Motivation Essay

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory is a theory that states that employees are motivated by certain needs. The theory posits that there are five levels of needs, which employees move up as they are satisfied. The first level is physiological needs, such as food and water.

The second level is safety needs, such as a safe workplace and protection from harm. The third level is love and belongingness needs, such as friendships and social activities. The fourth level is esteem needs, such as recognition and respect from others. The fifth level is self-actualization needs, or fulfilling one’s potential.

Employees are typically motivated by more than one need at a time. For example, an employee might be motivated by the need to feel safe and the need to feel respected. Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory can help managers understand what motivates their employees and create a work environment that satisfies as many needs as possible. This can lead to happier, more productive employees.

The goal of this essay is to determine whether the needs of the company’s HRD department personnel, I used to work for, are consistent with Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory. In order to address this objective, I have focused on five employees and divided them into four categories by their level of education, income, and responsibility. The Physiological need corresponds to the fifth level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

According to Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory, the employees in the company should be motivated by satisfying their needs in the order of physiological, safety and security, belonging and love, esteem and self-actualization. However, it was not found that satisfying the employees’ needs in the order of Maslow’s hierarchy is applicable in this case.

The employees who earned more money were found to have a higher need of esteem and self-actualization than other employees. In addition, the employees with more responsibility were also found to have a higher need of esteem and self-actualization. The employees with lower level of education had a higher need of physiological and safety and security than other employees.

It can be concluded that the needs of the employees in HRD Department of the company are not relevant with Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory. The needs of the employees should be satisfied by taking into account their income, responsibility, and level of education.

According to Bernard L Rosenbaum, in his book How To Motivate Today’s Worker, “at the bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy are the physiological needs (food, water, etc), followed at the next level by safety or security demands.

The higher-order wants are love and belonging, pride and self-actualization. (p.6) According to Richard I. Henderson’s books, Influencing Employee Behavior At Work, satisfaction of lower order needs must occur first before an individual is driven to fulfill a higher-order need.

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory is a popular motivator in business. Employees are motivated to satisfy their needs. The order of the hierarchy affects how employees are motivated. Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory states that lower-order needs must be satisfied before the individual is motivated to satisfy a higher-order need. The theory is popular in business and is used to motivate employees.

The theory states that there are five levels of needs: physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. Employees are motivated differently based on the level of need that is most important to them at a given time. Satisfying a lower-order need may not always result in satisfying a higher-order need.

The Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory is a popular motivator in business. The theory is used to motivate employees by satisfying their lower-order needs first. Employees are motivated differently based on the level of need that is most important to them at a given time. Satisfying a lower-order need may not always result in satisfying a higher-order need.

It’s a great sign that the primary energy of your business is love rather than money. It’s a wonderful indication that your company’s main energy isn’t money, as suggested by Abraham Maslow in his book The Third Force, which reads, “It is uncommon, not normal.” He explains: In other words, the individual is motivated rather than just a portion of him (p.36).

According to psychologist Abraham Maslow’s theory, humans are animals that seek satisfaction of unsatisfied needs, which implies that satisfied needs are not motivators; and that these demands are placed in a hierarchy of importance, causing motivation to shift to the next higher level of requirements as lower levels are fulfilled. The author also notes that according to this view on need hierarchy, one type of need will be more appealing than another for every person.

Maslow’s theory of needs hierarchy is based on the idea that people are motivated to satisfy their needs. Maslow felt that people have five levels of needs, which are arranged in a hierarchy of importance. The lower four levels are physiological needs, safety needs, love and belongingness needs, and esteem needs. The top level is self-actualization need. Maslow believed that people are constantly moving up the hierarchy as they satisfy lower-level needs.

Maslow’s theory of Needs Hierarchy states that there are five levels of needs, which people strive to satisfy in order: physiological, safety, love and belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization. People move up the hierarchy as they satisfy lower-level needs. According to Maslow, people are constantly motivated to satisfy their needs. Maslow felt that the lower four levels of needs are more important than the top level, self-actualization.

Many studies have been conducted to support Maslow’s theory of Needs Hierarchy. One study was conducted by researchers at the University of Missouri. The study found that employees who had their basic physiological and safety needs met were more productive than employees who did not have their needs met.

The study also found that employees who had their social needs met were more productive than employees who did not have their needs met. Another study was conducted by researchers at the University of Rochester. The study found that when people’s esteem needs were satisfied, they were more creative and productive.

The department’s blue-collar workers have the lowest level of education and are mostly from working-class families. These individuals must support large families, which frequently include their unemployed/dependent parents, spouse, children, and even unemployed brothers or sisters. They join the firm at a scale far below the Maharashtra government minimum wage.

They work hard to keep their families above the poverty line and also save for their children’s higher education. The white-collar employees in the department are from middle-class families. They join the company at a scale, which is little above the median wages fixed by the Government of India. They work hard to maintain their social status and save for their children’s higher education.

Both the blue-collar and white-collar employees in the department are highly motivated to excel in their work. Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory explains this phenomenon very well. According to Maslow, human beings have a hierarchy of needs, which need to be satisfied in order for them to be motivated and achieve peak performance. The lower levels of needs need to be satisfied before the higher levels of needs can be addressed.

The lower level needs of the blue-collar employees are physiological needs such as food, water, air and sleep. The next level of needs are safety needs such as security of employment, income and assets. The third level of needs are social needs such as love, friendship and intimacy. The fourth level of needs are esteem needs such as self- respect, recognition and achievement. The highest level of need is self-actualization, which is the desire to become what one is capable of becoming.

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