Personal Narrative: How My Grandma Changed My Life Essay

My grandma’s condition wasn’t anything but hard for me and my family to deal with. Everyday with her was a roller coaster that held many twists and turns and couldn’t stay on the track. If you didn’t hold on tight, you’d thrown off. You never knew what she would remember each morning that she woke. Some days she would know the date and she was aware of her surroundings, while other days (which weren’t so great), she’d be back in time when her husband was alive and she’d call for him. Then she’d be puzzled as to why he wouldn’t call her name back. When my mom would bear her the bad news he has been gone for years, my great grandma turned as silent as a mouse for the remainder of the day, wallowing in her sorrow. Yet, as her memory faded, mine…

Even to this day, I don’t know how my grandma had so much love for someone who she could barely remember. Yet, since my grandma’s condition was bad I naturally helped out my family with my great grandma. I would bring in and out sodas for her since she had a mad addiction to the fizzy drink, and sometimes I would bring her hot meals. Even though doing all of that was great, my favorite thing to do for her was to keep her company. On the most beautiful of days, we would go out and sit on the neon yellow swing set in front of our house in early afternoons when the leaves were turning a beautiful shade of brown and the weather was just the right temperature. The wind sang alluring songs in your ears as the branches of the lush trees danced to the melody. I can picture it just like it was yesterday. The pond next to us glimmered a light blue color as the swing squeaked in glee. She would sing the same tune each time and i would drift into a world of peace and tranquility where nothing else mattered at that moment. But as a little girl, I took those special moments for granted. I was too oblivious to know that good things don’t last forever, they never…