Pirsig’s Theory Of Gumption Essay

If Quality is the personalized, Nirvana-like state of being, where one can be joined with their universe and everything inside of it, then Gumption is the way to get there. It is, as Pirsig describes it, “the psychic gasoline that keeps the whole thing going” (Pirsig 390), the “whole thing” being the pursuit of Quality. Gumption is the peace of mind that enables one to connect with Quality. It is extremely difficult to achieve, and all too easy to lose. It `occurs when one is quiet long enough to see and hear and feel the real universe, not just ones own stale opinions about it` (389). For example, Pirsig talks about a fisherman, returning from a three day fishing trip. He is at peace with himself and the world, having had three days alone…

Anyone searching for Quality begins their journey with no idea what they are searching for, but knowing they have to find it. They begin by stepping off of the beaten track, trying to find their own way. They discover Gumption, and how absolute peace of mind makes them feel different; they also discover how easily this peace of mind can be shattered. But they realize that Quality is not simply peace of mind. It goes much deeper than that. Nor is it simply a personal preference for certain things over others, depending on past experience. It encompasses all of that, but those are simply Gumption and quality. Finding true, ideal Quality takes much more work than mere meditation and peace of mind. The Quality searcher must be dedicated to changing their life. They must not falter or look back at the endless line of cars on the highway longingly. To search for Quality is to change every mindset, every idea. Taking pride in their transformation into a different person, more connected to the scenes around them, will help them keep their eyes on their end goal of Quality; as they continue they will find less uncertainty, more confidence, and much more enjoyment in how they live their…