Personal Narrative: My Head Hurts Essay

Today started like any other day. Mom came in and woke me up. I was still groggy like an old person waking up from a deep sleep. My mom laid out my clothes last night. She takes care of me like a king takes care of his people. I do not know what I would be without her. Once I got dressed and mom helped me put my shoes on. We walked downstairs and Lindsey and Shannon, my sisters, were getting ready for school. I walked downstairs to the first floor and saw my dad leaving. I ran to him to give him a good bye hug. Then I had breakfast. I am pretty sure that it was scrambled eggs with ketchup.

My life is as hectic as an exterminator during an infestation. Or so I thought. Once my mom and I had dropped my sisters off at school, we went home and I watched some Robin Hood. That is my favorite movie. I can quote it word for word. I have watched it so many times. After that it was time to go to school. I got my veggie tales backpack and stood at the door while my mom locked the door. We walked up to my preschool and since I had some separation anxiety I wanted to keep giving my mom hugs and kisses. Finally she convinced me that I was going to her in about 3 hours so I let her leave.

We learned about types of clouds and how you can mix two colors together and get another color. Finally it was time to go home and I rejoiced when I saw my mom. We started walking home and my mom asked me what we learned that day. I started telling her when trip, bounce, bounce, bounce, crying happened. I had tripped over a brick that was standing straight up and out of all the times that I have walked along that sidewalk I have never seen it before. I trip on the brick and go down. My head bounces and bounces. I start crying like a baby for his mother. My mom scoops me up as fast as she can and runs me home.

I have never seen her run so fast before. We got home and my mom put a Popsicle in my mouth and one on my forehead. While I was sucking on the Popsicle, my mom called my dad [who is a doctor] and asked him what to do. My dad says to bring him into his office so he can look at me. We drove to the office with the Popsicle still in my mouth and on my head. By the time my dad was able to see me, my eyes were hurting from crying so much and my bump turned into a goose egg. My dad said that I didn’t have a concussion and that all that could be done for me was keep ice on it.

By that time it was two o’clock and my mom would soon have to pick up my sisters from school. By that time I had been crying for 6 hours straight. After we went home and I was still crying my mom waited until she had to go and pick up my sisters. By the time we picked them up I had been crying for 7 hours. After that I fell asleep from complete exhaustion and I slept for five hours. SPIDERS When I was little, I loved playing outside. I loved looking at insects almost as much as an exterminator likes killing them. Now I despise them. I actually enjoy killing them. Mainly spiders.

Scratch that, especially spiders. I am so scared of spiders. I mean if you ask the average Joe what the fear of spiders is they know that it is arachnophobia. It is a common fear. Well I have arachnophobia. I have a very good reason. This is it. When I was outside I was washing my hands with the hose and I saw a spider. I liked the feeling of animals crawling on my skin as long as I could see them. I let the spider crawl onto me. It walked up to wrist. Then it stopped. It put its fangs into my wrist and started walking up my arm. It stopped at my elbow. I had not realized what had happened.

I brushed it away because I was getting bored. Then I went inside Inside is the best part of property. It is all clean and you know what to expect. Unlike outside , it is a controlled environment. I went inside and my mom and I had to go to her doctor’s appointment. Because I am so young I still go back with her when she is called. After my mom was done with the doctor and about to leave, I showed him the underside of my arm. He practically jumped back. Next to the bite mark on both sides, there were yellow and blue and black discolorations. I showed the doctor like I was all proud of myself.

He took a look at it and declared that it was a spider bite and that it was infected and I was going to die. Well, maybe it was not that extreme but it was infected so he put me on some antibiotics and we were on our way. Wherever we went, I wanted to show everyone my spider bite and how cool it looked. It was the first time that my mom had seen it and she was a little disappointed that I had not told her about it. But she was glad that I was okay because it could have been worse. No Mercy on Marcy Mountain The Adirondack Mountains are my home away from home. I love going there and just hiking. I don’t care who with.

I just like hiking the High Peaks which are 42 mountains over 4,000 feet in elevation. But the monster, Marcy, is the highest mountain in New York. I have climbed it, when I was 8 no less. Marcy also has a Dam but we will get to that later. Story commencing. When I was getting ready to leave to go up to Marcy Dam, the Dam at the bottom of Mount Marcy, my dad put a splint in his backpack. He is a doctor so he likes to be prepared if something goes wrong. And boy, did things go wrong. My second cousins Zach and Harry and their dad Todd came with us on our hiking trip and were staying at the same lodge.

When my dad and I came out of our room all packed up and ready to hike, Todd, Harry, and Zach came out of their rooms. Uncle Todd had this huge pack that was way to heavy and my dad tried to convince him to take some things out but he said no. My dad then said that we should probably get going. My dad enjoys hiking more than I do and he wanted to get started. We walk to the trailhead that leads to Marcy Dam and we get started. We trek the 2. 7 miles from the trailhead to the Dam and we take some pictures. We then continue on our voyage. We make it about half of the way up the mountain extremely uneventful.

We see the first people we have seen since Marcy Dam which are a sight for sore eyes and legs. We then make it to the top of the mountain and feel great. Our spirts are high. But they are brought down real fast. We notice a woman and a man sitting strangely. My dad looks closer and sees that the woman is injured. She has sprained her ankle severely. My dad gives her a splint and she tries to walk but we quickly see that it is not a way down. If she can’t go down she has to go up. We call the rangers station and they send a Med-Evac helicopter along with a 60 year old ranger up the mountain.

What took us 6 hours to climb this old man did in 2 hours. My dad can tell the helicopter exact coordinates because of a new watch he had just purchased. The helicopter can’t land anywhere so they have to pull her up with a harness. She is afraid of heights and says that she will not get in it. The boyfriend is supporting of her and says that they will just stay the night on the mountain. My dad says to him that if she stays up here she dies. So she gets in the harness and they take her away. My dad stayed behind and Zach, Harry, Uncle Todd, and I left earlier to make it back without it getting dark.

We had about one hour until we got down to Marcy Dam and Zach twisted his knee and couldn’t walk. So I had to carry Uncle Todd’s 45 pound backpack while he carried Zach. We finally made it back to Marcy Dam and Rangers where there waiting for us. There is a less traveled path that can access Marcy Dam by vehicles for emergencies. The two rangers brought a 4 wheeler with an attachable back for 3 kids and 3 adults. The attachable back was 5 feet by 3 feet. The two Rangers rode on the 4 wheeler and Todd, Zach, Harry, and I rode in the attachable thing. Most cramped time ever.

We finally made it back to their truck and we unloaded of the 4 wheeler and into the truck. It was a Rangers truck and there were speaks in the trees. I asked them what a microphone was doing in a truck as they told me to say something into it. I said hello and I heard it all around me. We drove back to the lodge and Zach got ice for his knee. I was a hero at the lodge because I had carried a backpack the size and weight of me for an hour and I was strong. At that time my dad came in from making it down the mountain and I gave him the biggest hug imaginable. I beat Marcy but Marcy bit back. Until next time Marcy.