Sonnet 18 is one of William Shakespeare’s most famous and recognizable sonnets. It is a part of the Dark Lady series, which describes William Shakespeare falling in love with a woman he knows as ” dark lady”. William Shakespeare was not happy about falling in love with this particular woman and William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 explains his view on this and how he did not seek for love. William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 is a sonnet written in William Shakespeares English form of poetry that consists of 14 lines with 10 syllables per line.
William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 also has the same rhyming structure as William Shakespeare’s other sonnets, which includes: abab cdcd efef gg, though William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 does not use ‘quatrain’ or four stanzas like most other William Shakesperean sonnets do. William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 uses three quatrains instead and it is divided into three parts: an octave, a sestet and another octave that William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 follows.
William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 is written in William Shakespeare’s “English form” of poetry, which means William Shakespeare used iambic pentameter for this particular poem. William Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616 and William Shakespeares sonnet were published after his death in 1609; William Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets in total. William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 is the nineteenth sonnet from the Dark Lady series where William Shakespeare tells us about his love for a woman named “Dark Lady”.
In William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 he explains to his dark lady how her beauty has made him fall in love with her, but William Shakespears Sonnet 18 also tells a different story of how William Shakespeare tries to fight the feelings he is having for this woman. William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 describes William Shakespeare trying his best not to fall in love with ‘dark lady’ and that William Shakespere does not want his life to be trapped by these feelings.
William Shaepffres sonnets were written when William Shakespeare was 33 years old so William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 is part of an early collection of poems from William Shakespeare. In William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 he makes it clear that being in love with his dark lady has made him truly happy, but Theoctave” (the first 8 lines of William Shakespeares Sonnet 18) William Shakespeare then goes on to explain that he is not happy about falling in love with his dark lady and William Shakespere tells us why.
William Shakespere says that if William Shakespeare were to fall for his dark lady, William Shakespeare may face a beggerly life because William Shakespeares “rank” (William Shakespears social status) won’t allow him to live the life he truly wants: “… that thy rank (social status) hinders thee from marriage; That those thou hast already had (previous lovers), those thou still must have will soon be gone, leaving thee as bankrupt as before. “
William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 is composed of words that are created in iambic pentameter. William Shakespeare employed the rhyme scheme, ABABCDCDEFFGG which is called the Shakespearean sonnet. William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 is composed of an octet and sestet and typically progresses through three quatrains to a concluding couplet. William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 consists of poetic devices such as figurative language and imagery.
William Shakespeare employs these devices in order to enhance the meaning and create vivid images in the readers mind. William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 is full of imagery and wit, which William Shakespeare uses it to appeal to the senses of his audience. William Shakespears Sonnet 18 is one of William Shakespeare’s sonnets that has imagery. William Shakespeare uses images in order for his audience to be able to see what he sees, which is why William Shakespeare uses these devices.
Shall I compare thee to a summer” William Shakespear uses personification? William Shakespeare uses personification in order for his audience to be able to relate more to what he is saying, which William does by comparing the beloved to a summer day. William Shakespeare creates an atmosphere that makes them feel like they are actually there experiencing the moment with him. William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18’s purpose is to express his love for a woman who is unlike any other.
William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 also has imagery in order to create vivid images in the reader’s minds by William Shakespear using personification, metaphors, similes and onomatopoeia throughout William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18. William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 has a witty tone. William Shakespeare uses wit in order for his audience to be able to relate more of what he is saying which William Shakespeare does by using personification, metaphors, similes and onomatopoeia. William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 has a lyrical form of iambic pentameter.
William Shakespeare employs iambic pentameter in William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 which William Shakespeare uses to create rhythmic and lyrical tone. William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 has a witty tone of voice, William Shakespear uses humor throughout William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 in order for his audience to be able to relate more of what he is saying, therefore William Shakespear uses personification, metaphors, similes and onomatopoeia. William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 has a witty tone of voice throughout William Shakespears Sonnet 18.
In William Shakespeares Sonnet 18, William speaks about his lover as if he were not worthy of her. The tone of this poem is witty as William speaks about how bad he thinks he is for his lover. William uses personification when he says Humanity should praise thee. William also uses other rhetorical devices that add to the creativity of this poem. William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 is cleverly structured and refers to William’s life experiences in order to deliver its message.
In William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 William speaks about his lover as if he were not worthy of her, but in reality William was a very intelligent man who shares with us his experience in life through the use of different literary devices such as an extended metaphor, tone, and allusions which makes William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 a witty piece of writing.
In William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 William begins by saying “But me? demonstrating unworthy he feels for his lover as William continues William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 goes on to say Humanity should praise thee, William continues this pattern of thought William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 as William says “and yet” continuing this idea that William does not feel worthy of his lover. William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 also has a clear structure as William begins with a question then makes a general statement then asks another question continuing the same idea from the previous line.
William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 uses personification when he says Humanity should praise thee and rhetorical devices such as extended metaphor, tone, and allusions which adds to the creativity of this poem by William Shakespeare. In conclusion William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 is cleverly structured and refers to William’s life experiences in order to deliver its message.
William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 is a witty piece of writing due to William’s use of personification, extended metaphor, tone, and allusions which helps William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 goes on to say Humanity should praise thee, William continues this pattern of thought William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 as William says “and yet” continuing this idea that William does not feel worthy of his lover. William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 also has a clear structure as William begins with a question then makes a general statement then asks another question continuing the same idea from the previous line.