Society Impact On Identity Essay

Identity is the sense of self and everything that can contribute to that sense. It is something that lies within ones mind and is very subjective. However, certain outside conditions can shape the way an identity can develop. Each persons identity and the way they define what their identity is can rely heavily on the experiences they have, mostly within their environment. While other factors such as gender and language can have a significant impact on identity, they are factors that can be greatly influenced or decided by ones society. Society has the greatest impact on an individuals identity, because it sets up the norms of an environment in which the individual is adapting to in a variety of ways.
Society can have a significant effect…

This is a thing that many minorities often deal with, whether it be race, sexual orientation, class, etc., especially within modern media through the form of representation. Society often places a large value on the idea of being “normal”, and for those who are misrepresented or underrepresented, this can make a large effect on one’s idea of self-worth. According to a study done by UCLA, white actors still hold a strong majority over minorities, and racial and gender stereotypes were still existent, though subtle (Darnell, Ram?n). As a minority, seeing less individuals of my ethnicity has influenced my view on the so-called “importance” of my race in comparison to those of white races. This often led me, as well as other minorities whom have been affected by this same issue, to internally believe that minorities hold less of a place in society than those who are not a minority. Society though, is generally becoming more progressive, so as time goes on, minorities are being more and more represented in a positive manner. This is leading to new generations of minorities becoming more empowered and generally respected, as the media can also influence the treatment of minorities. Modern society contributes to changing views of self worth within its…

Some may assert that other factors, for example, culture, include society within them but generally have a more tremendous impact on identity. To a certain extent, society is based on other factors, especially culture. However, society includes a larger array of one’s environment as a whole, and provides the norms and customs like those in culture for a person to connect with. It is clear that society has a much bigger hold on identity in terms of influence. The many components of society are what provide the framework for an individual’s identity.
Society’s hold on personal values and self-worth is what gives it the power to be a determining factor in the consideration of one’s identity. The influence of society creates the parameters in which an individual can determine how they view their identity and define the significance it has over their life. Existing social conditions within one’s environment are what create the largest effect on the idea of identity as a whole. The significance of society in defining identity can not be ignored, as many of the components of society are what contribute to the meaning of…