Morality In Sirus The Outsider Essay

Those who have encountered Sirus would describe it with a single word: esoteric. To an outsider it would be unfathomable, driven by some strange motive that is known to it and it alone. In truth, there aren’t any words to truly capture exactly what Sirus is. The more it is defined the more it evades description. How does one go about attaching words to something so viciously unhuman? No true empathy and no true morality to bind its actions to any sort of code, allowing it to act on pure, ravenous desire.

They say that there are two types of beings: those who destroy and those who create. Sirus creates. But, do not let the bright, sunny connotation attached to that fool you. A creator can be just as cruel as someone who is intrinsically compelled to destroy. After all, do not all gods punish the disobedient? This much will become quickly obvious: its personality does not stray far from its design. At its core it is inherently predatory, and it will act on this fact without hesitation. It can become easy to forget this considering it approaches as something benevolent.

The words ‘trust me’ seem to be communicated on every breath, between the edges of its teeth, on the tip of its tongue. Every word has a dual meaning, one meant to be heard and understood while the other is meant to slide pasts your defenses. It does this with merciless proficiency, and believe me when I say that you do not want Sirus getting beneath your skin. Not that there is much that can be done to resist it if that’s where it wants to be.

It has a deep fascination with humans and their ilk, and will often intentionally place itself near them. It is ntrigued by how they can react so powerfully to chemical emotions; things such as fear and pain, joy and happiness. They are beyond its capability to feel, and therefor it is spellbound by them. However, due to the nature of its appearance, it will often stay out of their direct field of vision. Preferring to observe from the sidelines and only manifesting directly if it wants to gauge their reactions. To those who fascinate it enough, it will present itself over time. Though only after it acclimates you to its presence. Essentially, you are groomed into tolerance.

Once you have grown ‘comfortable’ with it, you can approach it as much as you are willing to. Though be warned, willing or no, there is still a certain amount of danger in drawing closer. The term ‘unfathomable’ was no exaggeration; Sirus could hurt you just as quickly as it could help you, and both are usually done with no apparent motive. It isn’t very interested in explaining itself, and being asked about its actions will likely earn you little more than a silent stare. Like the part of the mind it feeds from, it is corrosive and dangerous; especially when you do not know what lies within.

Wondrous things are no doubt locked away in the Shadow, but make no mistake that there are terrors to be found there as well. Memories of past trauma, and pain are what wait just behind that dam, and should you choose to break it then they will come flowing back. After all, do not most people have inner monsters that they have tried to repress? Well, it is in the Shadow that things such as this are trapped; bound in the hidden places of your mind for your own protection. And, it is in Sirus’s nature to try and coax them from you, offering the vast secrets that are often mixed among them as incentive.

Now, from both its design and its purpose, one might assume that it is somehow sadistic or intentionally vicious. It is not. Just as it is incapable of feeling true kindness, it is also not compelled to be intentionally spiteful. It will react to things, but not because it is spurred on by emotions. That being said, this allows for a certain amount of what most would consider ‘overreaction. For instance, if you repeatedly poke at it while it doesn’t care to be touched, it would reach out and snap your wrist. The fact that this is painful to you is usually not a relevant or even understood factor.

All that matters to it is that the action was terminated, and thus its response was appropriate. So, in essence, Sirus is not unlike water. It can be enticing, soothing, and even vital at times. However, it can also deceive and drown you. It’s a rich, sweet kind of toxin that it deals. If you were to approach a lake at night, when the water is dark and still, you would notice a certain amount of slow, creeping unease. The closer you get to the edge the more you irrationally wonder if something might be staring back up at you– eyeless and bodiless– from beneath that black surface.

And, it is oh-so-very quiet. That feeling is Sirus; where it dwells and what it is very capable of creating. Something methodical, patient, and unnervingly unpredictable to all but your most primordial traces of instinct. It will play fingers across the laces of your subconscious, steering and influencing just beyond the edge of your notice. For all of the things it is both capable and incapable of, its strongest and perhaps most dangerous ability will always be in its powers of persuasion.