into someone else’s idea of what is normal or acceptable. Zora’s story is an inspiration to us all.

Hurston’s perspective on racial progression sets her apart from other African Americans of her time. In the text, she consistently speaks positively about her race while taking a step back from Booker T. Washington’s approach of placing blame on white people for slavery.

Zora goes as far to say, “I am not tragically colored. There is no great sorrow dammed up in me, nor lurking behind my eyes. I do not mind at all.” Zora is happy with who she is and loves being black, a perspective which isn’t commonly seen or heard in this time period. Zora also speaks on the issue of colorism within the African American community and how she has never seen herself as a victim because of her skin tone.

She states, “I do not belong to the sobbing school of Negrohood who hold that nature somehow has given them a lowdown dirty deal and whose feelings are all hurt about it.” Zora doesn’t believe that her skin color should be a hindrance in society and is content with herself. Zora’s independent views on race set her apart from the rest of the African American community during the Harlem Renaissance.

In Zora Neale Hurston’s essay, “How It Feels To Be Colored Me,” she discusses her personal experiences with racism and segregation growing up as an African American in the early 20th century. She begins by describing how, as a child, she was unaware of the existence of racism and segregation. She lived in a small town in Florida where everyone got along regardless of skin color. It wasn’t until she moved to Jacksonville, Florida that she experienced racism firsthand.

She describes how, as a young girl, she would go to the movies and sit in the “colored” section but was never quite sure why she had to sit there instead of with her white friends. It wasn’t until she was older and moved to New York City that she realized the full extent of segregation and racism in America.

She describes how, as a young woman, she was frequently stopped by the police and asked for her identification simply because she was black. She also describes how, despite the fact that she was educated and had a good job, she was still treated as a second-class citizen simply because of the color of her skin.

Why is it, if we can’t forget the past, that our communities find it so difficult to forgive? In spite of this, after reading Hurston’s work I have come to better understand her logic and see things from a different perspective. through her writing It becomes clear that she feels strongly that we as individual members of societies are largely responsible for promoting segregation and discrimination.

Zora Neale Hurston’s “How It Feels to Be Colored Me” is a strong essay that emphasizes the importance of racial pride and self-acceptance.

Hurston begins her essay with a description of how she felt as a child growing up in Eatonville, Florida. She recalls feeling out of place and different from the other kids in her neighborhood. As she got older, she began to understand that her skin color was what made her different. She also realized that being colored was not a bad thing, but something to be proud of.

Hurston goes on to describe how her perceptions of race changed when she moved to Jacksonville, Florida. There, she encountered white people for the first time. At first, she was scared of them and felt like she had to hide her true self. However, she eventually realized that there was nothing to be afraid of and that white people were just like everyone else.

The essay ends with Hurston reflecting on her journey of self-discovery. She realizes that being colored is not a hindrance, but something that makes her unique and special. She is proud of who she is and where she comes from.

Hurston’s essay is important because it highlights the importance of racial pride and self-acceptance. It is a powerful reminder that we should all be proud of our heritage and who we are.

Zora Neale Hurston grew up feeling accepted and included in her black community in Eatonville, Florida. In her essay “How It Feels to Be Colored Me,” she reflects on the times when she would interact with the white community and how that changed once she realized she was “colored.” Before, these interactions were simply entertainment for the white people who liked to see her sing and dance. But after realizing she was colored, these same actions took on a whole new meaning for both her and the whites witnessing them.

Zora even goes as far as to say that if it hadn’t been for the Great Migration, she would have never realized that she was different. It wasn’t until she moved to Baltimore and started school that Zora realized that the way she saw herself- in relation to others- had changed.

Before, Zora thought of herself as an equal to everyone else, but once she started school and began to compare herself to her white classmates, Zora felt “thrown against a sharp white background.” She became aware of the fact that people were looking at her differently because of the color of her skin. Even though Zora was always confident in who she was, she started to feel like maybe she wasn’t good enough because she didn’t look like everyone else.

It wasn’t until Zora met a woman named Mrs. Thomas that she realized that being “colored” didn’t have to be a bad thing. Mrs. Thomas was the first person of color that Zora had ever seen who was confident and proud of her skin color. She taught Zora that it was okay to be different, and that she should embrace her African roots.

After meeting Mrs. Thomas, Zora’s perspective changed completely. She realized that being “colored” was something to be proud of, not ashamed of. ZoraHurston became confident in herself and her culture, and she went on to become a successful writer and anthropologist.

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