Mary Rowlandson Essay

On June 20, 1675, Metacomet known as Philip to the early American colonists–began a series of attacks on settlements that continued for more than a year. These became known as “King Philip’s War.” It was a desperate effort by the Wampanoag to hang onto their land and culture as they dwindled in numbers and resources.

In her book, A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, Mary Rowlandson states her eleven-week captivity following an Indian attack.

In her book, Rowlandson tells of the many atrocities that she faced during her capture. Starvation, disease, and physical abuse were only a few of the sufferings that Mrs. Rowlandson had to endure. However, through all of her struggles she found God to be ever present with her in her time of need.

A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson is not only a story about one woman’s experience during King Philip’s War, but is also a book that teaches valuable lessons about faith and perseverance. Despite all that she went through, Mary Rowlandson never lost hope that she would one day be reunited with her family. And she was. In the end, Mrs. Rowlandson’s book is a story of hope, faith, and love.

In her book, Mary Rowlandson goes into great detail about her experience as a slave of the Wampanoags. It was popular in the seventeenth century because it had high adventure, heroism, and exemplary piety combined. As she wrote about what happened to her, readers got a clear sense of who she was as a person.

She begins the book with a description of her family, her community, and her happy life before she was captured. Mrs. Rowlandson then proceeds to give a step-by-step account of her eleven weeks in captivity. She describes how she was taken from her home, separated from her children, and forced to march for days through the wilderness. Mrs Mary Rowlandson also writes about the difficulty of living with her captors, and how she was eventually able to escape and return to her family. The book ends with a discussion of Rowlandson’s religious beliefs, and how they helped her through her ordeal.

A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson is an important book because it provides a rare glimpse into the life of a colonist in the seventeenth century. It is also one of the first American captivity narratives, and as such it has served as a model for many subsequent works. Mary Rowlandson’s story is a fascinating tale of strength and survival, and her book continues to be read and studied today.

In a single day, the stability of Rowlandson’s life changed dramatically and without warning. The opening scene shows this when Lancaster is burned down and she is separated from her two older kids. She goes from being the wife of a wealthy minister with three kids to a captive prisoner with only one injured daughter.

The book continues as she recounts her experience being traded between multiple different tribes and her eventual return home. Mary’s account is one of the first captivity narratives written by a woman in America and provides a unique perspective on early American history.

Another source of unpredictability in her life is between The Twelfth Get rid of, where she is approved by her master to be offered to her other half. However, the next day in The Thirteenth Remove she writes that rather than going towards the Bay– which was what I preferred–I need to go with them five or six miles down the river into the brush; and we ended up staying there for nearly two weeks.

The lack of consistency causes Mary to feel hopeless because she isn’t sure what is going to occur next. However, in The Fourteenth Remove, she is surprised again when her master returns her to her husband after he buys them back. She writes, “I had not the least expectation of ever seeing my house and home any more; and yet it pleased God so to order matters that I should live to see my family settled in peace in their own habitations (281).” Mary’s release from captivity changes her perspective and provides her with a new sense of hope.

Mary Rowlandson’s book, A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, tells the story of her experience as a captive of the Wampanoag Indians during King Philip’s War. Rowlandson was captured in February of 1676 when her town of Lancaster, Massachusetts was attacked and burned by the Indians.

She spent eleven weeks in captivity before she was ransomed by her husband and returned to her family. During her captivity, Rowlandson faced many challenges, including hunger, cold, and fear for her life. Despite these difficulties, she was able to maintain her faith in God and eventually return to her life as a wife and mother.

Rowlandson’s book is important not only for its historical value, but also for its insights into the human experience. Her story provides readers with a unique perspective on what it was like to be a captive during King Philip’s War. In addition, her story highlights the strength of the human spirit and the importance of maintaining one’s faith in times of hardship. Rowlandson’s book is an important part of American literature and history, and it is sure to interest any reader who is looking for a fascinating story.

Rowlandson was given different treatment by her captors day to day, with no explanation. One day they would be respectful and give her food, while the next they would give her nothing. This is seen in The Eighth Remove and Ninth Get rid of where she is asked to make a shirt but gets nothing in return (267-268).

As a result of this inconsistency, Rowlandson always lives in a state of anxiety and insecurity. In fact, she is so worried that at one point she attempts to poison herself and her children (271).

Rowlandson’s book not only provides a first-hand account of what it was like to be captured by Indians, but also what it was like to be a Puritan woman in seventeenth century New England.

Throughout her book, Rowlandson constantly references her religious beliefs and how they helped her survive her ordeal. For example, after she is first captured, she writes that she “had no comfort but that God was above all” (239).

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